Episode 37 - The Sack of Pearlport

Episode 37 September 24, 2021 01:41:54
Episode 37 - The Sack of Pearlport
Compelled Dual
Episode 37 - The Sack of Pearlport

Sep 24 2021 | 01:41:54


Show Notes

Defiance's wrath descends upon Pearlport. It's up to our heroes to figure out how to save the city - and fast. Leo discovers some new tricks up his sleeve. Phi helps bring ancient and powerful magic into play. The Captain fights for his home. Sabine considers the consequences. With the situation growing more dire by the second, the crew makes a risky choice, and sails into the biggest storm yet.
The official playlist for this episode can be found at: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Ugb6G0MVbbLE4KCkFCveI?si=7f76232ca2404b1e 
Music credits for this episode:
We Love Punk Rock by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6369-we-love-punk-rock 
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 
Epic Trailer by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5647-epic-trailer- 
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license 
Dawn Of The Apocalypse by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5627-dawn-of-the-apocalypse- 
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 
Ready To Die by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5377-ready-to-die- 
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license 
Orchestral Trailer by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5374-orchestral-trailer- 
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license 
The Vikings by Alexander Nakarada
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5106-the-vikings 
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license 
Running Away by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5312-running-away- 
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license 
Blockbuster Atmosphere 10 (Relaxation) by Sascha Ende®
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/305-blockbuster-atmosphere-10-relaxation- 
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license 
Sehnsucht by Sascha Ende
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/2922-sehnsucht 
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 
Behind The Sword by Alexander Nakarada
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4755-behind-the-sword 
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license 
Escape by Alexander Nakarada
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4870-escape 
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license 
View Full Transcript

Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey Al Hey Barry, Speaker 1 00:00:04 What's a Rogue's favorite bagel topic. Well, he usually pinks locks. It's time for compelled tool. Speaker 2 00:00:12 <inaudible> hello everybody. Speaker 3 00:00:26 And welcome back to compel duel. I'm Barry Speaker 4 00:00:29 And I'm out. And we are a Speaker 3 00:00:31 Single-player Cody, M to D and D <inaudible> actual play podcast Speaker 4 00:00:37 Previously on compelled door Speaker 0 00:00:40 And expect us to lay down the lives of our people to fix the problems of a foreign nation on the word of a foreign diplomats, that things will be different. Speaker 1 00:00:50 If we do storm folk lives are already at risk. Would you rather them be risked in the name of building a world where this sort of thing doesn't happen over and over and over again? Or would you just prefer them to be shoveled into the gaping mall of the next hungry tyrant? If people are out of your fucking minds, more sailors or the people dying, Speaker 0 00:01:14 We won't stop with us, but it certainly us now. Okay. So with Leo and the captain, both having rolled Nat twenties to persuasion the conclave chamber erupts in chaos. Speaker 1 00:01:27 Oh, well that, wasn't what we wanted to have happen. When the mask comes off, he thinks he's still that scared little boy running from a responsibility that he couldn't handle. She thinks that there's an answer to all of this and that she's going to be the one to find it. I don't know how much I believe in the first part, but how can you look at her and not believe in the ladder? Just a little bit trying. I just, I can't pin her down better Speaker 0 00:01:58 Men than you have tried your Highness. Speaker 1 00:02:02 Enjoy your useless political posturing. Things are about to get a lot more entertaining. Speaker 0 00:02:08 What's wrong. Those are all fleet ships. Did you call for reinforcements? Speaker 1 00:02:14 They're all the ones we lost begs the question who Salem them and then the screams to start. And as defiance is ultimatum becomes reality. And the sack of Pearl port begins you, your brother and all of your young charges disappear into Pearl port, making your way to the Citadel feet. The situation around you is rapidly dissolving into absolute chaos, yourself, your brother, glasses, Lorelei, and you are booking it up from the docks of Pearl port. As a horde of Australian pirates begins to overwhelm the city overhead. There is a huge boom of thunder and the storm that has been moving in over Pearl port begins to just open up the heavens and pour down the rain. The five of you are just sprinting as fast as you can, trying to act on the captain's order to get back to the Citadel and warn the conclave. And now as your DM, I am going to give you a choice. Speaker 1 00:03:38 There are three ways that you can get back to the Citadel and for any of the options that you can pick. I am going to be rolling a D 20 to determine if something bad happens. Your first option is to take the back alleys and passageways that the captain led you to the Citadel through the first time you went up there, that is going to take the longest time. It is going to be time consuming to get up there that way. But when I roll that D 20, it is only going to be a 25% chance that something very bad happens. The second option is taking the main streets up through the city, which is going to be faster. But when I roll that, <inaudible>, there will be a 50% chance for something bad to happen. The third option is by taking the cable car that you saw when you came out of the Citadel and started making your way back down to the docks, that will get you up there very quickly. But I will be rolling a D 20 with a 75% chance that something really, really bad is going to happen. You are the head of the pack right now. So this is your call. What would you like to do? Speaker 0 00:04:55 I, as a player am inclined to take the second option, but feed doesn't know that there's a 75% chance something bad's going to happen. And I have Speaker 4 00:05:04 To play my character. So we're taking the cable car. Speaker 3 00:05:09 You grab Leo motion, the kids after you, and the five of you pile into this cable car that has been just abandoned at its station right inside the gates. Chaos is already erupting around you. You see pirates moving down through the streets, cutting down, whoever crosses their path. You cram into this cable car. There is a small lever in what looks to be a little conductors apartment in there. Are you going to go ahead and pull it? Speaker 4 00:05:38 Yeah. I'm going to pull the lever. As you pull Speaker 3 00:05:40 This lever, some sort of mechanism clicks above your head. It seems like it's being magically powered in some sort of way. And the cable car lurches forward and starts making upward progress over the mountain. As you move on, you get higher and higher up Speaker 4 00:05:56 Until Speaker 3 00:05:57 This car is suspended off the ground. Probably 50, 60 feet up. Speaker 4 00:06:03 Now I am going to roll that D 20. And if Speaker 3 00:06:06 I roll a 15 to a 20, Speaker 4 00:06:09 Nothing bad is going to happen. If I roll under that, things are about to get nasty 13. You are Speaker 3 00:06:22 Suspended over the city, making your way upwards. You're about halfway up Speaker 4 00:06:27 The mountain, watching all of this carnage unfold beneath you. And Speaker 3 00:06:32 From the other side of the car, you hear glasses go, Speaker 4 00:06:35 Oh, shite. I'm going to try to see what glasses looking at real perception. It's an 11, wasn't a Speaker 3 00:06:45 High DC. As you move across to the other side of this cable car, you look down and on the ground, you see one of the pirates that has been running through the streets, looking up at the cable car, as it makes its progress up Speaker 4 00:06:57 The hill. They raise their Speaker 3 00:07:00 Hand and a bolt of fire appears in it. This person is a major Speaker 4 00:07:05 And they Speaker 3 00:07:07 Shoot out the rope where the cable car is. And you all begin to fall. There is this lurching in your stomach. As you all go into free fall in this cable car and glasses lets out a stream of Ocwen cursing that you have a feeling would make doc twist his ear off the side of his head. If she were there to hear it, he just reaches down to his belt. And as a reaction pulls out Speaker 4 00:07:34 A gun, shoots it at Speaker 3 00:07:37 The floor, beneath your feet and lets off a round. It is deafening inside this cable car and you hear Laura lice scream, Speaker 4 00:07:45 But Speaker 3 00:07:46 Glasses. His gun because of his artificer stuff is an arcane focus. And he is able to use his reaction to fire off, around to cast feather, fall on Speaker 4 00:07:55 All of you, the cable car Speaker 3 00:07:57 Crashes into the ground, still in free-fall and just utterly falls apart around all of you. But right before you all hit bottom, you are stopped by this plane of magical Speaker 4 00:08:08 Force that keeps you upright and sits you down gently on your feet. You do Speaker 3 00:08:14 Not take any falling damage, but that was still pants, fittingly terrifying. And you are standing in the middle of a smaller square about halfway up through Pearl port, still on the main street. It seems like most of the violence has not reached you yet Speaker 4 00:08:33 Is the major that shout out the rope in the square with us. Speaker 3 00:08:37 No, they are quite a ways behind you. The momentum of the car was moving forward when it got knocked down off the cable. So you continue to fall forward for quite a ways they're out of combat range Speaker 4 00:08:51 For Speaker 3 00:08:51 A moment. It's just the five of you standing there. Glasses is still cursing and reloading his gun. Lorelei is trembling. Speaker 4 00:08:59 You screamed Speaker 3 00:09:01 In a very undignified way as you went down and is looking a little bit embarrassed about Speaker 4 00:09:06 That. And Leo's Speaker 3 00:09:08 Eyes are taking up roughly half of his face as he gets unsteadily to his Speaker 4 00:09:12 Feet. All right, thank you, glasses. Dust yourself off. No time to think about that. Everybody run. You run forward Speaker 3 00:09:22 Into this square as you're moving up. What you now see as a main road headed up toward the Citadel. You see houses scattered around, you carved into the stone, Speaker 4 00:09:32 A couple more of those big kind Speaker 3 00:09:34 Of featureless statues that you saw when you were out with Sabine at the fish market, Speaker 4 00:09:39 Standing guard over the square. And then out ahead of you, you