Episode 21 - The Portal

Episode 21 April 23, 2021 00:54:48
Episode 21 - The Portal
Compelled Dual
Episode 21 - The Portal

Apr 23 2021 | 00:54:48


Show Notes

Tensions between the Valcyne siblings reach a boiling point. Team Phi and Team Leo face off. Old and new friendships alike are put to the test. Everyone gets inexplicably good at rock climbing. Plans go awry in a way that will change the face of Illiri as everyone knows it.

The transcript for this episode can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CLoDsoIT53U2-DIONznVSVCDdsoFsHxcoLxZi795qV8/edit?usp=sharing 

Content warnings for this episode can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yQ_BTVx5ThrWCn_ifm76un89x2Gh9e4LNFvllaL_Lkk/edit?usp=sharing

The official playlist for this episode can be found at: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6AiXjy046rjyBZM8u0XLJ8?si=8bfd5b51a8134f5a

Music credits for this episode:

We Love Punk Rock by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6369-we-love-punk-rock
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Beginning Of Conflict  by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5288-beginning-of-conflict-
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Hard Metal Intro by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6598-hard-metal-intro
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
River of Io by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4296-river-of-io
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Near End Action by Alexander Nakarada
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4968-near-end-action
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
The Cold Battle by Alexander Nakarada
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/7515-the-cold-battle
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
The Gigantic Epic Day After Tomorrow by Sascha Ende
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/413-the-gigantic-epic-day-after-tomorrow
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey Al Hey Barry, what? Uh, Speaker 1 00:00:07 Aye. Speaker 2 00:00:09 I don't have a joke. This isn't funny anymore. It's time for compelled duel. Speaker 1 00:00:31 Hello Speaker 2 00:00:31 Everybody. And welcome back to compel duel. I'm Barry, Speaker 0 00:00:35 And unfortunately I've out. Speaker 2 00:00:38 Fortunately, we are a single player code, DMD, Dungeons and dragons, fifth edition, actual play pop Speaker 0 00:00:45 Less time on compelled tool lateral and for our of L sign. So each other for the first time, in five years, they had some interactions with each other and with their various divine patrons, and it became a race to get to a portal on a mountain above the city of <inaudible> before the other one could. And, Oh boy, did they get there at just about the same time? Leo found out that his ex fiance has been dead for three months and cast a fourth level blight, despite his previous lack of magical ability, as far as he was aware on his sister and did 20 damage. Yikes. Speaker 2 00:01:33 That was the part where we explain the mechanical apparatus that we have done within D and D. That's going to allow us to play 11 combatants with Speaker 0 00:01:45 Yeah. So what we did basically is we have paired off the members of team Leo and team fee into separate smaller combats. We rolled an initiative for fie and Leo, which fie handling handily won because of the alert feat. And so all members of team fee. So that's, Colossae Fen, Sabine Arivale, and Verity will be going first in their separate combats. And then we rolled initiative for each separate group to determine what order they're going to be going in. In this combat character Speaker 2 00:02:22 Are free to move out of their respective combats to do what they need to do. We have a battle map that we're going to be posting on the website and on all of our social medias when this episode airs. So you guys can kind of keep track of where we all are. So essentially what we'll be doing is we'll be building an image folder of everybody's positions at the top of each and then Speaker 0 00:02:45 Yeah, just so nobody gets lost in the middle of the combat. Because again, we're two people running Speaker 2 00:02:51 11 combatants. So we're going to see how this goes. This is highly effective, Speaker 0 00:02:56 Uh, sorry, for any bugs in it, we're doing our best. Speaker 1 00:03:04 So at the top of our order is fi you have just watched something impossible happen. Your brother, who was previously incapable of magic has done such a high amount of necrotic damage on you as to make you feel like you are half dead. What do you do given everything about the situation? Uh, Leo is also going to have to make a con save nine. As I got to do it, he's going to cast thunder step and Leah Speaker 0 00:03:48 Did not make the con save to not take damage from Speaker 1 00:03:50 That. So he takes 28 thunder damage. Oh my God. Okay. He's not looking good. What direction are you headed, buddy? I can Speaker 0 00:04:08 Teleport to any space I can see within 90 Speaker 1 00:04:10 Feet Speaker 0 00:04:12 Looks behind her and she teleports 65 feet away back onto the next Speaker 1 00:04:17 Stretch. Okay. And that brings us to Leo. So on Leo's turn, he is going to take his full 30 feet of movement up towards the Ridge. He still does have a line of sight on use. It's you're close to the edge. He's going to try to cast a whole person. I'm going to need fee to make a DC 15 Wiz. Speaker 0 00:04:42 That's a nine that doesn't make it. Speaker 1 00:04:45 We're paralyzed for the duration of the spell. At the end of each of your turns, you can make a whiz save on the success. The spell ends on you. So essentially you've got