Episode 4 - Hunter, Hunted

Episode 4 December 25, 2020 01:04:12
Episode 4 - Hunter, Hunted
Compelled Dual
Episode 4 - Hunter, Hunted

Dec 25 2020 | 01:04:12


Show Notes

Leoril makes good on a promise. Zed finds a quest worth undertaking. Eleanora thoroughly enjoys watching the chaos that ensues. A troupe of bandits, a political boon, and a lavish party all coalesce into one realization: Leoril Valcyne is too fucking bisexual for this.
Music credits for this episode: We Love Punk Rock by WinnieTheMoog Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6369-we-love-punk-rock License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6282-tavern-loop-one License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Reaching Out by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4265-reaching-out License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ The Complex by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4488-the-complex License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Interloper by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3919-interloper License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Danse of Questionable Tuning by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3603-danse-of-questionable-tuning License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey, Barry. Hey Erica, how easy is Twitter? <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:25 Hello everybody. And welcome back to compel duel. I'm out. Am I buried? And we are a single-player at Cody and the actual play D and D podcast. Speaker 2 00:00:34 So last time on compelled duel, we checked in back in Australia with Ferrara Val sine, who was having some friendship, drama, and as it turns out some very threatening situations happening to her, but she overcame very well. And we, yeah, well then we last left her having a panic attack, but you know, it happens to the best. Speaker 1 00:00:55 And last time I texted with Leo, he had gone to the sovereigns maladies up toward dune nine allied city States over in the mainland continent. Next to Sheri. He had tried valiantly to impress the council of sovereigns. It did what it did. He said his visa and he had an encounter with the princess of one of the city States, Eleanor Ash, thorn. He couldn't get that lucky. He is unsure of where will and keys lie, but he did allow her to take him on a Mary jumped through the city to a Tavern where he immediately got involved in a bar fight. Speaker 2 00:01:33 Shit kicked is what you mean to say he got shit kicked. Yes. Speaker 1 00:01:37 Are you still mad about it, buddy? It's a little bit. You got shit kicked for sure. For sure. Eleanor ran off and Leo was introduced to a charming stranger by the name of Zen stone bloom, who is a self-described bounty Hunter and a not so self-described drunken hippo. Speaker 2 00:01:56 God bless him. Are we getting right back into it where we left off or? Okay. Speaker 1 00:02:04 Yeah, you are in the Tavern and you are sitting at a table with this charming half work stranger who has introduced herself and said, am I still super bloody? Quite yes. Cool. And also Eleanor, I just fucking took off. Speaker 2 00:02:19 Yeah, she did. I don't think Leo is going to follow her at that point. I think his ego's a little too bruised, so he's just going to sit there quietly bleeding and just put a hand up for another drink. And when the barkeep comes over, he's gonna turn over and say, listen, sir, I'm very sorry that we, uh, did the property damage that we did. Can I have another drink? First of all, again, top shelf whiskey, please. Also, can we do something about them? And I point to the unconscious ruffians on the floor, Speaker 1 00:02:48 Put the hat of actually it says I have a plan with them. If you could just leave them on the floor, I would deeply appreciate it. Are we Speaker 2 00:02:56 Not going to tie them up? Speaker 0 00:02:58 Nope. Speaker 3 00:03:00 I have a plan. Like I said, he drinks like half of his drink in one go and says, barky, bolder an ale please. And the barkeep brings you your drinks and then just go that it, Speaker 2 00:03:10 I think Leo takes it in one go. He hurts a lot. Speaker 3 00:03:15 Okay. Speaker 2 00:03:15 You're going to plus six to insight. That's not horrible. Speaker 3 00:03:18 A dirty 20 nice Zed is it's a very like, kind of sophisticated performance where he looks like he is way more drunk than you think he is. He's definitely drunk, but he looks like sloppy drunk. And you see him just very sharply watching the thugs that you just beat up. Like what I, um, the thought was that you just beat up and one eye on the rest of the Tavern and he just smiles at you over his flag. And he goes, so what's a nice guy like you doing it, but he's like this. Speaker 2 00:03:49 I think Leo polishes off the rest of his drink. And just in a very exhausted voice says, that's a very long story for a very short time of knowing each other. And I am way more interested in what someone like you is doing in a place like, Speaker 3 00:04:06 Like I said, that you take on the drink, I've been telling that Tweedledum and Tweedledee dumber and he gestures towards the guy that you just beat up for a couple of days connected to one of my projects. We'll say one of my contracts Speaker 2 00:04:22 Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you just agree that I'm your next contract. So shouldn't you divulge any current projects that you need to wrap up before getting to work for your new employer? He links. It says speed. Speaker 3 00:04:36 Multitasking, Speaker 2 00:04:40 Leo. Wasn't so busy, slowly bleeding everywhere. He would be way more into that than he probably is right now. But at this point I think he just Speaker 3 00:04:47 Blinks really hard, finishes his drink. So where do you need to take, Speaker 2 00:04:54 Uh, the aforementioned Tweedledum and Tweedledee dumber now that we're done with them? I'll although, you know, if you want to tie one on before we go, I'm totally okay with that. Leo leans forward and kind of purchases. Speaker 3 00:05:07 He says, Oh no, no, no, there's no boundary on those two. I'm going after a bigger fish. So I'm just going to let them run back to the guy in charge. Speaker 2 00:05:18 Do you think the fish is big enough that the council of sovereigns would be interest? Speaker 3 00:05:23 I don't get myself much involved in politics and he likes stretches Speaker 2 00:05:27 Talking for a big paycheck, said, which I think you're much more interested in fair subject. Let's just say I have some inroads. And if you're looking to collect a little bit of a, you know, annual bonus on this, consider it gratis of your new patron. Also I'm leeching most of my money off King silver tree right now. It's not going to be that way permanently, but I think endearing you to the man might also be a good business choice for both of us. And if anything that I know of the man is any indication, endearing YouTube, and we'll go super fast. I'm assuming since pretty is that pretty? That's quite pretty. Okay. Speaker 1 00:06:08 Shoulder length hair that he gets tied back and kind of a high pony tail or an amended tusks, like he's got dangly rings coming off of them. He's got a full sleeve tattoo. It just kind of snaking up one arm florals and there are various animals kind of edged into it and scattered little bits of rune work. Speaker 2 00:06:27 You really had to come from me personally. God damn. So you want to let the chuckle fucks that stopped me go. I just, I want you to say that to me, to my face really quick before we move on with any more of this. Speaker 1 00:06:43 Oh, don't worry. I'm going to get them eventually. I get everybody that I go after. Eventually I'm very persistent and he wakes again, but they're no good to me. If us, we can cut the head off the snake. You understand Speaker 2 00:06:57 Crystal clear. I think that you, after again, we can totally tie one or two or three on if you want. Eleanora has apparently abandoned me. So if we, uh, you know, just want to finish up here, I think you should definitely come back to the palace with me because I think we have some people to talk to. He leans in marriage posture with the head of the thing Speaker 1 00:07:19 And he says, Oh, I was planning on it. If you were a minimalist of the idea, Speaker 2 00:07:24 We had just put this hand up for another drink. Speaker 1 00:07:27 Yeah. The bar delivers you and other drinks. The bandage that you've beat up very handily and start like stir a little bit. Not now, Josh, Josh picks his head up and you said not now. And he goes right out of the ground. Speaker 2 00:07:40 Probably Leo would be down for a couple more drinks before they go back to the palace. Leo is going to try to fly down the bartender. Good, sir. Do you have anywhere that I could wash myself of all the blood that has accumulated on my person? Speaker 1 00:07:53 And he says, well, we rent rooms out too. If you're willing to shell out and then said, praises, one hand, he says, actually I am currently renting a room at this fine establishment. If you'd like some privacy, Speaker 2 00:08:05 That'd be great. Speaker 1 00:08:08 Fantastic. Cause that slams his final drink. I think he's had like five good leaf Baggins available. And he like weaves a little bit as he stands up with that dirty 20 inside Jack, you can tell he's faking most of it. Speaker 2 00:08:20 Can I roll for how drunk I am? Because I'm a small, small man and I've had a lot of whiskey in a short amount of time. And also I've lost a lot of blood Speaker 1 00:08:29 Check. 16. You've had a lot of whiskey in a short amount of time, but you did a lot of hard drinking with Kolesnik Petrus as a teenager, you're going to hold it pretty well. Excellent. He leads you up the stairs again, weaving a little bit as he's walking, but like very, not obviously faked, but you rolled in sight well enough that you can tell he's faking and then he shoulders the door open and you see a pretty generic in Speaker 3 00:08:56 Room. It's not super nice, but you see that what you assume to be his belongings are very carefully packed up and early shoved in a corner. It's very Spartan and there's a lot of open space that he's cleared. There's a washbasin in the corner behind a screen. Yeah. I'm going to go Speaker 4 00:09:11 Shop and make myself look not as much like I've had the fuck beaten up Speaker 3 00:09:15 Because said, we'll get you your privacy as you do that. Okay. Well, I mean, there's a screen right behind the screen. You can see him moving around. He looks like he's going through a martial arts cutoff stretch in and just like practicing some punches. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:09:30 Was cleaning out his various wounds. Uh, just kinda over the screen. He was going to call it. So, um, if you couldn't tell I'm a little bit new on the scene, you want to tell me what the order of the golden touch. Speaker 3 00:09:40 He barks a laugh and he goes stuffy my garter up in the mountains, uh, largely Oregon, but not exclusively. I was inducted into it at a young age and it turned out to be not as much my scene as my mother thought it was going to be. You understand? Speaker 4 00:09:56 Definitely actually Leo says and finishes kind of cleaning himself up. So, uh, if you would like to gather your effects, Mr. Stone bloom, we can proceed to the palace and I will need to make a little bit of a change, but then we can go talk to the council. I'm sure they're still deliberating. Speaker 3 00:10:14 Yeah. It sounds like politics. He has two bags, but they're not big. They're small enough. The teachers kind of slang both over his shoulders. All right. Lead the way. Pretty boy. So yeah, they're headed back up to the palace was the council's stolen session by the time we get back. Yes. Firmly. Speaker 4 00:10:31 Wonderful. Okay. I'm just going upstairs and kind of waving him after me. Like, come on, come on, come on my phone Speaker 3 00:10:37 Naturally 18. He's all right. I don't really know. Speaker 4 00:10:40 My accommodations are like here. I mean, I know I live in the palace, but yeah, Speaker 3 00:10:44 I would think you have a nice room. It's not as nice as your back in a Sharia, but it's the fitting of someone. That's one. The favor of the King. Speaker 4 00:10:51 Do I have my own bathroom? Yes. Okay. Yeah. I was going to just kind of lead him up along the hall and into the room and go, okay. Just give me two seconds. Got to do a little more cleaning up and then we'll go back downstairs. Okay. Speaker 3 00:11:05 Absolutely. You noticed by the way that as he was rolling that self and trying to be more subtle, the fake drunkenness hide out wiped away. And he was very quietly moving through very subtly and very deadly on his feet. Like he had not pounded like it's available. Speaker 4 00:11:22 What is this? Guy's tolerance. Jesus. Okay. Leo is going to grab, Ooh, not his former outfit. I think a new outfit. Okay. But, uh, similarly constructed, you know, diaphanous, Elvin robes slid up to the thigh. Lots of jewelry. Very pretty go grab that and take it into the bathroom and do the best he can to kind of patch up all remaining wounds. He has. I think he'll just use accessories to cover the ones. Speaker 3 00:11:50 Fantastic performance. Oh, see how well that goes. Six Leo, you've got a big scrape gone up one arm where Josh like slammed into the floor. You cover some of it up and you do a pretty good job, but you look like you've been in a fight. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:12:09 I think he kind of took himself out in the mirror and then has an idea and goes, you know what? Okay. We can make this work and then goes back out and grabs Zed by the arm and goes, okay, we're going downstairs. Speaker 3 00:12:19 Come on. All right. Sure. Sure, sure. And he goes with you, um, again being very stealthy and surefooted, as he goes, Speaker 4 00:12:26 I'm going back down towards where the council is still in session. Are there guards preventing me from getting back into the council? Speaker 3 00:12:33 The chamber? There are probably guards at the doors. Yes. You could convince them to let you in. Uh, do I see Eleanora anywhere? Yeah. I think LMR is kind of leaning against the wall, near the door. I'm just kind of picking her nails. Speaker 4 00:12:48 It's late for something. Huh? Leo says with a big fake smile, Speaker 3 00:12:52 I thought they'd be taking a recess. What's gonna happen. Speaker 4 00:12:55 It happened to me if I go back in there also, does she sees that with us? Speaker 3 00:12:59 Yeah. I mean, she was in the bar fight with you. She sized up said at the bar, I was like, okay. She kind of raises an eyebrow a little bit, but she does not want to comment on the situation. Yes. She says, I mean, depends on what you're going in there for. I wouldn't interrupt. I have an addendum to my statement. If you want official language on your head, be it. She just kind of raises her hands. Oh, Speaker 4 00:13:26 <inaudible> this is such a bad idea. I'm taking Zed by one hand and I get Eleanor by the other. And I dragged them both in Speaker 3 00:13:34 Eleanora, followed them for a couple of steps and that pulls her hand away and does not initiate physical contact with the princess of SRF. Yeah. I take both of them in with me and Speaker 4 00:13:49 Walk into, but I am going to wait for a lull in the conversation. Speaker 3 00:13:53 It's very civil debate going on here. Very slow kind of debate. They're just like talking amongst themselves mostly. And it appears that most of them are deliberating and thinking and just kind of writing down notes and like getting their shit together to make their own statements. It's very like jury to liberation more than anything else. Speaker 4 00:14:13 I'm just going to wait for like the most socially appropriate lull in the conversation I can. And then slowly raise it. Speaker 3 