hear a snarl Speaker 3 00:09:48 And a scream, okay? What's happening. Speaker 1 00:09:54 You have to move about 50 or 60 more feet down the road before you get there. But standing at the door of one of the houses lining this little road and tiny marketplace, that's out in the square. You see another what appears to be a and battle major pirate watching over three ghouls as they claw their hideous necrotizing hands down along the wooden frame of this door, rip it off the hinges and move into the house. There's another scream. And about five seconds later, you see the ghouls pull to storm, poke out through the front door of this house. One is a taller skinnier man with short red hair that flashes gold and green under the filtered Moonlight through the storm clouds. And the other is a shorter woman with long dark hair, very pregnant it's Sabine's friend Mira that you met in the fish market. I am now going to need everybody to roll initiative. Speaker 1 00:11:06 I'm going to use what I have. April's 25. Okay. Leo rolled a 24. You get advantage on initiative because barbarian things 19, okay. Ma'am glasses rolls of fat negative one, two initiative. So he got an eight and Laura like it's a plus four, which has her coming in with a 21. Our necromancer friend gets a plus two. Well they're not our friend and rolled a matte one, which means you guys get a surprise around and the goals are going to roll as a group. They get a 21, but Laura has higher decks than them. So she'll be going before them. All right, here we go. So I'm going to pull up our battle map fee. You are starting us off. What would you like to do Speaker 0 00:12:04 As a reaction? I'm going to gesture at glasses, Lorelei and you and yell get out of here. And I will roll intimidate to make them get the fuck out of here if you want. No, they all look Speaker 1 00:12:17 Sufficiently freaked by the situation. And aren't feeling super confident after having fallen from a great height just now. So they're all going to use their turns to run off and hide. Speaker 0 00:12:29 And then I'm going to cast a fifth level, which builds on our, uh, necromancer friend. I rolled an eight, but because of my modifiers and the fact that my orb is a plus one spell focus, which I keep forgetting whenever we do combat, it's an 18 Speaker 1 00:12:46 Hit. And I believe that will be five D 12 damage. It sure will be five V12 damage. Speaker 0 00:12:54 I'm going to spend one sorcery point to do empowered spell so I can reroll up to five of the damages dice. Hey, Speaker 1 00:13:05 Hey three, Speaker 0 00:13:08 Hey aye. Three of them. And they all rolled as Eleven's. I want to say for posterity. So that's 48 lightening damage. Speaker 1 00:13:21 Oh, necromancer. Didn't like that. And now we are down to Leo. Who's actually going to be a cleric for once in his fucking life. He's going to move 15 feet down the map into the middle of this tangle of ghouls who still have Mira and her husband in hand. And he's going to do a neat little trick called turn on dead. All of the ghouls who get a big fat plus, nothing to wisdom are going to make wisdom saving throws, and then we'll just see what happens next. It's a DC 16 Speaker 0 00:13:54 Rule. Number one Speaker 1 00:13:57 Rolled a Nat one fails who'll number two rolled a 19 saves Google number three rolled in that 20 saves. So Leo has enough cleric levels. Now that he's got this fun little thing called destroy on dead, where if any undead creature fails, it's saving role against his turn on dead feature. If it's a challenge rating one or lower, it is instantly destroyed. So the goal that's got Mira by the hair, just evaporates into dust with a scream, as he raises his knife and a blinding flash of light comes out of it. He laughs victoriously ha and then he looks around and sees that the other two ghouls are still alive and right up on him and goes, oh, next up is Lorelei who is using her action to hide. So she's gonna roll stealth. It's a 14, which is definitely high enough for her to be able to hide. She runs off behind a couple of broken crates on one side of the street and hunkers down. Speaker 0 00:15:08 And now the ghouls are up. Speaker 1 00:15:10 And because Leo was too fucking cocky and ran right down into the middle of them, the remaining two goals are both flanking him. So they're both going to get advantage to hit him. So first one is going to roll to hit with advantage. Doesn't hit second. One's going to roll to hit with the advantage. Doesn't hit Leo blasts. This goal into oblivion turns around to see the other one's still alive, goes pup and with roguelike grace darts out of the way of their gaping salivating Speaker 3 00:15:45 Maus, as they both try to take a bite out of him, Speaker 4 00:15:50 Very similar. That's my brother. And it doesn't do anything because it's not her turn. Okay. We're Speaker 3 00:15:57 Down to you. Who is listening to people for once. I'm going to try to hide. She moves 20 feet to hunker down beside a broken down cart, and she's going to roll style Speaker 4 00:16:10 Nine. You was not able to hide and Speaker 3 00:16:14 Glide is running off in the same direction as her also going to try to hide. He gets negative. Speaker 4 00:16:20 A three, you and Speaker 3 00:16:24 Glasses are both just sticking way up over the back of this card. As they try to hunker down, they are very obviously still there up next. An initiative would be the necromancer, but he rolled a Nat one. So he doesn't get to go this round. So we're back up with fi who still has concentration on that. Speaker 4 00:16:46 Oh, you know, I'm rolling another five D 12 automatic damage on this man. Speaker 3 00:16:51 39 damage. Oh, he's dead. He's a scorch mark on the pavement. He's gone. Speaker 4 00:16:56 And then I'm going to do quick and spell to cast another witch bolt at one of the goals. Okay. Roll to hit on that 19. Speaker 3 00:17:05 That will absolutely hit a what level are you casting that up? Speaker 4 00:17:09 I'm going to do it at third level. Just to be safe. Okay. That'll be 3d 12 damage for me please. I'm gonna go ahead and use empowered spell again so I can reroll someone that's 26 damage and I'm gonna use my movement to run up to the within five feet of Leo. Okay. And Speaker 3 00:17:28 Then we are back down to Leo who is going to turn on the last remaining goal, spin his knife around his finger cowboy style and try to stab it with an inflict wounds. That third Speaker 4 00:17:39 Level Speaker 3 00:17:41 23 that's going to hit. Absolutely. So I'm going to roll five details, damage. Speaker 0 00:17:49 And can you do me a favor and add your sneak attack to that? For me Speaker 1 00:17:53 Sneak attack, doesn't apply to spells and only applies to melee weapon attacks. Yeah. Normally why just go ahead and roll it for me. Okay. So I'll add a D six to that, I guess. Plus sneak attack Pope six. So I think my sneak attack for whatever reason, that was 33 damage. The last school is dead and the combat is over Leo. Speaker 0 00:18:21 As you twirl your knife around to cast this inflict, wounds it glows with this very familiar purple silver lights and pulses in a weird way that it doesn't usually do when you're casting spells with it. You watch as there is a kind of hazy shape of this purple silver light behind the school. And as you cast your spell, it coalesces into the shape of a knife that matches Kimball's blade and sinks into its back and Speaker 4 00:18:56 Your magic item has leveled up. Speaker 3 00:19:01 Okay? Yeah. Well, the goal's dead. It drops to the ground dead with that damage that I just did to Speaker 4 00:19:06 It. And Leo looks down at the knife blinks a couple times. Huh? Didn't know it could do that. So the level up on camera's blade, in addition, and to what it normally does, which is lets you do max damage on an Akkermansia spell once per day. It now also lets you add sneak attack to a spell three times prolonged rest. Speaker 5 00:19:33 Oo mifty. Speaker 3 00:19:41 And with that Leo smirks fiddles with the purple stone on his Bracer and the knife disappears back into Speaker 4 00:19:48 It. And he looks down Speaker 3 00:19:50 At Mira and her husband, neither of whom he has met before, but that know you Speaker 4 00:19:55 Fee earliest mirror does and nods up towards the Citadel and goes, you two might Speaker 3 00:20:02 Want to move that way. Shit's about to get extremely bad in the city. Mira looks up at you fee because you're familiar and goes, what Speaker 4 00:20:10 The fuck is going on? See grandma's is, uh, the Australian pirate fleet is leading the city through the docks. So being the captain are down there handling it, but we are going to go and form the conclave and see what can be done about it on a more structural level. So I would suggest you move away from the docs who already tweet butts of war and the neighbors on them come on and they Speaker 3 00:20:37 Start knocking on doors, down their street, yelling at everybody, you know, get out, move towards the Citadel. We're under attack, things like Speaker 4 00:20:44 That. Very cautiously. Speaker 3 00:20:47 You see the heads of glasses, Laura lion, you poke up behind where they've been. Speaker 4 00:20:53 That was good. You three should always do that. When we are in battle, let's go. They all move out of their various hiding spots Speaker 3 00:21:03 Has a little mechanical contraption on legs. That is skittering along behind him. It looks like a little baby Cameron with Speaker 4 00:21:14 That is deeply horrifying. I think it's sorta cute. It's one of my new projects that Speaker 3 00:21:20 Shoots forest magic of people. Whenever I tell it to you Speaker 4 00:21:23 Anyway, let's go. And he loops Speaker 3 00:21:25 Laura lives shoulder and leads her up the street behind you as his awful little cannons skitters along Speaker 4 00:21:31 Behind you ha Speaker 3 00:21:34 I'll make a super difficult encounter if I don't roll well on that D 20, I said, it's going to cause a lot of damage to the party. I said, Speaker 4 00:21:42 Look, it's nobody. Else's fault that you forgot that your Clara has an ability, man. And that's fair. The five of you keep moving up through the city of Pearl port towards the Citadel. It's getting on nighttime. At this point, the sunset was probably about an hour ago. By the time you got up to the Citadel. So things are winding down. What are you doing? Speaker 3 00:22:12 Moving into the main Citadel building as quickly as possible and demanding to speak to somebody with authority. Speaker 4 00:22:20 I think they have stationed somebody outside the door to the conclave chambers given what happened earlier, I feel Speaker 3 00:22:28 Bad for him. This person they're just doing their job, but I am going to push past them and open the doors. If I have Speaker 4 00:22:34 To, the conclave of the Zephyr, Isles are still in this chamber. Everybody's like packing up various papers and notes. There's like idle, chit chat going on between the seats you walk in. And I don't think everything goes silent, but the eyes of the eldest legislator lock onto you. And she just goes by Tamara's hammer what? Leo Speaker 3 00:23:02 Didn't take it either damage from that combat. So he's not