to burn your turn until you make it. Speaker 0 00:04:55 That was safe. Seeing this happen, Sabine is just going to try to go after the most visually intimidating person on team Leo, which is ed. She's going to draw, drop, even with him and cast Vien. Doesn't have a lot of combat smells. Shockingly. I expect her to be a Speaker 1 00:05:19 Spy. I'm sorry. Speaker 0 00:05:22 I know it's all good. That's going to make a DC 15 with safe mine. So be it tilts her head and says, isn't this just the wildest day. This is so funny. And as she says that she twists her wrist. So one of her bell cuffs, jingles, and then stomps her foot and like grinds the ball of it into the ground. So another one goes and casts Tasha's hideous laughter and said fails the wisdom. So he falls prone, hysterically laughing, and is unable to stand up for the duration of the spell unless he makes the safe Zed staggers forward. Speaker 2 00:06:07 And here's her make this joke. The spell takes effect on him. He goes down to Speaker 0 00:06:11 His knees. He goes, lady, Speaker 2 00:06:13 You got no fucking idea and just starts howling. Speaker 0 00:06:19 And I'm going to burn. Speaker 2 00:06:20 Said's turn to roll another whiz, save what's the DC, hold on 15. He just barely doesn't get it by one. He misses it by one. So his dad has burned his turn. Speaker 0 00:06:33 That's so sad. And then the next person initiative is one Arivale. And Mar I think Arivale sees that to Linda has a bow strapped to her back as a bonus action. She's going to go ahead and use her insightful fighting, which means she's going to make an insight check contested by till Indra's deception check. So Arivale for insight roles, a lovely, lovely 24, which I don't think mechanically till Andrew can roll at 24 on a deception check, she rolled a 10. So, Oh no. So that means that Arivale automatically has sneak attack onto for a minute, but she only gets one attack this round because she has already used her bonus action. And she can't cast Hunter's Mark because she has used her bonus action. So I think Arabic is going to use her movement five, 10 feet to draw even entendre and make an attack with their short sword. Speaker 0 00:07:38 She rolled another 24, which even with tinders and chanted armor is going to hit, but her damage wasn't super awesome. It's six plus sneak attack is eight. So a total of 14 damage. And then it is Colossus turn. She's going to use almost a full movement to draw even with Solyndra because Arivale is already there. And Calissa has a bit of meta textual knowledge. That two rogues up on somebody is a situation to then make two dagger attacks. And she gets advantage on both of those dagger attacks because Arabic is flanking. That's two 20 twos. Yeah. That's absolutely going to hit till Indra. Okay. So Calissa does a total of 23 damage until Andra with her two dagger attacks. And that is to understand. Speaker 2 00:08:33 So what's the lender's going to do is burned both her action and her bonus action without doing any damage for her action. She is going to use a hidden paths feature from circle of dreams to move ravine 30 feet back because she's right next Speaker 0 00:08:50 To him. And then Speaker 2 00:08:52 She is going to use a bonus action, teleport herself, Speaker 0 00:08:56 60 feet up onto the next Ridge. So with that movement, she is not all the way up on the Ridge. She's kind of hanging off the rocks, but she is back from the combat. And ravine is also back pretty much as far as he can get on the map, but she does not use any attack features or anything. She's just using her action to get ravine out of combat range and try to get herself on the high ground as much as she can. So the next person up is going to be Verity. So first thing that Verdi is going to do is she's going to cast a healing word on fee at third level and fee gets back 15 hip points. So that was Verity's bonus action. Then she's going to take her movement. She's going to push past Fen, Sabina and Colossae, and then she has her action. Speaker 0 00:09:56 She can't cast another spell, but she can test a can trip. She's got to cast thorn whip at ravine and yell. I'm sorry about this. You are so good at kissing. And she rolled a 15, which does hit ravine. Dharma class ravine is going to use his reaction to cast shield the thorns collide with this plane of magical force up in front of him. And he goes, yeah, you're really good at kissing too. I really wish this wasn't happening. And then its remains turn. Now he's burned his reaction, but he blinks Hurley and goes, Oh, and then he casts animate dead and brings up three discombobulated animals, skeletons around him as a buffer between him and Verity. He said, Al, even though he didn't take it, he took emotional damage is the thing. And that's where veins turn. Fantastic. So next in the initiative is Fen. Speaker 1 00:11:04 Ben has taken note of the fact that there is exactly one person on team Leo that does not have somebody up on them right now. So Fenn is going to take his movement and run up on me with his ex. Okay. So Fenn rolls, two attacks. Those are both gonna hit. Uh, actually he's going to burn his action surge and roll two more. Hey, Dave and Madras. So all four of those are gonna hit heroes four D eight and he adds plus four to every single attack. Three Speaker 0 00:11:56 Eights in a seven Speaker 1 00:12:03 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:12:05 Does 47 damage on one round, just absolutely hack and slash at me. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:15 Fenn burns has action. Surge absolutely lays into Mia. I think they go flying back against the tall rock wall of this bridge on the mountain and their body leaves an indentation and are crumbling in the rock behind them from an impact that seems much higher than their weight. They stand back up. There is like one small trickle of silvery blood that comes down out of the corner of their mouth. But other than that, they didn't feel that 40 something damage and they crack their neck. They look up at Fenn and they wink well, Hey, they're Slugger. And then they're going to make a couple attacks on him. Only one of those is going to hit. They are not close enough to anybody to get sneak attack. So they run back up on fan after he like hurls them back against this Ridge and they do nine damage. Speaker 0 00:13:20 Okay. And we are back up at the top of the order with fee. You are still under the effects of the hold person spell. So that is going to be a repeated with save, to get out of that 15. You are out, but that is your action. I'll take that. I'll take it. It's fine. Okay. And then we're over to Leo. He's got his animate debt up. So he has his three skeletons. He's going to use his bonus action to command the three skeletons to guard the Ridge from anyone on team fee that is attempting to climb. So all three of the skeletons are readying attacks for anybody from FI's team that tries to come up the Ridge and then he is going to use his movement. So that's 15 feet of movement up to the Ridge. And then, um, climbing these ridges fee. You thunder stepped up there, but just for precedent sake, if you are straight up climbing the ridges, it is 15 feet of your movement and a DC 15 athletics check. Speaker 0 00:14:21 Oh, I am. The lead does not make the check. However, Harold and natural to with his athletics, that's a four. So he tries to scramble up the Ridge and then slips back down. And then we are moving on to Sabine and Zed. Zed is still incapacitated on the ground. Laughing. It's not Sabine's fault that she's sexy and charming and funny. Like Sabine's going to give bardic inspiration to Colossae. He's going to yell at the Colossae. Your hair is really flattering for your face shape. And Colossae mid like recovery from a swing straightens, her posture. It looks back and just grins and says, thanks. What Speaker 2 00:15:07 Would you like to do for your action? Because that's a bonus action Speaker 0 00:15:11 For her action. She is going to cast fire bolt towards Mia because she just watched Fenn, hit them a bunch. And it did nothing who as a 19. Yes, that will most definitely hit. So may is going to take a big fat six damage. It does visually nothing. I think it Speaker 2 00:15:35 Singes the end of one curl of their hair that has escaped from Speaker 0 00:15:39 Their braid. And they blink Speaker 2 00:15:41 Over at it. Sniff glare at Sabina. Speaker 0 00:15:44 Go, you try that again. Speaker 2 00:15:46 I'll and you do you know how hard I work on this deep condition? Speaker 0 00:15:50 Yeah. And I just paid 10 gold for a facial, but you know, you win some, you lose some and then Speaker 2 00:15:55 Zed who has to burn his action to try to save out of this again. Uh, yeah. He rolled a 17. So he is gonna use this action to escape the safety sea on the Tasha's hideous laughter Zed stands back up. Cracks Speaker 0 00:16:12 Does kind of like the upwards bro nod at Sabina goes, man, Speaker 2 00:16:17 Imagine needing magic to be funny, couldn't Speaker 0 00:16:18 Be me. Speaker 2 00:16:21 And then, yeah, he's just going to use his bonus action to do an offhand attack on her, which isn't going to get any kind of bonus, but Speaker 0 00:16:28 Who he slugs her for five damage and goes, you know, Speaker 2 00:16:33 My mother raised me to respect women. So I'm going to respect you by kicking your ass. Speaker 0 00:16:38 Sabine takes that punch full in the face, reaches up and as a free action and wipe some blood out from under her nose and says, I'll remember that and then Speaker 2 00:16:50 Are over to Arivale and Calissa and to Linda, but to Leandra is way out of range. She's up on the Ridge. Speaker 0 00:16:57 I think caravan class, I kind of look at each other for a second and elevate shrugs and says, I can start shooting if you want to start running. And then she pulls her bow off of her back and then I'm going to roll the hit on the Longbow. Speaker 3 00:17:14 Ooh, Speaker 0 00:17:16 Hell yeah, that was the 22. And she does get to apply her sneak attack because of insightful fighting. So she's going to roll one D eight on the bow 2d six or snake tack plus five Christ. So that is eight, 14, 1722. Speaker 2 00:17:39 Really didn't like that. She's not looking so hot. Uh, Colossus attack Speaker 0 00:17:44 Colossae is not within range. Close is going to use her full action to dash. So I believe Colossae goes 60 feet Speaker 2 00:17:52 Is going to have to go back and around the back of Sabine. Otherwise she's gonna provoke an attack of opportunity Speaker 0 00:17:58 Was she does not want to do because he is a very large man and she is busy. Colossae does have cutting action as a Ken bonus action dash. Okay. Does that mean she can do a double dash Speaker 2 00:18:13 If you would like to climb the Ridge? No, she can not double dash because climbing the Ridge and making that athletics check, I would say would count as either an action or a bonus action. I would let you, Speaker 0 00:18:27 So she's going to do that kind of action. She's going to get 60 feet of movement and she's going to try to climb the Ridge. Speaker 2 00:18:33 She is going to provoke an attack for one of Leo skeletons to do that. They ready to actions and she is right by the goat skeleton. Speaker 0 00:18:43 Yeah. Well that attack 23, that handling it's glasses AC. Speaker 2 00:18:50 Okay. So John, the goat skeleton, Rams, her for six piercing damage with his horns. He rushes her, catches