00:14:20 King Bertrand, silver tree notices. He raise a finger. He goes, ah, Leo, I have, Speaker 4 00:14:27 If it would please the council of course, and the addendum to my earlier Speaker 3 00:14:32 You see the iron sweater raises her eyebrows and makes a sharp note on a note pad. And it says, go ahead, unorthodox, but we'll allow it. Speaker 4 00:14:44 Okay. I'm going to go down into the well, if I can. Speaker 0 00:14:47 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:14:52 Aye. Upon further examination of the statements that I made earlier in the council meeting that I am seen as a stranger in these lands. And I'm unfamiliar with your lands and with your culture, decided to go out of my own accord into the city. Leo says and looks over at Eleanora. Like I'm not going to sell you out to your dad. Don't worry. Speaker 3 00:15:15 She like closes her eyes for a second and visibly exhale Speaker 2 00:15:18 And upon doing so I became almost instantaneously familiar with some issues happening in the sovereign principalities right now that I could perhaps be more help with beyond just sitting in a castle and talking to the council. Leo says it strikes me upon for the reflection. And he looks really hard at Eleanora. Again, that you may not be willing to throw your military might and political support behind someone who has done nothing to help you the entire time he has been here. Eleanora doesn't quit, Speaker 3 00:15:56 Wait, smile. But she comes close enough to a smile that you see the tip of whatever. Speaker 2 00:16:02 And Leo takes another deep breath and says today, my guests, Mr. Stone bloom, and I, and he looks real hard at Bertrand. And like, why go son eyebrow Marsha? Speaker 3 00:16:12 Because he doesn't say, ah, but his face says, ah, Speaker 2 00:16:18 Today my guest, Mr. Stone bloom, and I encountered some members of a local team of miscreants that have been giving IRAs in trouble as of late. And I was struck with the idea that since I have, by the power of my nation, sovereign God been granted a goodly amount of power. Perhaps I could do something to help to convince all of you that I am worthy of your support. So I encourage all of you before you return home at whatever opportunity we get for all of us to get together and talk in a more open forum, please approach me and tell me whatever issues you are having with your cities that I might be able to help with. I will prove myself worthy of your support through that. If the council will allow it and Leo's going to bow out of the well Speaker 3 00:17:11 Bang night peak, the King of Charles Green says Ruffin. You said, Speaker 2 00:17:17 I don't have the full picture of the situation, but my associate here has a more comprehensive understanding. He looks over, it said like, please don't hit me for this. I'm so sorry. Speaker 3 00:17:29 Is it kind of Curt misses a little bit? And then he steps into the well that like very carefully cultivated that lurching kind of motions that he had earlier, the like weaving facade of being more drunk than he is, is gone. And he steps confidently into the well and vows. And he makes eye contact thing night peak. He makes eye contact with Lou Bosch Sonder bow, who are the two orchestra and half orchestra members of the council. And he says, Zed stone, blue of the order of the golden tusk at your service, your majesties and Lou Bosch and Fang, both look kind of impressed. We've watched sits back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest and kind of smiles. And then Zed, just our rakish grin says I've been tailing, uh, members of a local bandit syndicates that has been operating with a exile from the thieves gold of Southwood. He is from what I've been able to ascertain ruthless. And he has been targeting Irie for now, but who knows where he'll go next? And then he bobs again in a little bow and steps back out of the, well Speaker 4 00:18:46 Kind of just get some by the wrist again and kind of pulls them back and goes, uh, that was all of the additions that I had to my earlier statement. I just figured that it would be of interest to the council. Again, I encourage any and all of you who would like to come talk to me and bring me any of your city's tasks that you believe my power or my associate's power can help with. And we will do our best to help cement better relationships between all of us. And then he's going to bow out of the room and just kind of tugs that with him. And as soon as they get outside of the room, when the doors close, he's going to turn around and be like, I'm so sorry. Speaker 3 00:19:23 A little warning, what a bit appreciated, but it's not the first time. So now we wait, I guess Eleanor, I goes back to her posts at the wall and starts cleaning her claws again and goes, yeah, there'll be in there for awhile. Speaker 4 00:19:36 Fuck me. We should've stayed at the bar. Speaker 3 00:19:38 Zed five. Somebody goes, I don't know. I think your bed is nicer than mine would have been. Not that I'm implying anything. Speaker 4 00:19:44 No. Yeah, no, no. Leo says Speaker 3 00:19:48 He like, as we, Oh, Stanford's over that his smile lines a little bit. And he says that would be forward. And then he turns and he starts to go and he says, yeah, anywhere where I can get something to eat around here, kitchen Speaker 4 