bleeding, but I would assume he is still very ruffled and has some gold blood all over him. Just looks over at this lady kind of manic and ghost. So remember how I told you that the lives of your people were already on the line per port is being sacked by Australian pirates right now. Speaker 4 00:23:25 What are you? Pirates ships, swords blood in the streets, Speaker 3 00:23:32 Undead that we just had to kill. Do I need to elaborate further to get some fucking, Speaker 4 00:23:39 Do you have any way to like prove to them that this is happening? Speaker 3 00:23:45 Um, Mira and her husband aren't with us, are they? Speaker 4 00:23:50 No, they were down morning. More of their neighbors. Shit. Let me look at my spell sheet. The only thing I've got paired that could be used as Speaker 3 00:24:03 Evidence maybe is I've got Speaker 4 00:24:06 Clairvoyance, which has a range Speaker 3 00:24:08 Out up to a mile. It just has to be a place I've seen before that I could put up a sensor to either see or hear technically the spell says that I see or hear, is there any way that I can like use my crystal ball to show them and use it as like a focus? Speaker 4 00:24:27 Yeah, I think that's fine. I'll let you do that. I cast clairvoyance and choose the seeing option and just Speaker 3 00:24:35 Hold the call out to this older legislator. I'm going to set the sensor for the square where we, that Speaker 4 00:24:40 Fight images, swirl and coalesce in your crystal ball, ghoul bodies strewn across the road, the body of the necromancer that you killed the citizens of federal court, running around, knocking on doors, waking each other up and trying to evacuate. And this older legislator brings one hand. It is like trembling a little bit up to her mouth and goes not here to say, I told you so here to say that we need to do something about this. W why would, what do they want? Speaker 3 00:25:22 Given my knowledge of the overarching political situation, Speaker 4 00:25:27 Me dead, my sister in custody and given my knowledge of defiance per port, Speaker 3 00:25:37 Big political player with big ambitions, getting to take the city as collateral would probably Speaker 4 00:25:41 Be her dream scenario. You wash this older woman's jaw set very firmly. And she says, well, that's not going to fucking happen. Leo Speaker 3 00:25:56 Looks over at her with good bit of admiration, nods and says, first thing we've agreed on all day legislator. I am enchanted to hear your proposition of how we're going to prevent it from happening. Speaker 4 00:26:10 There are just like murmurings as various legislators. I'll start talking to each other. After a pause, someone from further up in the risers clears their throat. And in Ocwen says legislature, the net, this older woman goes that's and she reaches up to grab at something under her shirt that you can't really see. That's not a bad idea. She gets up from her table and starts walking around it. She at the other legislators that are down at like the middle ring with her and they all get up, start getting orders to the people higher up in the risers, telling them to go warn the matrons and gather up the acolytes and start showing up defenses and things like that. This most senior legislator looks at you and fi and says, well, there's a reason the city of car parts never been taken before. Hasn't been used since the time of my great grandfather's book. We'll have to dust it off. I suppose she pulls a chain out from under her shirt and on it, you see a big, a big sized jam. And from behind you fi inhale sharply, and then this elder legislator curls one hand around this jam and says, right, you two seem like strapping young people. You mind escorting an old woman through this chaos. Speaker 3 00:27:48 Uh, what part of there are very violent pirates directly outside was not being conveyed. Clearly Speaker 4 00:27:58 She narrows her eyes at you. I that's why I'm asking you to, to come along. Why the hell not fi you game? Uh, sure. Where are we? Where are we going? And this older legislators already walking past you, no idea. Let's go as this older legislator heads out through the foyer over her shoulder. She says the security system that I'm hoping to invoke was built by Damara. When she built the rest of the city, the woman wasn't known for over-complicating things, but thought it would be best if that was more than one component to something that's as potentially dangerous as this. So one she left with, she raises the jam again and kind of wiggles it as she's stepping around that big portal sound in the foyer, on the other. She left with the religious authorities at the time. Obviously things have evolved and changed since then, but she's reaching the front door of the Citadel by now. So she makes a gesture like left wise and she says to the old Powell part temple is within walking distance. I look to keep a head on my shoulders though. So I appreciate the company. Yes, sure. Back Speaker 3 00:29:16 Out into the streets, teeming with violent pirates as previously discussed, Speaker 4 00:29:21 Let's go, this legislator leads you and fi out of the Citadel down the street, she seems to know exactly where she's going, but you can hear the fighting approaching of the streets. She just leads you through the Citadel campus. And off of it down a street around a corner to a storm folk temple. It's not a particularly grand one. It's pretty small and like visibly ancient. She leads you into this square in front of it, nods to herself and says, just need to talk to a couple of people and pick up a thing or two from in there. And then we can get this started and everybody roll initiative. Speaker 1 00:30:11 God damn it. 12 Speaker 0 00:30:15 Fi gets a 17 and the pirates are going to roll as a group. So they're going to get a 19. And the elder legislator gets negative two to decks, but she rolled a 16. So it's a 14 as your eyes kind of adjust to the level of light in the square. You see, there is an, a Sherry and pirate with a sword out trying to Ram the doors of this temple. And there are three other pirates kind of spread out around the front steps of it. And they see you. And all four of them rolled higher initiative than fee Leo or the legislator. So things are about to get interesting. Speaker 1 00:31:03 Can we at least establish our positions before they come after us? Yeah, absolutely. Okay. I'm going to grab feed and pull both of us in front of the legislator so that they can't get at her without having to go around us. Speaker 0 00:31:20 The pirate on the door is going to stay there. The other three are going to run up on three of you. One's going to run up on Yulia. One's gonna run up on fie and one's gonna like Dodge around her to go for the legislator shit. So I'm going to roll for this pirate on the door. The mechanic for the door is that he needs to do a minimum of 20 damage at wants to break it down, wrote an out one door does not break this round. So now it's time for the other fire. It's first is the one on you. Leo, he's going to make two long sword attacks, 14 and a 12. Leo goes full rogue mode again in Dodgers, out of the way of both, but as a reaction, his friend next to fie is going to use his shape up your dog ability to let him reroll. One of those, Speaker 1 00:32:23 I'm sorry, I get that. This is a bad situation, but I can not take it seriously that these NPCs have something called shape up IE dog as a feature. Speaker 0 00:32:33 That's what it's called. That's the name of the feature. Uh, anyway, it would be really funny if it sits right now on Speaker 4 00:32:43 Now, it's time for the one that's up on fee. Those are both going to hit. The lowest one is an 18 fees, ROL classes of 16. So that's two D 10 plus 10 damage 21. And then the one that's up on the legislator is going to roll and fee's is going to impose this advantage because of her shield, which is good. Cause one of those is in that 20, but with an 18, that attack is still going ahead. And I'm going to roll the second one without disadvantage because she can only do it once per turn. It's a 21. That's also going to heads 22 damage on the legislator. And then we are finally past all the pirates and at fees turn. So fee is going to, first of all, do a lay on hands on the legislator for all that she's worth, which is five hit points. Speaker 4 00:33:41 And then she's going to do a quick and spell and cast a fifth of a winch bolt on the pirate in front of the legislator as a 17, which is going to hit. So that's five D 12 damage, and I'm going to use empowered spell. So that's one more surgery point fee is running low on those 44 damage. Huh? All right. Well, he's looking very rough on a scale from one to 45. He's at a one right now, and that is quite literally every single thing that he can do. So it was Leah's turn as a free action. Speaker 3 00:34:26 Leo turns over to fi and yells. You get these clowns, I've got the door and then he is going to move 20 feet forward to be within a 30 foot range of the door. That is going to mean he's going to take an opportunity attack from the pirate. That's next to him. Speaker 4 00:34:42 It's all right. He rolled a nine. I'm Speaker 3 00:34:46 Going to run up to be within 30 feet of the door. And I'm going to cast guardian of faith in the doorway directly in front of the pirate. That's Speaker 4 00:34:54 True. Remind me, does the creature that's in the smells rainbow when spawns Rolodex save when the spell spawns or on their next turn, Speaker 3 00:35:05 First time it enters the effect. So yes, he is going to have to Speaker 4 00:35:07 Roll a deck, save and clarify for me, you're casting it right in front of the door. Would that affect anyone that is on the other side of the door? Speaker 3 00:35:15 I am allowed to specify creatures that take damage. I can specify when casting the spell that it is only going Speaker 4 00:35:22 To attack these pirates. Oh, damn. Okay. I'll make that XF. That's a nod 20 that's. Okay. Speaker 3 00:35:30 The way guardian of faith works is that it does either an automatic 20 or an automatic 10 damage to creatures that it specified to attack. So he's still going to take 10 damage. And if he starts his turn in the spell again, which he will, he's going to have to roll Speaker 4 00:35:46 It again. And then I have Speaker 3 00:35:50 An idea. I want to run it by you as a DM. Speaker 4 00:35:54 Okay. Speaker 3 00:35:55 Per my rogue stuff with my dual wielding that I do, I do get an offhand bonus action attack. I just cannot add my proficiency bonus to the attack role. When I rolled a hint, Speaker 4 00:36:08 Can I drop Speaker 3 00:36:09 This spell and then whip around and Chuck Kim rolls blade at this guy, that's up on the legislator that has one hit point. Speaker 4 00:36:17 You can certainly try 11. I don't do it. Yeah. That's not going to hit it's the legislator's turn. She's going to take a Dodge action so that the next attack made on her head disadvantage. And then it's the pirates. Again, the one in the door is going to make another deck save because he starts his turn in range of the guardian of faith. It's a 17. He does it 10 damage. And then he is going to stumble back from the glowing shield and sword of your