her right in the stomach. Speaker 0 00:19:00 Okay. Coalesce. It takes that goat, skeleton, the stomach she stops and like Cox her head to the side. And I think she side eyes, Leo and just nods to herself. And then she's going to make an athletics check to climb the Ridge. Come on. Colossae come on, come on, come on. Fuck. She didn't roll that Calissa Speaker 2 00:19:26 Leader with just scrabbling at this Ridge Speaker 0 00:19:29 Side, eyeing each other in deep disappointment. Okay. And then to Linda's up, she doesn't feel good. Speaker 2 00:19:37 So to Allendra teleported up to the top of the first Ridge, she is going to use bomb of the summer court, which is a circle of dreams thing to bonus action. Heal herself. She's going to go ahead and take six of those D six, because she does not feel good after Arabic gets her right in the shoulder with an arrow. So as a bonus action, she heals herself for 22 Speaker 0 00:20:00 And Speaker 2 00:20:01 She's going to stay where she is up on top of this Ridge. She has high ground. So that is going to give her advantage to fire back at Arivale. So she pulls back this bow, a gleaming arrow made out of light, appears in the bow and she lets it fly in Arivale with advantage. Cause she's on the high ground. Yep. She is just barely getting the tag Arivale with that for 10 damage. So she gets Arivale with this light arrow, right? And I think the arm that is already pulling back her bowstring for another attack and goes nothing personal kid. You're a good shot. And now we're down to Verity and romaine Speaker 0 00:20:42 As ravine raises at these horrible misshape and Frank and skeleton from the ground around him. There he goes. That is very upsetting. And then she's going to burn a wild shape to go starry form as she does that, she gets on her first bonus action, a rain spell attack to hurl and arrow. Adam that's a 14, which is just barely going to hit her vein. So that is 13 Radian damaged her vein, her whole body lights up. Just these points of like Starlight at her joints, connected with this silvery strands of light over her skin, connecting them. And she just rears her hand back and an arrow materializes in it. And she just fucking shot puts it at him. 13, 13 damage ravine, extremely didn't like that. Speaker 2 00:21:38 I really didn't feel good for our favorite squishy wizard. Speaker 0 00:21:44 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:21:44 This arrow to the shoulder. And then it disappears into demotes Speaker 0 00:21:50 Owl. I mean Speaker 2 00:21:52 Told me that this is what having a girlfriend was like, but I didn't think Speaker 0 00:21:57 Am I your girlfriend? Did we discuss, we'll talk about it later. Speaker 2 00:22:05 And then Verity is about to have a very bad time. Cause she's about to be on the receiving end of three skeleton attacks Speaker 0 00:22:14 And none of them fucking hit. Literally. I just rolled three D 20 and I rolled three sixes. These skeletons like try to attack Verity and she just matrixes her way out of the way and goes, Oh, I don't like that at all. I Speaker 2 00:22:29 Did not enjoy being shot. That wasn't fun. Yeah. He's going to run up on her NBN period. Touch her because she just took a lot of his hit points. And uh, can I use sweetie to give me advantage? Speaker 0 00:22:40 Yes, sweetie is a familiar sweetie. Can't give the help action at any point. I'm going to go ahead and do Speaker 2 00:22:45 That fourth level. Cause she put a hurting on me. Hey, that'll do it. That's a 19. Speaker 0 00:22:53 So Speaker 2 00:22:53 Takes 12 damage. I'm going to get six of that back for ravine on vampiric touch. Speaker 0 00:23:00 And now Speaker 2 00:23:00 We are down to Fenn and Mia. Speaker 0 00:23:04 So it's fine. I think emotionally he didn't enjoy hitting somebody and it having no effect on them. And also he's having some very confusing thoughts right now. So Finn's gonna interesting. The highest one was a 14 foot and tried Speaker 2 00:23:21 To take swings at Mia and missed all of them. Speaker 0 00:23:24 Yep. Every single one of them, the Nan dress, every single swing, a mess, Mia, completely Speaker 2 00:23:34 Not even having to move from where their feet are planted on the ground. Just Dodges out of the way of each of these swipes wiggles their eyebrows at van and goes, what's a matter champions, seem a little flustered and it's going Speaker 0 00:23:46 To try to hit him twice. Oh yeah. Both of those are going to hit. So they stabbed him twice for 15 damage. There's a moment after they say that we're fed is like trying to come up with a response and then they stabbed him twice and he says, I'm not flustered. I'm pissed. I mean, Oh, how pretty I am does make people angry. Fen takes a deep breath and puts a hand up and then puts it back down. And then we are back up to the top of the initiative with fi who you are now out of your whole person spell. So you have movement again. I'm not going to be able to see the top of that other Ridge. No, you cannot see it. It is another like 15, 20 feet up. It's going to be an athletics check to get up there. Yeah. Then fee's going to use her full movement. Try to get over there. And she's going to try to make that athletics. Speaker 4 00:24:43 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:24:43 I was a natural goddamn 20. Holy shit. Okay. You close on the bottom of this Ridge. And I think as you are just sprinting for this Rocky ledge, you can hear and feel thunder rumbling along the hymn of the gift of the storm bringer as it flutters around your legs and a burst of thunder actually propels you up into the air and your hands close around this Ridge and you scramble up Holy shit, miss Val, sign down at the bottom of the map