00:20:01 Down the stairs to the left. Absolutely. And he goes, Leo turns over to Eleanor and goes, Holy shit. Speaker 3 00:20:11 Yeah, no Speaker 4 00:20:13 I'm being professional about this. He's a bounty Hunter. He has valuable skills for me. I am following your advice to get your father on my side. And that is helping out people, right? Like that's what you were pushing me towards becoming the council's errand. Boy, I guess I need help to do that. I'm not used to being an errand boy. I'm a fucking grand Duke. Speaker 3 00:20:37 Eleanor says, I said, nothing about Erin bullies for the record. Oh, but Speaker 4 00:20:43 That a good bit about heroes and duty. And Leah's doing like exaggerated air quotes while he's doing all of this. Speaker 1 00:20:52 The fact that you put air quotes around the word heroes is a Y I implied that you should do something for the people, but that's none of my business. Speaker 4 00:21:02 I took the best that I can here. Did I do a good thing in there or not? Cause I need to know. I think that was pretty good. Speaker 1 00:21:09 Yeah. And she had told her had a little bit and she goes, I mean, I feel like the idea of taking out one of the gatherings of bandits in the area would appeal to more than a few people. I know stout was had issues. Speaker 4 00:21:27 I need bobbin on my side. I mean, Speaker 1 00:21:29 Yeah. I think it all depends on whether or not you can actually do the thing that you just said you were going to do. Speaker 4 00:21:36 Of course I could do the thing I said I was going to do. I've got magic shoes, Speaker 1 00:21:40 Like raise the hand and then lowers it ended vice her lip and goes <inaudible> yes. I saw the magic. Speaker 4 00:21:48 This is me trying princess. This is me trying your efforts are known. I think Leo wink center, she Speaker 1 00:21:56 Raises a lot of eyebrows, goes back to clean air claws and goes slow down there. Pretty boy, Speaker 4 00:22:04 I'm not offended by it. I'm very well aware of how pretty I am. But I swear to God, I've heard that word more times in the past 24 hours. And then he just puts his hand up and goes, Speaker 1 00:22:16 I to see you leave, but love to watch it go. Speaker 4 00:22:19 What's the deal with waiting for the council to deliberate? Like, are they all staying here? What's happening? Speaker 1 00:22:25 When they deliberate for extended hours, they usually don't really leave the council chamber and they have King Warren like nap in the council. Speaker 4 00:22:34 I'm going to stay up and wait for them to finish deliberating. Speaker 1 00:22:37 I think you get back to your room and is that it's just sitting there with like a loaf of bread and a block of cheese, Speaker 4 00:22:42 You know, you could have gotten like lobster, Thermador, right. You know, like bread and cheese. Did you go to the kitchen? What did you do? Speaker 1 00:22:50 Yeah. They went to the kitchens. You said at the kitchens were downstairs. That's the only thing I know where it is. And then he like takes a big bite of fusion. He goes, my fried carbs. Fat keeps me going for hours. Speaker 4 00:23:00 I bet it does. Anyway. He does snark. I hope that was okay. Again, you know, this is a paid position, you know, I'm not asking you to be here out of anything voluntary. Uh I'll just go ahead and say that you'll get a bonus for that. I'm really sorry. I had to make a lot of decisions on my feet. It's been that way for like the past five years. Really? Speaker 1 00:23:22 He just kind of nods. He goes, yeah, no, I get it. I don't love leveraging my status, but I know when it's warranted, besides the only promise that I was going to do the thing I was already doing. Speaker 4 00:23:33 Yeah. I tried really hard not to implicate anyone in this that wasn't already as deep in it as I was. But given that you'll be getting paid for this and I can't emphasize again, how easy paycheck is going to be. All you have to do to fit in here is be pretty. That's it that's it that's literally it. It's why I have thrived. So Speaker 3 00:23:54 He does not because yeah, I, I got some vibes off the old man do what works, right? Yeah. And Hey, if he got it, got it. He says, I noticed he takes a big bite out of bread, nigga. You're from, no, I can't do that sort of thing more than like once a year or they'll start checking in with the order. And that won't go so good. So what happened? You said you were Speaker 4 00:24:20 Former monk. I mean, if you don't mind me asking, of course I totally understand stories that people aren't willing to tell, but what went on, Speaker 3 00:24:29 He had finished the bike he was working on and just kind of like why should wrapping up, um, a mixture of personal drama and, uh, they weren't, uh, enthusiastic about my extracurricular activities. We'll say damn once again. I really wish I had a dream trace to that Speaker 4 00:24:49 Hurley. We have much more to talk about later. Speaker 3 00:24:52 Fantastic. I would love a conversation. He was like, again, prophesied of his hand and then leaves the room. He leaves his own room. Yes. He leaves his own room. Listen, he's been on a five-year dry spell. I claim no responsibility for what happens next. Speaker 4 00:25:13 Yeah. And I think I'm just going to go find Eleanora and wait for the council. Finished deliberating. Speaker 3 00:25:19 