guardian of faith emblazoned with the symbol of Kimra, the Lord of bones, understandably alarming for him. And then he's going to whip around and he is going to run at you down the steps. And he's going to get up into your space and make two long sword attacks. Neither of those hits, his friends are going to use their shape up, eat dog reactions though, to let him reroll, uh, that's an 18. And then a second, one of his buddies is also going to do that, that one's going to hit too. So that's going to be two D 10 plus 10 damage, but that's only 12. Did you roll two ones right now? Yeah. Okay. Speaker 3 00:37:39 Yeah. So I'm guessing Leo is still dodging pretty well, but just takes a couple of swipes. Speaker 4 00:37:44 And then the second pirate who was already engaged with you is going to run back up on you. And because the first one is flanking, he gets advantage on both of these long sort of attacks. So first one, that's going to do it. That's 23 and the second one as a 16, that's just going to hit. Okay. So 2d 10 plus 10. That's going to be 20 damage owl. That didn't feel good. Third pirate is still up on fee. So he's going to roll two long third attack. Okay. No. Well, one of those is a Nat 20 and um, I, I have to the monsters now what they're doing, I have to the fourth pirate who has one hip point left is going to use one of his ShapeUp ear dogs, abilities to lead the other guy reroll, the second attack that's going to head. So it's going to be a total of three D 10 plus 10 damage. Oh my God. 35 damage. Fuck, Speaker 3 00:39:01 Man, this isn't good. How's he looking Speaker 4 00:39:05 Not awesome. She is still standing. She is heavily bloodied Speaker 3 00:39:12 And I threw my fucking spell focus across the square and lost it. Speaker 4 00:39:15 Okay. Okay. Okay. And he's gonna use her reaction to use her hellish rebuke because she hasn't done that yet. Today, Sophie heavily bloodied bares her teeth at this pirate and her hair starts to like lift up as static electricity crackles in it. And he's going to make a deck save. That's not going to do it. So he's going to take 3d 10 damage and then he's going to use empowered spelled free, roll that. So that's going to be a total of 20 damage. And then it's the fourth pirate who is going to roll one disadvantaged attack on the legislator. And one on fee, because fee is proving to be a bigger threat than a legislator is. So it's going to hit feed, but not the legislator, which is good. So fee takes a further 12 damage and then its fees turn. She is looking extremely rough, but she is still standing with two hip points. So she is going to grab the legislator and she's going to cast funder step since they are both within 10 feet. Both of these pirates are going to make con saves. Neither of them do it from where Speaker 3 00:40:30 He is getting carved up by swords across the square. Leo puts both hands in the air and cheers Speaker 4 00:40:38 And fee teleports up right next to the door of the sample with the legislator, right into the range of the guardian of faith. Uh, so I'm going to roll the damage for both of those pirates. That's 40 10. Cause I cast that at fourth level, fee's gonna use a sorcery point and doing powered spell 32 damage for both of the pirates that feel left behind. So both of these pirates are dead feet and the legislator are up next to the door. Within the range of the guardian of faith. The legislator is going to use a free action to call, to be led inside. And he's going to take the Dodge action and then it is Leo's turn. Okay. Uh, the only way out of this Speaker 3 00:41:20 Functionally is for me to take an opportunity attack and I am flanked on both sides. So that's going to be advantage all the way down, but I am running to get in the range of the guardian. Speaker 4 00:41:32 You're only going take one opportunity attack because the second pirate already used his reaction, but it is with advantage. So just let me roll it. Even with advantage. That's only a 12 Leo Dodges, Speaker 3 00:41:45 The swipe with the sword and runs off with a middle finger, held up over his shoulder, up into the range of the guardian of faith with PHY and the legislator. Um, what is it to zap my knife back with the Bracer? Speaker 4 00:42:00 That is a bonus action. Okay. I'm going to use Speaker 3 00:42:02 My bonus because I didn't use my cunning action yet. So I'm going to zap my knife back. And then for my action, I am going to cast a fourth level cure wounds on fee fee gets 24 hit points. Speaker 4 00:42:19 All right. And that's Leo's turn. So we're back top of the pirates. These pirates are both gonna run up after you up the steps. So they're both gonna make deck saves. That is a four and a 14. Neither of them does it. Okay. Speaker 3 00:42:37 So they both take 20 damage each and then the guardian of faith disappears because it has done it's 60 damage that it's capable. Speaker 4 00:42:45 All right. So the first one we're going to roll to a tax on Leo. That's a 22 and a 16. They're both going ahead. So 2d 10 plus 10 damage 19, and then the other, one's going to roll to a tax on fee. Those are both going to hit 2d 10 plus 10, but that's 15 damage. And then it's fees turn because the other two are dead. So she's going to cast a third level, which bolt that's a 27. That'll do it for sure. So that's three to 12 damage going to use this sorcery point to reroll. Some of those that is 25 damage. Exactly. So feed just exactly it kills the fire in front of her with the, which bolt legislators taken Dodge action again. And then it is Leah stern. Okay. We've got one pirate left. I am Speaker 3 00:43:46 Not willing to miss on any of my role to hit spells. So I'm casting a fourth level blight. He's going to need to roll me a con. Speaker 4 00:43:55 All right, that's a 15, so he's not going to save. Speaker 3 00:44:01 It's not technically a touch range spell, but Leo is going to stab this dude with Kim rolls blade 4 43 and a chronic day. And it is a dehydrating wasting spell Speaker 4 00:44:16 Yuck. And this dude, uh, only had five hit points left. So yeah, I think this pirate just turns to dust in front of you and just melts around your knife. And with that we're of initiative, the legislator runs into the temple. I don't know what Leo is doing, but fie is going to exchange a couple of spells slots for sorcery points. Leo's actually Speaker 3 00:44:42 Going to dump all of his remaining spell slots into cure wounds on fie and himself to try to get them up as high as he can. So hold on guys, we're going to do a lot of math. Speaker 4 00:44:54 Okay. Since we didn't have time for a short rest, we went ahead and did everything we could with spell slots. Leo has zero spell slots left, but fee is up to 57 hit points. And Leo is up to 76, which is almost full for both of them. And fi has switched around her source points, center, spell slots in such a way that her sorcery points are all the way back up to full. And she has one fourth level and one fifth level spousal left Leo Speaker 3 00:45:26 Standing there with absolutely no spell slots, left, exhausted panting, and still a little bloody. It looks up at fi and goes. That Speaker 4 00:45:36 Sucked. Yeah, it wasn't good. I'm not happy with where we're at right now. And as she's saying that this elder legislator comes back out of this temple dragging a middle-aged strong folk woman by the elbow. She looks a bit nervous, which is reasonable because people were pounding on the doors of the temple. She adjusts her glasses and the legislator says right off we go, you can still hear the sounds of the fighting, getting closer. You hustled back through the streets to the Citadel, moving away from that noise. As you enter the foyer of the Citadel, the legislator says to this woman that she dragged out of the temple last, we'll have to get this time down as exactly as we can. And then she turns to you and fi, and she says, if one of you wouldn't mind looking over her shoulder and telling me exactly what I needed to put the stone in. I'd appreciate that. Speaker 3 00:46:33 H H how would we know? I, I wouldn't know when to tell Honeywell Speaker 4 00:46:39 This younger, but still middle-aged woman says, ah, well, I've only got to carve the one word and the tablet. So, and she pulls a flat clay tablet out of a pocket and a little stone stylist. And she looks at the both of you squints and says, do either of, you know how to read archaic O'Quinn or I sure don't fi fi kind of wiggles a hand and says, I'm passable. I put a lot of effort into it. And the legislator says that will have to do less fi stands over the shoulder of this middle-aged woman. And the legislator says a lot. If you could watch the door, we'd appreciate it. Legislator. Speaker 3 00:47:25 I will do my best. I stand in the door and because I only have canned trips, I sum it up a sacred flame into my hand and just get ready. If anybody's coming at us, Speaker 4 00:47:38 You hear very faint noises of stone etching into clay. You hear a little stone on stone noise, and the portal stone behind your feet starts to glow and pulse with this sore whirling blue energy. Oh, I remember Speaker 3 00:47:59 What happened last time. It did that. I don't feel good about this. Speaker 4 00:48:04 I get that. I'm supposed to be watching the door, but Speaker 3 00:48:08 Because he's so uneasy about the whole situation, Leo is going to take one quick, look behind him. Speaker 4 00:48:14 You see the legislator kneeling in the center of this portal sound with the big gem that was on the chain around her neck, plugged into the center of it. And you watch this swirling magic, hit the scratched out, edged over ruins in the portal stone and stop and recoil. Speaker 0 00:48:38 It starts trying to move anti-clockwise and the magical energy starts to swirl the other way and then stops again and starts to go again. You watch it ping pong and building, and you watch it slowly, starts to rise off of the portal, stone and coalesce. And then it shoots past you out the door. This shimmering blue energy in this huge pulse shoots out and it starts to spread throughout the city. And as it spreads, it does start to look like a net. It just spreads and sinks over the city. And from where you are at the door, you can see through the campus. A lot of those big, almost featureless stone statues that you saw on your way up start to shift. Speaker 0 00:49:42 The consistency of them. Changes is the best way I can put it. They are carved from this glowing stone that the majority of the city of her port is shaped from. But as you watch them, they don't melt, but they become fluid. One of the nearest statues jerks and takes a step off of the plinth that it's on. It raises one hand and a spear of glowing light appears in that raised hand. It shifts its stance, grabs the spirit with the other hand and starts walking forward and slowly all of the statutes as they are hit with this magical energy from this repurposed portal stone, all of them start to repeat this gesture. As they stepped down, grab their stairs and get to work. And they all start walking towards the fighting. Speaker 4 00:50:48 You can see stretching down the streets, more statues, doing this