where he still is. Cause he flunked that athletics check. Leo sees you go airborne and get a hold of the ledge, shakes his head and goes, well, if this isn't a metaphor for my childhood, I don't know what it is. So I'm not going to get my bonus action to command my skeletons this round because I'm using my bonus action to try to climb the Ridge. So let's do that first. There we go, buddy. That's a 17. Okay. So Leo scrambles up onto the first Ridge he climbs up right next to, to Linder looking extremely Haggard and to Linder goes nice work, very sarcastically. Speaker 0 00:26:02 He opens up one middle finger at her and casts spiritual weapon. I can't attack with it this round because I already used my bonus action to get up. So that's going to do it for Leo's turn. He's standing up on the first rage right next to, to Allendra. And then we are going down to Sabina and Zed Sabine who has just been punched in the face. Sabine, just wiping blood out from underneath her nose. She's going to pause. And I think she's going to shout to Verity it's okay. Rejection is natural. You'll find somebody better and then Verdi shouts back. I know, but I'm so sad. Okay. So that's part Speaker 1 00:26:44 Of the inspiration for Verity as well. Yes it is. And then Sabine turns back to look at Zed and says, this isn't going to be pleasant. And then she stomps her foot. So her Bella shingle and she has heat metal that doesn't have any weapons that makes you drop weapons. Zen does not have any weapons. He does have several facial piercings. Oh my God. Do I? What do I re I can't say from that there in his face. Nope. Yeah. For the record is that as devil piercings at a septum ring and he's got his tusk jewelry, which is right up against his lips. Oh my God. Speaker 1 00:27:38 I'm going to be nice. I'm just going to cast that at first level 2d eight fire damage and Zed has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability to ex then takes nine fire damage. As the seasonal piercings things, super heat spontaneously in his face, I think said staggers forward. And doesn't like yell in pain. He just screams. Why? Okay. And I have disadvantage on attack rolls. Jesus. Fuck. Oh, I rolled a 19 and a 17 though. So I am going to hit her. Okay. So that's going to be nine damage. So you're going to have to make a DC 10 concentration check to maintain concentration on that. Eat metal. That's the 12th though. Okay. So she's maintaining concentration. Yeah. I'm going to burn a key point and do flurry of blows. So I get two more attacks, but they're both with fucking disadvantage because I didn't break her concentration. That's not going to do it for the first one. Not going to do it for the second one either. It's just flailing around pie in his face. Screaming. Why? What are you homophobic? Speaker 0 00:29:06 Okay. Then we're up to Arivale Calissa into Lindros. I think Arabic is going to take another shot. 13. Not going to fucking hit. So Arivale tries to shoot at Tila. Andra misses, uh, casts, hunters, Mark, and yell, stick Alessa. Anytime you want to get up there, it would be really convenient. And Colossae like scrambling for purchase on this rock face, yells back. You know, I could do it Speaker 1 00:29:33 Without the commentary right now. Arivale it's really not constructive Speaker 0 00:29:37 What I'm trying to do here at Arivale back. And what you're trying to do is not climb up the rocks. Delondra it looks down the Ridge of the lesson goes, she's got you there kid. Okay. Fuck both of you. And then she's going to make an athletics check to try to get up the Ridge natural fucking tool. Colossae just Springs up. The fucking Ridge just goes, she gets up there. She is next to Leo, not to DRA. She looks like extremely hurt. She just yells. You are such a jackass. And then she's going to try and stab him. And she rolled a natural 18. I think she's like on the verge of tears. And then she's to swipe Leo for five damage. Huh? Is not feeling good. So to Linda gets an action and a bonus action. Let me check her out really quick. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:30:43 She's going to give him two D six off of her pool for bottom of the summer court and heal him for Wolf 12 damage. Thank you till Indra. And then use her action to do another hidden paths. She's going to zap him up to the other Ridge so she can not make any attacks or do any spells. She is going to use her movement to get back from Colossae though. So she's going to teleport Leo 30 feet. That gets him to the bottom of the next Ridge. And then she's going to use her movement to move along the edge of the first Ridge, but down to kind of get out of Colossus range. Okay. And then that's to Linda's turn we're down to Verity and ravine just first off as a bonus action, a Verdi is going to do that one to eight plus five damage from STARI, Archer eight damaged her vein. Speaker 0 00:31:43 There. It is going to yell well, if we're summoning friends and then she's going to cast Chondra Woodland beings, which is a fourth level spell. And she summons to dry ads that just pop up between the skeletons. And then both of these triads are going to Casha Layli and then do melee weapon attacks on, uh, two of her van skeletons. Those are both going to hit. The lower one was a 16. Okay. So one of the skeletons takes eight damage and the other takes, okay. That brings us down to our vein. Uh Ravina is going to order his skeletons to attack the dry ads. First one's going to hit. Second one is not. So yeah, the third one is also going to run up on the other dry ad and that one is going to hit. So dry ad number one is going to take three damage. Try number two is going to take eight damage Verdi watches her dry out to get hit by