Most of the night, I think they break around Dawn. Everyone kind of shuffles out very bleary-eyed Warren Dawn chaser is being carried by his mother when a piggyback little buddy, crown half knocked off his head little bunny. Yeah. Leo is like, you know, respectfully finger gunning and all these people as they're walking out, like, do you need anything? Can I help you want to help you with Isaac Ash, I think is leading the procession out. And he rolls his eyes and then pads Eleanor on the head and says, I'm going to bed. You should also probably go to bed. I'm going to bed for sure. And then he like puts his hands up and like a pleading motion and turns to his daughter and says coffee. And Eleanor says, yeah, I've got it. I'll bring it up in six hours. And as it goes, thank you. He goes cool. As at the rest of the procession comes up, Bob and Rosebrook, I think actually stops and like takes you aside and goes, it won't be fast to get in touch with the local fee is go. But if your friend from the order of the golden task, doesn't really have information on the specific identity of the man he's after I have some connections with the Guild that I could get some information out of. Speaker 4 00:26:36 Well, I mean, we would greatly appreciate that your majesty that's very generous of you. Is there anything else that I can you out with at the moment? Speaker 2 00:26:44 She Speaker 3 00:26:44 Does smile a little bit. He has not at the moment, but I'll be in touch and the rest of the council kind of shuffle off. Speaker 2 00:26:51 I would also like to go take, I only need four hours because ultimately I have to transfer four hours. I would like to go take a four hour. Speaker 3 00:26:58 Yeah, absolutely. Trans is that still in my room? Eating cheese in a few hours. He is graduated from eating cheese, it to pass out on a mat on the floor. Okay. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:27:12 You know, find my I'm assuming I have like a meditation bench or something somewhere that I can just sit down and take my trance. And then sometime earlier in the morning I emerge from my trance. What happens? Speaker 3 00:27:23 It's about nine in the morning. I would say, I think Zed is up by the time you get back out of your trance and has left. I think he'll leave. I don't know. That's what for breakfast then to talk to your nice goblin friend. Oh no. Oh, Speaker 2 00:27:38 Can I find them? This is so bad. Speaker 3 00:27:42 I can't Speaker 2 00:27:43 Bear the idea of the two of them talking about me without me being there Speaker 3 00:27:48 12 with a 12, it takes you a good minute. But there is, I think a dining hall in the palace, like not a formal dining hall, but a place that has like a few benches and tables and things that people can go and get the staff go to eat in the morning. And you find Eleanora and Zed sitting at a bench together. Not deep in conversation, just kind of like lead chatting as they go at a full bugging spread of breakfast, Zed with a strip of bacon and his mouth raises a hand as you come in and goes, Hey, over here, come sit down. Hey, go sit down. Is there food? Yes. There's well, you're just puts a finger on, can I get a bloody Mary as you're waiting on that? That's gonna say, okay, so you're coming with me to get this guy. Yes. Sure, sure. I mean, if you don't want to, Speaker 2 00:28:39 I mean, I, I, I made promises and making promises is my whole new thing. Now, I guess Speaker 3 00:28:45 Eleanora, snorts into her coffee. You Speaker 2 00:28:48 Shut up. You're not coming with us. Speaker 3 00:28:51 I am definitely not. No wonderful. Okay. Speaker 2 00:28:54 Let me just say, you know, yesterday, a lot of the shit that happened to me happened because those gentlemen were very unsportsmanlike and I wasn't ready for that. As somebody who's had a formal fencing training, I do know how to swing a sword though. I'm not totally helpless. I understand that. I got totally shit kicked and you guys ended up totally fine again, because I healed you can't stress this enough because I healed you. You both ended up totally fine. And I still ended up shit kicked. Right. Speaker 3 00:29:20 Thanks for that. By the way, is that says, you go going at his breakfast. He's like paying attention, but he is fully just putting away half this breakfast bread. So yeah. Speaker 2 00:29:29 Who do these guys do? Why, why are we going after them? What are they, what are we doing? I just debrief me. Please said, please. Speaker 3 00:29:37 Well, mostly they've been going after caravans. Cause that's kind an easy Paul, you know, if you can take out a couple of wagons on a caravan, then you've got enough shit that you can fence that you can upkeep the camp for like a few months, lone travelers, a lot, the whole going into the city thing is new. I think it's new strategy. Speaker 2 00:29:56 So you're telling me that Josh came to that bar yesterday as part of a strategic intervention. Speaker 3 00:30:03 I didn't say they were smart to be fair. They only went after you and they did shit kick. Yeah, no offense. I don't think it's a necessarily the smartest move they've made. Well, I, from what I've been able to pick up about their numbers, if they decide to go serious about going into cities and just picking people off in dives, then it's going to get