further in the city. And you think of how many you've seen since you got to pro court. And you think defiance is fleet is about to be in trouble. Leo Speaker 3 00:51:06 From his position, guarding the door, watch us all of this happen. Blink slowly. Speaker 4 00:51:13 All right, well, that seems useful. Speaker 3 00:51:19 Feet. You're all standing in this big open foyer to the Citadel for a while in the distance, you can hear the sounds of fighting for a moment. You hear them intensify and then dive down and then civilians just start pouring in people from all over the city. Start making their way onto the Citadel campus, seeking refuge, moving in beyond these big double doors In the Moonlight with a flash of lightning coming down from the sky. As the storm moves in, you see light flash off of a long shock of red hair. And about five seconds later, the captain and Sabine storm in through these open doors, they both look beat up. The captain is bleeding freely from a really deep cut on his Speaker 4 00:52:12 Shoulder. He takes three Speaker 3 00:52:15 Big striding steps into the foyer of the Citadel and Speaker 4 00:52:18 Goes, you know, I don't Speaker 3 00:52:20 Know why I thought I could just ask for something to be allegory one time, one time for something to not have fucked up magic about Speaker 4 00:52:28 It. Hello, dear. Good to see her alive. He pauses Speaker 3 00:52:34 Mid rant looks down at the wound on his shoulder, and then waggles his eyebrows at you. Speaker 4 00:52:39 You should see the other guys Speaker 3 00:52:42 I tell you, right? So Bean's been doing a lot of philosophizing about why this isn't unlike quote a sustainable situation. So I'll let her explain that Sabine runs a hand back through her hair. You can see that she has a big burn down in one of her forearms right below her bracers and says, um, yes, the intervention of the statues is definitely helping, Speaker 4 00:53:07 But Speaker 3 00:53:09 We have to figure that the best case scenario here is a siege situation Speaker 4 00:53:14 And that's not going to play out well for Pearl port. Speaker 3 00:53:19 Even if we get everybody from the city up here and get them safe, there's much stopping the Australian pirate fleet from absolutely laying waste to the city's infrastructure. All of the food stores, all of everything that's been put in place for storm season. It could all be gone within Speaker 4 00:53:37 A day. Okay. When you do get them away from the city, we need to, what do we do? Does anyone, does anyone have a plan? I would wait out there and take care of it myself, but I have two good spells left in me. Maybe next Speaker 3 00:53:57 To you. Leo just leans up against a pillar and size, Speaker 4 00:54:02 And I've got less than that. I think Speaker 3 00:54:05 Our only answer right now Speaker 4 00:54:07 Is that we need at least a Speaker 3 00:54:10 Little bit to rest and get a bit of strength back. So we have a chance of fighting Speaker 4 00:54:14 Right field. He looks over at the elder legislator and says, if we take a couple hours to rest, are most of the people going to be able to get here and get safe, or are things a bit more urgent than that? This older Speaker 3 00:54:30 Lady purses, her lips and looks like she's mulling it over for a second. Well preservation of the lives of Pearl porches, but the nets here for, I think that most of the people will be able to get up to the Citadel in that Speaker 4 00:54:43 Time. But, and she nods over at Sabine. The last house, the height of it though, if they don't Speaker 3 00:54:49 Have people to kill, they'll start burning store houses, they'll start taken out everything we've had saved up for storm season. It's won't be good either way. Speaker 4 00:54:59 Well, we hit not good about three hours ago. So this is harm reduction now, and I am too keyed up to trans, but I know I need to, and that's very frustrating for me, as you are saying, Speaker 3 00:55:10 Hang that. And Leo is opening his mouth to start agreeing with you. You are both cut off by the sound of absolute hell. Being raised across the foyer. You hear the sounds of shouting, lots of people talking over each other. As you turn around to inspect the source of the ruckus. You see that most of the senior officers of the crew have just come through the front doors of the Citadel. Several of them look a little beat up boots and Pelican, both look like they've taken a couple licks, but standing at the front of the pack is a completely unharmed dock who has a state service member by the front of his gray robes. And is shaking him like a maraca. Speaker 4 00:55:54 This man is stammering Speaker 3 00:55:55 Out some excuse for something, and she starts shaking him hard. Now you listen here. You little shit. I don't care if your name is Dr. Dao. My medical license might be expired, but my state service files most certainly are not. And I don't remember you being so concerned about my medical qualifications. When I was patching up your broken arm, Speaker 4 00:56:13 When you were a wee lad can only end in tears. She's going to go over there. Speaker 3 00:56:19 Doc's rattling of this young man is only increasing in intensity as move over Speaker 4 00:56:23 There and behind you, you hear the captain go, oh, and he falls Speaker 3 00:56:28 Into step beside you and reaches out to put a hand on dock shoulder. Okay? I understand your frustration, but you don't want to give the young amount of concussion. We've got enough wounded here as it is. She snaps her head around the glare at the captain high. So we do, which is why this Egypt's trying to deny me entrance to the hospital. Wing is a brand of foolishness previously, unknown to mankind. She still has her fist tangled up in this young man's robes. And he just kind of puts his hands up. Like, what are you going to do? But the protocols states, the captain takes a step behind docks. So she can't see him anymore. And just shakes his head at this guy in a warning gesture, the guy blinks for a second and then nods and takes a step back. Doc, lets him go and then moves to charge, passed him up a hallway. And as she goes, the captain yells after her. If you wouldn't mind getting something to help us, uh, get 40 winks in doc, that'd Speaker 4 00:57:23 Be great. She just waves a hand at him over her shoulder. As she goes, Sabean comes Speaker 3 00:57:29 Trotting over after a couple more seconds with her eyebrows raised very high on her forehead, Speaker 4 00:57:35 Everything okay over here, fi grimaces and says, apparently some people are very keen on forcing dock back into retirement. The captain fully laughs. I asked her about that once. You know, she told me that she'd consider retiring when she's dead, don't think that's going to happen. Everybody's Speaker 3 00:57:58 Kind of milling around nervously in this foyer for a couple more minutes before doc comes back down, it's still looking supremely perturbed, but she has a big medical kit in one hand and a handful of glass vials Speaker 4 00:58:13 In the other. She comes over Speaker 3 00:58:15 And starts doling them out to you. Leo, the captains Sabine, a couple of members of the crew that looked like they've been a little beat up well, right? The pharmacy wasn't stocked as well as I were to prepare it. But this'll push you all under for about two hours Speaker 1 00:58:32 To be a full night's trance, but enough to get you back on your feet Speaker 3 00:58:39 Mechanically, what's going to have to happen. Is everybody here pretty desperately needs a long rest to recover several abilities that have been burned up, take this sleeping drop and go under for this two hours, you will get all of your spell slots and other class abilities back as if you have taken a long rest, but you are not going to recover any hit points. You can try to find some time after you get up to short rest. Some of them back with your hit dice, but you're not going to be getting them back automatically. Okay? This is going to suck. Speaker 3 00:59:20 Leo is going to, as I think you to find a little patch of wall on one far side of the foyer and sit down, pop the corks off these vials bottoms up as is the case with most medicine doc has ever given you. It takes effect very quickly. You immediately feel very drowsy. Leo is a little bit more of a lightweight than you and goes out like a light has had drops onto your shoulder. You kind of fight it for a couple seconds. Just unfamiliar with the feeling of the medicine. The last thing you feel is Sabine. Coming to sit down beside you with a little jingle and the weight of a blue Brocade frock coat being draped over you like a blanket Speaker 4 01:00:08 And then you are out. So Leo, you wake up to the feeling of what you instinctively think is the worst hangover you've ever had in your fucking life, which is saying something you feel extremely groggy. Your head hurts. You have just a lot of pain all over your body. It takes you a second to kind of piece together what's going on. And then you remember, oh right. I thought a bunch of pirates a couple hours ago and got stabbed more than once. Fi is kind of curled up against your side under the captain's coat with Sabine's head in her lap and the captain on the other side with the hat over his face, you are the first one awake, but everyone else is starting to stir. What would you like to do? I'm going to Speaker 3 01:01:05 Try to awake and get her up and lucid as fast as, okay. Morning. We need to figure out what we're doing next. See, Speaker 4 01:01:17 Groggily sits up, puts a hand up to her head and goes, right? Thinking, thinking is a thing that we do. What the fuck did I wake you up? First? Sabine, Sabine, Sabine startles awake. Like all of a sudden shoots up out of fee's lap. Brings a hand up with a knife in it to try to stab anybody that's too close to her. Accidentally elbows the captain in the face. And he startled awake. Also has a knife. There's a pause. A moment of silence. The captains have been look at each other sideways and then Sabine smooth her hair down and goes, yes, what can I help you? Oh my head and hold Speaker 3 01:02:02 Everybody. The crack team of heroes. That's going to save the city. Port defiance. Doesn't stand a chance. Anyway, things are going to get logistically very bad. If we don't put a stop Speaker 4 01:02:16 To this, we're looking at Speaker 3 01:02:19 A siege situation, no matter what, I don't want to be the one to say this, but I think we need to play ball with defiance. At Speaker 4 01:02:29 This point, there's too many people's lives on the line. If we don't fee kind of raises a finger and says, I don't know if we can find a compromise between she would like us to be dead. And we would like to not be dead. Speaker 3 01:02:44 I would remain. Do you however unpleasant it is to do so that her primary goal is not all of us being dead. Speaker 4 01:02:52 Oh right. Let me correct myself. Her primary goal is you being dead, which I'm not willing to compromise on. Is that better? Is that more accurate? Speaker 3 01:03:03 Just for once? I wish you would make things about yourself, just in your head internally, her primary Speaker 4 01:03:08 Goal is getting you back on her boat and