these Franken skeletons. And yes it's okay. Ladies, we got this. Your friends seemed really nice. I hate to do this costume empiric touch again, whole natural 19 Speaker 2 00:33:03 Nine damage gets four back for himself. Yeah. He smacks her with another fan periodic touch and goes. I am so sorry, but that really, Speaker 0 00:33:13 He says, I'm sorry. I don't. Speaker 2 00:33:16 I really feel like this is a mutually dissatisfying situation, Speaker 0 00:33:19 Right? Right. I don't think either of us is happy right now Speaker 2 00:33:25 We're down to Fenn and Mia Mia turns around over their shoulder, looking at this fractious behind them of like dry ads on skeletons and a ravine and Verity just in the middle of this combat talking to each Speaker 0 00:33:35 Other and goes, can y'all save Speaker 2 00:33:37 Your relationship drama for a more convenient time, please. Speaker 0 00:33:42 It's fence turn Fen yells. Can't help, but disagree. Not sticking around to discuss it. And then he does disengage as an action and he's going to go and run after me. Okay. Speaker 2 00:33:54 30 feet towards the Ridge. He is not in the threatened area of Leo skeletons yet. So that's his act. Speaker 0 00:34:00 Mia is going to run after him. Speaker 2 00:34:02 I think they skid in front of him to kind of halt his progress and they smile with their very sharp teeth and say, Oh darlin, are you trying to dip out on them? Speaker 0 00:34:13 Fen Samaras for a second. And then says, it's not a date is going to swing on him twice. Only one of those is going to hit. It's still a nine damage though. Oh man. Fen starting to not feel good. Yeah. Fens a tank. But that's, that's not an insignificant amount of damage that he's taken. Speaker 2 00:34:37 Okay. And then we are back up at the top of the order with fi VU scramble up to the top of this Ridge. And you could see these massive dwarven statues standing up in front of you surrounding something that looks almost exactly like the portals from the silent cities. It's a big stone circle on the ground. The same rooms that you're now familiar with, etched into the stone around Speaker 0 00:34:58 It dormant. Speaker 2 00:35:01 It doesn't look like anything about it is broken. It doesn't look like anything about it is non-functional but you are going to have to get around the statues. They are massive. Speaker 0 00:35:13 The Speaker 2 00:35:13 Bases of these statutes are 40 feet across and you would have to athletics check to scramble over them. You're going to have to go around unless you want an athletics check to go over. Speaker 0 00:35:23 No, I'm going to go around. Okay. Speaker 2 00:35:26 You can get like up to the corner of this first step. Speaker 0 00:35:30 Yeah. 30 feet. Isn't going to do it. So if he's going to go ahead and dash another 30 to get directly in the center, the portal, she braces herself. And there is just a moment where she takes a very deep breath and then she sets her draw. Like she has made a decision and she waits. Okay. Speaker 2 00:35:53 And now we're over to Leo. He is going to try to fucking climb this room. Natural fucking 20 Speaker 0 00:36:05 Finale folks. Speaker 2 00:36:07 So many not twenties to get up this fucking mountain anyway. Speaker 0 00:36:11 So far. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:36:14 No, that's when he's on attacks, but everybody is suddenly really good at rock climbing. Speaker 0 00:36:20 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:36:24 Running off towards the portal and just buoyed by rage and grief and loss and the utter unfairness of anything fucking false up the side of this Ridge gets purchased on the top and starts sprinting. Speaker 0 00:36:40 And he's going Speaker 2 00:36:40 To take a dash to get up to the corner of the statue. So he has a line of sight on fi and Speaker 0 00:36:47 On the portal. Speaker 2 00:36:50 That's Leo's entire turn we're down to Sabine and Zed. Sabine still has that heat metal going Speaker 0 00:36:57 Savine I think has noted that Leo has moved from the second Ridge. She takes a deep breath, says, fuck. Zed is going to take another 2d eight damage from heat metal as a bonus action, uh, 13. But then he's going to get an opportunity attack as Sabine just starts running. No, he doesn't hit. Sabina's just running. I think Sabine is going to take her full movement to run up on Fenn and may, as she takes another opportunity to tack from Mia Speaker 2 00:37:30 And this one's not going to be with disadvantage, Speaker 0 00:37:34 Mere rolled Speaker 2 00:37:35 A crit on that opportunity. Attack Speaker 0 00:37:38 12. Okay. So bean fucking eats that 12 damage grits, her teeth and to Fen, she says, hang on. And then she cast dimension door. Where are you? Speaker 2 00:37:50 You headed you. Cause you got up to 500 feet with that dimension door and you could take up to one willing creature. So Speaker 0 00:37:56 Sabina's going to dimension door them to the top of one of the statue that she could see on the Ridge. The nearest one to them. That is well within the 500 feet of dimension door. Since you guys are Speaker 2 00:38:09 On the head of the statue, I'm going to need Sabine and fend to give me deck saves to not fall off. Cause you're going to take about 40 feet of falling damage. If you don't Speaker 0 00:38:19 DC, 15 Sabine makes the deck safe and does not. Okay. Speaker 2 00:38:25 Hey, fan is going to take 46 falling damage. As he staggers on the head of the statue gets high centered. He's in heavy armor. He doesn't have great dexterity right Speaker 1 00:38:36 Now. So he's going to take 17 Speaker 0 00:38:41 Fall damage fans. Speaker 1 00:38:43 Max HP is 74. He's down to 24 head points and he just hits the ground face plants into