real bad for the little guy real fast, you know? Fair enough. Speaker 2 00:30:29 Okay. So you know where these people are. I go with you, uh, we handle situation. We endear ourselves to the eyes of council that gets you a bigger paycheck. That gets me the military support. I need to do what I need to do. Uh, mutually acceptable forever. Speaker 3 00:30:47 I think really the only person we needed to take out is their leader. You know, he's the only one with formal thieves training. He's the only one that I think is going to be making these strategic moves. I think we take him out. It's mostly just the rest of them scattered through the countryside. And the rest of them are pretty run of the mill guys, like fucking Josh yesterday. Right. Speaker 2 00:31:08 I go change back into my armor because this Leo waves Speaker 3 00:31:13 Does give you the once-over and it goes, yeah, pretty but ineffective. So you set out the reason ire and the rest of the cities. The high walls that they do is because most of Tor dune is largely not organized into like settlements given the civil war that was happening recently, a lot of populations got debt, kind of decimated in a lot of smaller towns. So there are a lot of people just kind of roving around and just trying to get by trying to get the resources that they need as he's like shouldering his hat and kind of getting on the trail. He's like, so from what I've been able to gather, they have established camp about in the neighborhood of five miles that away. And he points, uh, away from the Lake. And he says, as far as I can tell, there's a couple dozen of them. But if we're like quick and quiet, I think we can just kind of get the big guy. Speaker 2 00:32:09 Okay. I don't think I've walked five miles in the last five years. So let's just go ahead and do that. And then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Okay. Yeah. I guess we're leaving the city. Speaker 3 00:32:20 Yeah. You walk for a couple of miles. Um, that is like fine. I dunno, Ellie is doing it. Speaker 2 00:32:26 Yeah. I mean, he's got a plus two to strengthen a plus two to cotton and like he's okay. Speaker 3 00:32:30 Yeah, he's doing all right. It's not super easy. The land or out Irene is rolling Hills and there's a lot of up and down. It's kind of you do. Okay. It's through this track and then you go about four and a half miles and you hear a rustling in the bushes and I'm going to need you to roll in it. Speaker 4 00:32:49 Fuck. Well, Leo wrote a 22. Speaker 3 00:32:52 Nice. So Leo is knocking a first day initiative and they get a surprise round on you, but Zed role in that 21 initiative. So that is going to negate the surprise round on him. You see a van run out of the bushes shortsword raised and Zed just like reaches up and clocks him. So he does 10 damage. So I think he was like 10 feet ahead of you just kind of going ahead on the path. And he talks back and goes to back to back with you and then spreads his arms and smiles and goes, boy, boys, can't we discuss this to have come out of the bushes. One is going to go ahead and make an attack on you. That's going to hit, that's going to hit just barely six damage. So to Canada, the bushes so far, the one that attacked said no, the left for you. Speaker 3 00:33:39 And it's the one that came after Zed stern. He's going to run up on Zed. So that's an eight totally does not hit said. And then two arrows and quick succession come out of the trees, head for Zed and fucking, neither of them was going to hit. And he laughs as they miss and goes. Um, man, I thought you guys were at least going to put up a fight and then it's his turn again. And the one that attacked him originally that just tried to swing on him again. He's going to go ahead. And um, so his dad's going to hit this guy for the first one and do five damage. That is enough to knock the first band that are unconscious. And then he's going to turn around and clock the one that just swung on you. And that's also gonna hit four seven. And that is your turn. Speaker 4 00:34:29 I'm going to get the one that's on me with, I'm going to get them with a chill touch and a plus six to hit 15 hit. Okay. So that's going to be one da damage. Yeah, the chronic three, Speaker 3 00:34:42 The guy that went after you is bloodied. And then it's his turn. He yells rush rates and then like picks up the one that said just knocked out and just runs. He will provoke it. Opportunity attack if you want to go after him. But he, yeah. Speaker 4 00:34:56 Oh yeah. I'm going to get up. And I rolled on. That's funny. Yeah, no, that's a Nat 20 with my long sword. So that's a two D eight plus my strength damage 16. Speaker 3 00:35:08 No way. This has not. I doubt. Yeah. He had three hip whites left good nights. Um, yeah, you're not this guy out as he's going to pick up his wounded comrade and there is a loud rustling noise from the trees as the other two book. It, you are out of initiative and you can follow them. Speaker 4 00:35:24 I mean, I look over and said, and I just shrugged, like, yes, Speaker 3 00:35:28 He picks up the bandits that are on the ground, over her shoulder and goes, let's go negotiate. And then just starts off. Yeah, follow him. You Speaker 1 00:35:38 Go about another half mile up the road. And you started to hear noises of like brawling