getting you either to Australia or to Speaker 3 01:03:14 Wherever the secondary location she has in mind Speaker 4 01:03:16 Is if her goal Speaker 3 01:03:19 Hinges on you being alive, Speaker 4 01:03:21 We can go try to ostensibly, make the drop and well, then play dirty to put it mildly Sabine kind of tilt her head to the side. And she goes, well, I like the idea of the bait and switch. Um Hmm. It's risky. But, and she nods that fee and says, I think you could take her. Thank Speaker 3 01:03:45 You for calling, implementing my strategic prowess to being, it means a lot, but we're not sending fee in there Speaker 4 01:03:49 Alone. Oh, absolutely not. I'm just saying if things get dicey, I think fi is the best equipped of the four of us to stall for time. We'll say, all right, Speaker 3 01:04:03 I need a couple minutes with my prayer book. And I think I can whip up a spell that will put us in contact with Speaker 4 01:04:14 That woman. Speaker 3 01:04:16 Let you know what I'm able to get worked out. Diplomatically speaking Speaker 4 01:04:21 Sabine takes out what looks to be like a book of notations and then says, I could think of a few things that could maybe help us out. The captain kind of raises a hand and goes, I think we're all forgetting that defiance has a bit of magical firepower of our own cool evil Speaker 3 01:04:42 Lady has magic. Love to hear that. That's a great thing to hear. Speaker 4 01:04:45 I'll I'll be back. Speaker 3 01:04:48 I go sulk somewhere with my prayer book and prepare my spells for the day. Making sure to prepare a Sundays Speaker 4 01:04:55 Slowly, the rest of the crew, all kind of wake up around the foyer. You have a sending spell. Yourselves are prepared. What are you doing? Okay. And Speaker 3 01:05:05 Try to get this wrapped up with as little casting Speaker 4 01:05:08 As possible. I'm going to send Speaker 3 01:05:11 A sending spell to defiance. I get 25 words and she gets 25 words Speaker 4 01:05:14 Back. The message says, you've made your point. What are your demands? We're willing to comply. If you're willing to spare a Pearl port, there is a long pause and you get a sending cell back from defiance that says, if you're both on my ship by sunrise, my sailors go back to their ships. And all of this stops I'm anchored outside the Harbor. Speaker 3 01:05:46 I don't like burning another third level slot, but I can't take that at face value. Okay. I send another sending Speaker 4 01:05:52 Spot. The message says, am Speaker 3 01:05:56 I supposed to just take you at your word? Speaker 4 01:05:59 I'm not a fool. How Speaker 3 01:06:00 Do I know that if we comply, you won't continue attacking. Speaker 4 01:06:06 Yeah. Free passage to the docs. Once I say others, see you leaving. They'll follow. Has that sound okay? I'm headed back to fi the captain and Sabine, wherever they are, whatever they're doing, they're still just on the other side of the foyer. Speaker 3 01:06:24 Okay. So after a very unpleasant magical conversation with that, and Leo let's go a couple choice terms in Elvish that cannot and should not be translated into common Speaker 4 01:06:36 Tongue. I have Speaker 3 01:06:38 Been told that if we are on her ship by sunrise, which is anchored outside the Harbor, that Speaker 4 01:06:45 Everything here stops, not an Speaker 3 01:06:48 Idea, deal situation, tactically. So being, I think you can agree with me on, Speaker 4 01:06:53 Oh no. If we had any other choice, I would be, uh, taking that in a heartbeat, but we don't. So this is what we've got. Well, I think we all Speaker 3 01:07:06 Agree that we're going to fight. We need to be ready for a fight on her turf and her terms. Speaker 4 01:07:13 The captain says it's not ideal. The banshee's knots. Exactly. Familiar to any of us. And there's not a lot of room to move around on it, comparatively. Okay. Yeah. Leah Speaker 3 01:07:29 Runs back through his hair, still fighting the headache from whatever sleeping drop. He took fi Sabine. He want to go tell everybody else what we're thinking of doing captain you. And I will go inform the powers that be, see if we can get a leg Speaker 4 01:07:42 Up. The captain's got to head off with you. Sabine like guests, the by the elbow and toes her off. And they start informing the crew going on. So where are you going? I'm going to Speaker 3 01:07:57 Captain by the elbow and squeeze very hard in a way that non-verbally says, behave Speaker 4 01:08:02 Yourself, you bastard. And then I am Speaker 3 01:08:05 Going to go try to find the elder legislator that came out with us to get Speaker 4 01:08:08 The tape. You can hear noise coming from the big conclave chamber. Clearly, most of the members of the conclave have not slept. They have been trying to coordinate getting the entire population of the city, situated and safe. They all look very stressed and very tired, none more so than the eldest legislator who is bleeding still because she does some damage to that combat. She has a big slice in her arm that is like bandaged up. And it is clearly her dominant arm because she has someone else writing on a piece of paper for her. Nobody looks up when you come in, like they are all very focused. I'm gonna come Speaker 3 01:08:56 Up as quietly and respectfully as I can. And just go to tap her on the shoulder. Speaker 4 01:09:02 And as I do that, I am going to cast a first level cure wounds. So she does get 15 head points back. Leo says, legislator, if you have a minute, she relaxes a little bit. As you heal up her arm and then looks at you and blanks and goes, I suppose I have almost a minute. A moment. We've considered the situation as wholly unsatisfying, as it is, and have been in touch with vice Admiral defiance. We've worked something out. Her demands are Speaker 3 01:09:42 That my sister and I are on her ship by Speaker 4 01:09:45 Sun up. She didn't get much more specific than that. So we intend to take Speaker 3 01:09:52 Our liberties with those demands. If you catch Speaker 4 01:09:54 My drift and Leo drops, Juan handout to his knife, this hopeful legislator looks at your knife, looks at you and the captain blanks and goes, you kind of just go to face her that's suicide. You have no idea what you'll be sailing into the captain next to you says, I'll do the respect to legislator. I never do. If Kevin liked to take me, that's her prerogative. But what I don't intend to do is stay up here and be slaughtered like an animal. And then he does a clipped little bow and says, begging your pardon. And then he fucks out Leo blinks Speaker 3 01:10:34 And gives the legislator along suffering. Look, Speaker 4 01:10:37 My apologies. I can't take him anywhere at any rate. Is there any Speaker 3 01:10:44 Way that you could facilitate us getting expedient and safe passage down to the docks? Speaker 4 01:10:50 Defiance has offered us safety, but I'm less than inclined to believe her. The legislator frowns and says, uh, there are hidden escape routes out of the Citadel, but snow ones. He has them for their intended purpose and millennia knew. And she kind of quirks a smile and says, it's been a while since I was young enough to use them for shenanigans and chicanery. So I suppose you could ask one of the acolytes understood. Thank you for listening and for all your help. Here's hoping we meet again under better circumstances. She raises her eyebrows, nods and says, thank you for not letting pirates, drop my head off Fairwinds and Ferris guys. I go to find you. Absolutely I you, as in the foyer, Leo polls Speaker 3 01:11:49 Are off to the side really quick and looks around to make sure that nobody else is watching. Speaker 4 01:11:54 Hey, so you seem like somebody that got up to a lot of shit in early adolescents. Do you know where the secret passages here are? Uh, let me roll history for you, Matt. One, she squints at you and like tilts her head and goes, what secret passages? Speaker 3 01:12:17 Fantastic. Do you have any acolyte friends that would have maybe gotten into Speaker 4 01:12:24 Mischief Speaker 3 01:12:25 Shenanigans? Tomfoolery? Well, none Speaker 4 01:12:31 Of us exactly advertise it to each other. Boots. My girlfriend works in the library and she can't keep her nose out of anything. Best bet we have. We need to go find her. Now you nods and confidently walks off, leads you down. A couple of hallways into a side, building off the main Citadel that has a bunch of just doors with like various numbers on them. And she unceremoniously opens one. There's the sound of several groggy accolades, very upset at having light led into their room. You says, wait back. And then she walks in. After a minute, she walks out, towing her girlfriend by the arm. Her girlfriend is just like rubbing her eyes going love. I was trying to take my trans what the fuck is going on? Oh, well the city is under attack for one. There's a pause. Youth girlfriend looks at you just baffled and from inside the room that she and you just came out of a voice goes, how do you mean the city is under attack? Australian people higher, its big evil lady with a big evil ship, long story. We're getting ready to shut it down. You guys should all just go back to bed except for Speaker 3 01:13:49 You. My friend Leo points over at used girlfriend Speaker 4 01:13:54 In order to Speaker 3 01:13:55 Stop that attack on the city. We are in desperate need of somebody that knows any of the secret passages out of the, Speaker 4 01:14:01 Because as I said, teaming with pirates, very dangerous. You're all safe. But uh, we won't be, as soon as we go outside, I'm going to roll advantaged history for youth girlfriend real quick, highest one with a 19, she gets plus eight. That's a 27, her posture straightens. And she goes, all right, which direction are you going in the docks? Oh yeah, the quickest one down there will be under the loose floor toil by the mess. You kind of blinks and goes what loose Florida. Her girlfriend says the one that has the chip out of it after the chromatic orb incident of 50 years ago, you know? And you go, oh, Hey, all right. All right. All right. I know where that is. She looks at you Leo and says, I'll go get the others. I can lay them there. Okay. See you there. And use girlfriend leads you away out of main Citadel building and to a big kind of open ceiling mess hall and sure enough out like right in front of it, she gestures to a big like stone floor tile. And she says, you might help me with this. It's quite heavy Speaker 3 01:15:20 Flexes his arms that are very much still atrophied from his battle with a wasting disease, the better part of a year ago and Speaker 4 01:15:27 Goes, yeah, sure. You know, maybe you should have brought Speaker 3 01:15:30 You with you for this one, but I'll do my best. Speaker 4 01:15:33 Okay. Go ahead and roll me. Uh, advantage athletics Speaker 3 01:15:40 16. I reached deep down within myself and find Speaker 4 01:15:42 My strength. It was a DC 12. You're fine. Yeah. You managed it. Half of this floor tile with youth girlfriend's help. And sure enough, there is what appears to be a drop into some kind of tunnel onto the floor tile. Cool. I'm waiting for everyone to get back a few minutes later, fi the captain Sabine, the other