the, Speaker 0 00:38:52 That he's up there. That was what spina was trying to accomplish. She does yell. Sorry. Oh buddy. How often does this lose? Often does is low. Okay. It's dad's turn Speaker 1 00:39:14 Sabine grabs Fenn teleports up there. Zed comes to the terrifying realization that the situation up on top of this mountain, as far as Leo goes is a three on one and he fucking books. It, he is burning a key point to do step of the wind. He is doing his max amount of movement taking a dash action burning step of the wind to double his jump distance and give himself an advantage on all of the climbing tracks on all of the ridges Zed. Maximum movement is 145 feet for this turn. So let me roll those climb checks, not 20 another, not 22 in a row. Mr. Stone blue Zed realizes that Leo isn't a three on one situation up on top of this mountain right now turns around at the glow of his facial piercings fading as Sabine disappears and just fucking sprints volts up both of these fridges in between Colossae into DRA up onto the top of this mountain. His maximum movement lets him draw in right behind Leo, on a diagonal. My God. Speaker 0 00:41:06 Okay. So that's, Arivale Calissa and Allendra Arivale takes note of the situation loud enough, the Verdi and Colossae can both hear her. She yells ladies. It appears that we are all congregating at the top now. And then she puts her bow back on her back and she takes off Speaker 1 00:41:26 Actions she can take. So what route is she taking? Cause there's a possibility she could take an opportunity Speaker 0 00:41:31 From either a vein or the well, that's why she's going to use disengage for her kind of action. Speaker 2 00:41:38 So for her cutting action, she's disengaging and then taking dashes. Speaker 0 00:41:43 Yeah. And she's trying to get out there. Speaker 2 00:41:47 She can't make the check to climb the Ridge because of taking her bonus actions to do various things. Speaker 0 00:41:53 She draws even with this rage and gets ready to climb. I think she has her portal key. It just like clutched in her hand and that's classes. Turn class is also going to use her full movement. I think class is also going to dash so 20 and then she's going to make an athletics check to get up the second Ridge cholesterol to 16. Colossae makes it up the other edge. And then she's going to dash Colossae gets up diagonal from Zed right behind Leo. And that's her turn Speaker 2 00:42:28 A can bonus action teleport up to 60 feet. So she's going to hop up on the Ridge as well after she sees everybody's scrambling up there. Speaker 0 00:42:35 She's closing Speaker 2 00:42:36 On where Leo's at and Calissa are grouped up. And she has a line of sight on everybody where she is right now, except for Sabine who's on top of the statue and for her action, she is going to drop a spike growth up the side of the statue and in the general area where Fenn is laying at the bottom. So she's basically making difficult terrain between Fen and Sabine and fi while giving Leo a clear shot, basically. Yeah. So everything between where Fenton Sabine are and fee is difficult terrain. So it's going to cost double movement. And for every five feet, either of the moves, they're going to take 2d for piercing damage. And now we are down to Verity and ravine who were just kind of hanging out on the bottom Ridge with all of their skeletons and dry Speaker 0 00:43:26 Verity looks up at all the commotion happening and then says stir a vain. I think it would be more inconvenient for us to get up there than it's worth right now. Do you want to kiss again? Yes I do. I think they both use their turns to make out. Yeah. Yeah. While they're dry ads in skeletons, go at each other, the dry editor's going to cast barks again, two of the skeletons do you hit though? Speaker 2 00:43:58 Either of them died, the skeletons each do four damage on both of them as sort of vain and very, he completely ignore the combat happening around them and fully make out. Speaker 0 00:44:10 And then Speaker 2 00:44:11 We have fan and Mia, although fan and Mia are very highly separated right now. So you go ahead and take fans action. He is prone in the middle of a spike growth spell. So he's going to take half as movement to get up anyway. And also he's in the middle of difficult. Speaker 0 00:44:28 Finn's gonna use that half of his movement get up. So he's got 15 feet left, but that's handled by the difficult terrain. So he's got seven, which I believe rounds down. So I think Fenn laboriously moves five feet and that's 2d for damage from Tinder spike growth. So he takes five damage fan takes that damage Fernandez tour Mayer, bloody, but standing raises his acts and readies and attack action for anybody that passes him. So Mia still down at the bottom of the Ridge with Arivale who is trying to climb and Verity and ravine who are just making out, looks at all of this shit that goes down around them. So like Fenn blinking out from, in front of them, Sabine dimension, dooring them up. They're Zed becoming the flash briefly and they just stand there and blink and go whale shit. And then they go and try to climb the Ridge and they don't do it. They go try to scramble up and they break a nail and they go, Aw, damn it. And then slide back down. Speaker 0 00:45:45 That puts us back at the top of the order, fi steps to the edge of this portal, visibly braces, herself casts, storm sphere. So it roars up behind her, the 20 foot radius sphere of just howling wind and flashing lightning. She looks Leo in the eye and she says, let's finish it. Snarls teeth bared and says, yes, let's and a third level Ray of sickness at her. So that's going to be a 17 to hit on that radio sickness. That's going to do it. You take 27 