officers of the crew walk up, the captain stops blinks and says, why in the fuck? Didn't I know about this that would have made my adolescence much simpler and easier. We had to make a bed cheap rope like a gentlemen. It's a very grim situation, Speaker 3 01:16:23 But Leo does do finger guns at him and go, eh, Speaker 4 01:16:27 Same. The captain does like one quick finger gun back at you still looking down at the facet. And he says, we can all reminisce over our teenage exploits. Uh, later let's go. And I think she just hops down in the hole. I hop in after her feed. This passage you find yourself in is clearly ancient and pretty dark. It's carved Speaker 3 01:16:57 Out of the same stone that the rest of Pearl port is. You would assume that this mountain is the same kind of rock all the way down because it is softly glowing much like the rest of Speaker 4 01:17:07 The city. But other than that, there Speaker 3 01:17:10 Is nothing to light your way as you and your party work your way down from the Citadel towards the docs. Speaker 1 01:17:19 Use girlfriends is up at the front of the pack leading you. You would assume that she knows where she's going. It's not a horribly narrow passage. You can walk two to three people shoulder to shoulder through here and you find Sabine falling into step next to you. It's a pretty quiet journey. Everybody seems pretty wrapped up in their own thoughts, but after a while, she turns over to you, jingling, softly as she moves along. So I, I hate to be the one to bring it up and I hate to be the one to suggest it even more. But my point from earlier still stands. We should try to take her life. If she goes missing in the Zephyr Isles, we know what the result is going to be. We either need to take defiance or her body back to vaudeville door with us and put the responsibility for it ourselves. Yes, I absolutely agree. I don't want Speaker 0 01:18:26 To give my father any more excuses to be Speaker 1 01:18:30 Horrible, but I think she's too dangerous to take a life. Then we need to brace ourselves for responsibility for her death. And in order for that to work out the way we need it to, I think we need to be honest about it and that needs to be the truth. So she takes a fleeting look up to the front of the pack where Leo and the captain are very close behind you and her girlfriends. Several members of the crew are between all of you, Sabine, grits, her teeth, and shakes her head for a second. You know what he's going to try. And if he does, we need to stop him. He can't kill her. A he can look sideways, it's vain and says, I think it should be me. My father wants me alive. And I think Speaker 0 01:19:29 He said wants me to be his successor. He doesn't have anyone else. Speaker 1 01:19:33 So I would face the least Speaker 0 01:19:37 Consequences in the worst case scenario. Speaker 1 01:19:43 I don't know that we'll have the ability to be that picky about it fee, but if it comes down to it, it needs to be you me lay rail. She can't die by storm folk hands. And we have to be able to prove that. Absolutely. I would say that I have a bad feeling about this, but that would just be bad for morale. At this point. Don't drink that fucking camera's Steve. Sabine's a little hysterical as she kind of brings both hands up to press to her temples. This was all so much easier. When my primary objective was murdering my husband. I can't wait for this to be over with. And she pushes past you and just keeps walking. But at least we're having more fun along the way. Dear. She stops and raises a hand as if she's getting ready to make a counterpoint, but then clenches her fist and moves forward. Again. This passage winds on for miles, you're walking for quite a while, but eventually use girlfriend up at the head of the pack, puts up a hand for everybody behind her to stop and moves aside a big heavy stone at the end of it. Speaker 3 01:21:07 And you find and yourself overlooking the docs. You're up on a ledge, sort of over where all of these ships are docked. Many of them are burning. A lot of the storm folk vessels that were docked down here have been totally sacked by these Australian pirates. But often Speaker 4 01:21:22 The distance weirdly Speaker 3 01:21:25 You see that the ship is still docked untouched. Speaker 4 01:21:29 You're a little too far away Speaker 3 01:21:31 To see detail, but you can see that the crew seems to be a mast on the Speaker 4 01:21:36 Deck, weapons drawn, ready to keep people off of it. If they decide to attack, use girlfriends steps to the side, as you all exit, right? Uh, that's the end of the passage, I guess I'll just be headed puck. Now. She looks really sad. And Speaker 3 01:21:58 From a couple people away from you, you hear use voice pipe up very sharply. Speaker 4 01:22:04 Come with us. The captain's Speaker 3 01:22:07 Head snaps to the side and he goes, Speaker 4 01:22:09 You, this acolytes Speaker 3 01:22:12 Eyes go very wide and she takes a step back. I gotta Speaker 4 01:22:19 Just leave. I've got my job. I've got people that I need to take care of. And you immediately snaps back. You took care of people tonight by breaking the rules, you can keep doing the hot come with us. You was going to roll persuasion. Speaker 3 01:22:38 That was a 15, which was exactly the DC for this use girlfriend stammers, but then takes another couple of steps forward. And the captain steps into her path. Speaker 4 01:22:53 Very Speaker 3 01:22:53 Gently. He puts a hand on her shoulder and squeezes, but then shakes his head Speaker 4 01:22:59 Much appreciation for your help and all due respect, sunshine, but we're getting ready to sail into unchartered waters. It'll be dangerous. And, and Speaker 3 01:23:08 You see a big crooked grin Speaker 4 01:23:11 Stretch across her face. She brings her hands up to her side Speaker 3 01:23:16 And a little amulet that she has dangling off the belt of her state service, strobes Speaker 4 01:23:21 Flashes. She casts Speaker 3 01:23:24 And the ground rumbles underneath all of your feet Speaker 4 01:23:29 And all due respect back. How'd you captain, but headed headfirst into the unknown as kind of my speciality and I'm capable of taking care of myself. Also sunshine. I like that Speaker 3 01:23:44 The captain shakes his head again, but then gives you a very weighted. We're going to talk later. Look, puts his hands up and keeps walking down towards the Speaker 4 01:23:53 End. You all make your way back down to the ship on a cost. Speaker 3 01:23:58 In most of these sailors, there's seem to be embroiled in fights with big, huge statues that are picking people up and throwing them Speaker 4 01:24:05 Into walls. At the moment as you approach, Speaker 3 01:24:09 You hear cheers from the crew as they see that you are all alive, Speaker 4 01:24:15 Your party, all re Embark's back up onto the ship. Speaker 3 01:24:18 You look around, you see the remainder of the crew. Also the crew of the Moray, Miriam Adler is standing next to the door of the captain's quarters with her Cutlass out, looking very nervous, but somewhat relaxed and seeing you all alive and reasonably unharmed. The captain takes a few big striding steps out ahead of you and hops up onto Speaker 1 01:24:41 A stack of boxes next to the mask, grabbing onto it for support. As he turns around to address the rest of the crew, right? Everyone for sailing out to meet the banshee. You all know what that means. It's not a smart idea, but it's the best one we have right now. There's going to be blood. There's going to be death. Speaker 3 01:25:09 But if I, our lives are debts, we can save the city apparel, port. We all know what we signed up for. When we joined the fleet, I won't compel anyone to stay and throw their life away. But if you're with me, shout, hi, Speaker 1 01:25:24 And the entire crew pumps their cutlasses in the air and yells. Aye. The captain puts both hands out and it's at a very grandiose gesture. All opposed, whimper, NY silence. And then the captain just smirks nods, jumps down off the boxes and goes boots to the helm, Pelican loose, all sails. And then he looks over at UV and nods last, let our friends out on the ducks. No your hair feed Speaker 0 01:26:00 Grins and raises a hand fingers with static electricity as her hair begins to float off of her shoulders and says with pleasure and Cassie lightning bolt into the Speaker 1 01:26:11 Air with a crackling of electricity and a bolt of thunder following it, this huge hundred foot long lightning bolt shoots up into the sky with a blast of blinding light. And as it fades, you see all of the sailors that are still down on the docks, fighting turn around, see that you have fulfilled your end of the deal and start heading back to their ships, yelling orders of the people behind them. It seems like the chain of command is going up the mountain for everybody to move back down and start getting back on the boats. Pelican jumps up into the rigging with one of his Eldritch invocations. All of the main sales come down. The anchor comes up and the ship starts to move out into the Harbor. You are not followed out of the Harbor. You get the impression that it's going to take this pirate fleet a long time to gather back their people and get on board their ships to follow you. So the ship is making its way on a costed out of the Harbor of Pearl port into this raging storm that is brewing out over the sea. Speaker 4 01:27:27 The rain is coming down. You are wet and a little bit uncomfortable. And after a while, Leo walks over to you. He braces both hands on the railing and doesn't say anything to you for a while. But after a long Speaker 3 01:27:45 Pause, you watch him reach down and fuss with something on his Speaker 4 01:27:48 Hand for a second. And then he holds his closed fist out to you. I put my hand out for him to give me whatever he's holding. Speaker 3 01:28:00 He opens his hand and you feel the weight of heavy Speaker 4 01:28:03 Metal dropping into your Palm. And when you look down, Speaker 3 01:28:07 You see that the signet ring of the grand duke of Australia is sitting there. Speaker 4 01:28:13 He's not making Speaker 3 01:28:14 Eye contact with you. He's just looking out over the railing into Speaker 4 01:28:17 The storm. And he goes, go ahead and put that on. Okay. Faith puts it on. Thank you for not arguing with me for once in your life. And Speaker 3 01:28:29 Then he reaches down fusses with the Bracer on his arm. Speaker 4 01:28:33 And the knife appears in his hand, flashes with magical energy. And you feel the ring Speaker 3 01:28:39 Around your finger, also flash and glow and grow very hot. And then around Leo's finger, you see that he is still wearing his engagement Speaker 4 01:28:49 Ring, that sore gave Speaker 3 01:28:50 Him. And it also flashes and glows and looks like Speaker 4 01:28:53 It goes very hot. Leo is casting Speaker 3 01:28:57 A spell called warding bond on the two of you. Speaker 4 01:29:00 He finishes casting, Speaker 3 01:29:02 Zaps the knife back into his Bracer with Speaker 4 01:29:04 A flash. And then finally turns over to look at you, stay close to me. Speaker 3 01:29:12 That's going to help keep you safe, but you have Speaker 4 01:29:15 To stay close to me. What the smell all does Speaker 3 01:29:18 Is that as long as you stay within 60 feet Speaker 4 01:29:22 Of Leo, you get a plus one bonus to your AC. You are resistant Speaker 3 01:29:28 To all damage. Also each time you take damage, Leo is going to take the same amount of damage, but he is not telling you that. Speaker 4 01:29:37 That's just a fun thing for me to know as a player, huh? Yes, it is Speaker 3 01:29:41 Just a fun thing for you to know as a player, but you have to remain within 60 feet of him for the spell to maintain. If you go further, the spell Speaker 4 01:29:48 Ends, he reaches Speaker 3 01:29:51 Out and claps a hand on your shoulder and squeezes. Speaker 4 01:29:55 I think we should try to conserve as much of our strength Speaker 3 01:30:00 As we can. Before everything pops off. Let's go find somewhere to sit down. I'll go try to rope the captain and Sabina into doing Speaker 4 01:30:07 That as well. I might have to put the captain in a headlock. I may need your house. Sure. Thanks. Leo wonders Speaker 3 01:30:17 Off. And after a moment comes back leading Sabine by the elbow and with the captain's coat collar in his hand, bunched up at the base of his neck, sort of marching him across the deck. The captain keys you all into the captain's quarters. You four are going to have the opportunity to take a short rest before you make it out to where the banshee is docked. So we can use a lot of our hit dye to help with our significantly reduced hit points because fee's not doing great. Leo's not doing great. And the captain and Sabina are both down over half of their max hit points. Speaker 4 01:30:52 So hang with us for a second folks. We're going to do a lot of math. Speaker 3 01:30:59 So the four of you head into the captain's quarters, find comfortable places to either sit or lay down and take a power nap. And after using most of all of our hit die on the short rest, we are all Speaker 4 01:31:12 Four back up to full. By the time you Speaker 3 01:31:15 Are all done, patching up your wounds and resting as much as you can. You hear a bell ringing out on deck. Speaker 4 01:31:23 The captain's Speaker 3 01:31:24 Size gets to his feet, adjust his hat on his head, Speaker 4 01:31:28 Right? That'll be our cue then. Well, I'd ask if we all feel ready, but if we waited until then we'd be waiting forever. So let's go. Speaker 3 01:31:41 The four of you emerge back out onto the deck. The storm has worsened in the time that you've been inside. The rain is lashing down to the point that it almost hurts your skin as it impacts. And the thunder and lightning are just raging overhead, a biting wind whipping down out of the glimmering lights of Kivas mantle up in the clouds, over your heads Speaker 4 01:32:06 And silhouetted Speaker 3 01:32:07 In the flashes of lightning. You see an Australian sailing ship anchored outside the mouth of the Harbor of Pearl. Speaker 4 01:32:16 The captain nods out towards it. That would be the banshee, the flagship of the Australian pirate fleet. She's small, but she's fast and very capable of taking down Speaker 3 01:32:29 Bigger ships. If history has anything to go by Speaker 4 01:32:32 This, isn't going to be easy. And then he turns back around, over his shoulder and yells all hands battle stations. The crews starts Speaker 3 01:32:42 Scrambling across the deck to get to where they're supposed to be. And in the chaos, you see the captain reach out to hands. One gets glasses Speaker 4 01:32:50 By the back of the shirt. And one gets Laura lie by the bag, the shirt, he pulls glasses in, nods down at him and says, you stay on board with the guns, give us all the cover fire you can. And then he turns back to Lorelei and goes on. Do you last, you get below deck Laura. Speaker 3 01:33:10 I starts to protest. And then Sabine gets the other shoulder Speaker 4 01:33:14 Of her shirt in her hand and goes now and shoves Speaker 3 01:33:18 Her down towards the door Speaker 4 01:33:20 That goes below decks the windows. So whipping Speaker 3 01:33:24 Catching all of the sales and you move further towards the banshee next to you. You see Leo presses lips together into a very thin line nod. Grimly. Zap has knife back into his hand and pull out the Cutlass from his waist and get ready to go Speaker 4 01:33:44 Flicks her wrist and a ball of fire appears in her. The captain hops up Speaker 3 01:33:51 Onto the railing of the ship, grabbing the rigging for support. Speaker 4 01:33:56 The ship gets Speaker 3 01:33:56 Closer and closer and closer. And as you get within boarding distance and the crew starts swinging around grappling hooks and getting gangplanks ready to put over to cross onto the other ship. The captain on sheaves, his Cutlass and turns back around to look at where you and Sabine are standing on the Speaker 4 01:34:15 Deck next to him. He Speaker 3 01:34:18 Doesn't, it seem to be addressing either one of you Speaker 4 01:34:23 Or maybe it's that he's addressing both of you. I'm not going to say in case we lose because that's not going to happen. But if things go sideways, if we don't all make it out here, I love you. I love you too, but I should kick your ass for entertaining. The possibility that we're not all making it out of here beside Speaker 3 01:34:47 You, Sabine takes a little bit of a stumbling step back and blink Speaker 4 01:34:51 At him. That's an extremely complicated thing for you to say. And I don't think he would have said it if you didn't plan on dying. So I'm going to kick your ass too. We're going to unpack this later, captain. The consequences of your actions are staring you in the face. Captain. You're going to regret being so fatalistic. Captain the ship Speaker 3 01:35:14 Finally pulls up alongside the banshee, close enough for the crew to start boarding. And the captain looks down at you and Sabine, both ganging Speaker 4 01:35:23 Up on him, shakes his Speaker 3 01:35:25 Head, looks up at the stormy sky, overhead and whispers Speaker 4 01:35:29 Cave. You hear my prayer. If you've ever had any mercy, take me now and then swings over onto the deck. There Speaker 1 01:35:36 Are gangplanks being put out, but it's going to come cost you around. You can try to make an athletics or acrobatics check to hop over. Leo is definitely gonna make the acrobatics check because he has a good modifier for it. You've got a 21 to acrobatics. So he vaults over effortlessly and puts a handout for you. So he's going to give you advantage on an acrobatics or athletics. If you want to try to jump over. That's a 21 also Speaker 0 01:36:05 By her own natural magic and the windy ways in which it tends to manifest. Sometimes he's going to hop off the deck and almost put a foot down in the middle of the space between the ships like she's stepping on air and just reach out. Grab Leo's hand, swing up on it. The deck Speaker 1 01:36:24 With a mild Thunderclap behind you and the hem of the gift of the storm. Bringer ruffling in your wake, you land down on the planks of this deck, the crew of the banshee has been waiting for you. What appears to be every hand on this ship is standing on the deck. Swords drawn, ready for a conflict. The captain was the first person on deck, and he seems to know his way, at least in a rudimentary way around the deck of this ship, raises his Cutlass and points it back towards the helm. And if you follow the point of his sword, you see vice Admiral defiance fully backed out in her fine sailors, garb leaning casually with her forearms braced against the ship's wheel and smiling down at all of you. He snarls up at her sharp, sharp teeth, bared defiance, you and I have a score to settle. Speaker 1 01:37:28 There is an impact on the wood and a jingle right behind you and Sabine lands on the deck. Fire still gleaming in the Palm of her hand. She nods over at the captain and says, couldn't agree more dear. And from up at the helm, you see defiance reach into the oil to leather vest of her sailors, garb and pull out something very fee. I'd like you to roll an advantaged. Arconic check 12. It was a low DC, because the reason that it's familiar is sitting right in the middle of your shield. In your hand, she has a sword in one hand, but with her other, she pulls out this glimmering, crystal orb, and within it, you can see flashes much like your Cape and your own orbit that are echoing the flashes of Kivas thunder, overhead, these greens and blues and grays and purples and little flashes of static electricity shooting through it, but it looks wrong. It looks corrupted. As you're watching the electricity shoot through this crystal orb, there are ribbons of deep void, like black that are shooting out like sick necrotizing veins across the surface. Defiance grins uses her orb to cast <inaudible> and a clap of stilted. Distorted six sounding thunder makes the timbers of the ship rumble under your feet. Oh good. I was worried that you weren't going to make this any fun Speaker 3 01:39:34 Everybody rolling initiative. And that's where we're going to end for this week. Oh shit. It's bad. Oh, shit's bad. Oh, shit's about to get so much worse Speaker 1 01:39:49 Next time. Speaker 3 01:39:51 <inaudible> Hey, everybody Barry here with the postscript, just clearing up a couple housekeeping things here at the end of the episode, as always, you can find us on social media. We are on Twitter, Tumblr and Tik TOK, acapella duel. You can also find us on Tik TOK, acapella, dual adios, where we post audio snippets from the show. Speaker 4 01:40:24 We have lots of other cool stuff going Speaker 3 01:40:25 On, like an official website and official Spotify profile. You could find all of that linked on all of our main social media profiles. Speaker 4 01:40:34 If you're interested Speaker 3 01:40:35 In supporting the podcast, we ask that you head over to patrion.com/compelled dual and check out some of the things we have to offer starting at just $2 a month. You can get access to lots of cool perks, like early access to episodes, access to exclusive Spotify, playlist and bonus content, or even handwritten letters from your favorite character every month. Speaker 4 01:40:57 If you're interested in Speaker 3 01:40:58 Supporting us in ways that don't involve pledging to the Patrion. If you're listening to us on apple podcasts, we ask that you consider leaving us a rating and a review. Since that helps us grow our audience and get promoted to a wider Speaker 4 01:41:11 Listener base. And Speaker 3 01:41:14 As always word of mouth advertising is the best tool we have at our disposal. If you like the podcast we ask that you just tell a couple of friends Speaker 4 01:41:22 About it, and if Speaker 3 01:41:24 They like it as well, ask them to tell a couple friends too, Speaker 4 01:41:28 We do do a weekly Speaker 3 01:41:30 Q and a live stream on our YouTube channel. We would love to have you all show up and hang out for that. Speaker 4 01:41:35 It's a lot of fun episode 17. We'll Speaker 3 01:41:39 Be going live on Friday, October 1st, 2021. Or if you are a member of the Patrion, you will be getting your early access on Thursday, September 3rd, hoo boy. See y'all next week.

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