damage Romeo con save to check and see if you're poisoned. That's going to be with disadvantage because you are Australian. Speaker 0 00:46:49 Even with disadvantage, the 17, you're not poisoned, but you take that damage. And then he is going to use the rest of his movement. I'm skirting around the spike growth, but I'm headed towards the portal. We are going to drop out of initiative because as soon as Leo crosses within 20 feet of the portal, Celicas improvised portal. Key starts to pulse with the simply blue light, like a heartbeat where it is strung on a chain around Leo's neck. It starts to just be this white hot point against the material of his breast plate. And the portal starts to glow and slowly spin. It is like nothing you've ever seen before. Leo a teleportation circle is a relatively contained piece of magic and it goes off without much fanfare. This is a swirling cataclysmic vortex of raw magic and it just starts to go and it starts picking up. There is a moment where the gravity, and it seems altered as it starts to whirl in time with the roaring winds of FI's storm sphere Speaker 1 00:48:25 Fi lifts up off of her feet for a second. Speaker 0 00:48:31 You watch her eyes go big and terrible. Speaker 1 00:48:39 And Speaker 0 00:48:39 As you close to the edge of this portal, Speaker 1 00:48:45 She Speaker 0 00:48:45 Yeah puts one hand up to the base of her throat and inhales shape. Speaker 1 00:48:54 And then she sticks that other hand out to you. She in danger right now, Speaker 0 00:49:04 It seems like it, she has been propelled just a bit off of her feet. She's starting to fall back into this roaring for tax. Speaker 1 00:49:16 There is a simultaneously short and yet infinite moment where Leo looks at her and sees the fear. And in that moment, all of the rage and pain and grief drops away and he deflates a little almost and he reaches into the portal to pull her out. As we close on our story for now, we do not do so through the eyes of either layering or Ferrara bowel sign. We do so through the eyes of the witnesses of what happens next Sabine is on top of the statue. She burns every possible action she can trying to get down. Speaker 1 00:50:25 There's a moment where she considers dimension into the portal and then realizes that that won't work. And she just starts climbing down as frantically as she can. Fen bleeding, struggling fights back against this spike growth to take another inconsequential movements that he can't exit the spell with. And then we see things through dad's eyes set his fast. He can close this distance if he really feels like it. He's not encumbered by any of the spells, any of the areas of effects that are happening right now, sad watches, Leo reach out for fee and watches their hands lock and is the first person to see the magic of the portal arc out through fee's hand and into Leo. And he sprints, he runs as fast as he can for the edge of this portal. And there is one right moment of hope where Leo is solid and warm in his arms. And then as the other participants of this cataclysmic battle, look on both of the valves lines disappear Speaker 0 00:52:05 And that's it for season one, everybody, we fucking made it kids. I feel like I'm going to be sick. Oh, mood. Oh my God. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. So, um, yeah, 21 episodes later. Speaker 1 00:52:28 Here we are. Um, and there is so much more to come next time on compelled to <inaudible>. Speaker 0 00:52:54 Hey everybody. It's Berry hope. You're all doing okay. Cause we're sure not anyway. Uh, thank you guys for sticking with us through this entire first season of compelled dual. We have been so, so pleased to share this story with everybody. And now it comes time for us to discuss something. Maybe a little sad. Uh, we will be taking a six week hiatus while we plan record several episodes of and otherwise clean up two. Speaker 2 00:53:26 Not to worry. We will have stuff going on during the hiatus, we'll be posting lots of playlists on the official Spotify account. We'll have a bonus episode coming out for our patrons on Patrion. There's plenty of stuff. That's going to be coming to keep you guys out occupied during the hiatus, but we will be taking a break where new episodes will not be going up for the next six weeks as always here at the end of the episode, I'll plug our social medias. You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr and tech talk at compelled duel. You can also find us on Tik TOK at compelled duel, adios, where we post audio snippets from the show. We have an official Spotify account and official website, all sorts of cool stuff. You can find those linked on our various social media profiles. If you're interested in supporting the podcast, we ask that you consider pledging to our Patrion, our pledges start at just $2 a month and you can get things like early access access to bonus content, access to exclusive playlists on Spotify, even letters from your favorite character every month. Speaker 2 00:54:25 If you're interested in supporting the podcast in ways, other than pledging to the Patrion, we ask that you leave us a rating and a review on Apple podcasts that helps us get promoted to a wider listener base and grow our audience a little bit. And as always word of mouth advertising is the best advertisement that we have right now. So if you're enjoying the show, just tell three friends about it. And if they like it, ask them to tell three friends, our hiatus will end and season two will begin on Friday, June 11th, 2021. Or if you are a member of our Patrion, you will get access to that. On Thursday, June 10th, we will see you guys in six weeks. Thanks so much.

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