and conversation and like a roaring fire. And you come up on this, uh, bandit and camp mint. And as soon as the tents are in view, Zed raises a hand waves and goes, all right, self is off the table. So who's in charge. Who can I talk to you about? And then he slings, the other band is off his shoulders. He has these and dumps them on the ground. Anybody take me to your leader. Hello out strides a a, you know what? Like a half halfling looks like at this point from knowing Warren, Don chaser, half, half, like can do small, but not like overly so thick handlebar mustache and like a little tiny, but I don't come walking out. And he says, I heard that people wanted to have a discussion with me. Speaker 1 00:36:36 And then Zed smiles real big. And he says, hello. I would love to go over your options about willingly going back to stout wood with me or getting knocked out and going there on my back. And why would I go back to stout woods, sir? And that puts his arms down and the cracks, his knuckles and says, because either you go back to Southwood or me and my friend here never stop chasing. You never put the finger up as if discharged. You never let me be very clear. My good man, I am Zed stone bloom. I have never shirked out on a contract. I do not get bored or tired or sidetracked. Like some of the other people you may have met Speaker 4 00:37:31 <inaudible> sign and I'm the grand Duke of a street area. And I'm doing this for a very specific political Boone. So you can only imagine how invested I am in this. Speaker 1 00:37:41 Is it not as, as if you said something impressive, even though you've have that. And also he does magic. Speaker 4 00:37:48 So I do magic and I do like a controlled, sacred flame in both of my hands, Speaker 1 00:37:52 The band that captain's gonna not do himself a little bit. And he goes, I see no reason why we can't be gentlemen about it. I'm very willing to take you Mr. Stone bloom and your friend they're in two, on one combat. Speaker 4 00:38:07 I mean, Leo looks over his I'm like, yeah, right. Speaker 1 00:38:11 That just kind of nods and goes, all right, show me where, remind me what your password productionist Speaker 4 00:38:17 Passive perception is 16. Speaker 1 00:38:20 The band at captain nods and then just a big magnanimous smile says, absolutely. Let's go. There's a clearing over here. I would be more than happy to have a gentleman's Congress with you find stars. I Speaker 4 00:38:36 Don't have a gentleman's Congress with anybody that hasn't at least bought me a drink. First Speaker 3 00:38:41 Zed laughs. The captain does again. That big Magna smile says, of course I don't have a problem with that. Speaker 4 00:38:48 Well, yes. I mean, Josh is one of yours. Has anybody talked to Josh yet? Speaker 3 00:38:53 I don't need to have a discussion. I'm very secure in my position. And I surround myself with a very active Speaker 5 00:38:59 Good for you. Josh Speaker 3 00:39:04 Quiet. Now Josh and Dasha says, sorry, Hunter. Hunter. When Leo says no, no, no. I'm sorry. Speaker 4 00:39:13 No, no, hold up. Hold up said I'm sorry. I know this is like totally inserted on your victory. Speaker 3 00:39:18 Oh no, absolutely. I'm right there with you. What? Josh Speaker 4 00:39:21 Hunter, what's the name of your gangs? Sigma Chi Epsilon. I've been to college. I know how this should go. Speaker 3 00:39:30 That says you've been to college. Speaker 4 00:39:33 It was an honorary degree, but yes I did go. He does. Speaker 3 00:39:36 I just kind of thought it would be a more impressive name. We've been chasing this guy for like a couple of months. All right, Hunter, let's get this over with Gail's roll initiative. Speaker 5 00:39:47 Throw that it shouldn't have, that'll be an 18 for Leo on Speaker 3 00:39:51 Nice. We're going to have to Institute the natural funny role again because Hunter steps into this like cleared out space and he like settles into a fighting posture and he whips his shirt off. You see for a second that he is fucking shredded. And then he's going to go ahead. And my friend said that a Hunter, the bandit was shredded. The hundreds of bands paid back and then Hunter, the bandit is going to go ahead and make a total of six attacks. Fuck gets a surprise. He gets a surprise back. Cause he rolled in that 20. He's going to make a total of six attacks on zip. Ouch, not me. I'm there. Yeah, but you're like a little dude that choice. It's fine. Okay. He's going to just barely hit on one of those first three and then just barely hit on another one of the second three. So he's going to hit on two attacks. Total 13 total damage on Zed. Zed looks not awesome. It's a hard hit, but that's only a certain I'm going to cast a bane on this guy. Speaker 4 00:40:56 I need you to make a charisma saving, throw for a Hunter as a 17, actually. That does it. Okay. Uh, Leo doesn't do anything. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:41:05 Zed yells. It's fine. And then he's going to go ahead and make a start with one a deck. That'll I'll do it. I'll do it. And then he's going to do flurry of blows. So he's going to make a total of three attacks misses on one of them, but hits with two to three plus six or nine. And then it's going to be Hunter stern again, three techs swaying on Zed. Six more damage on the so I'm going to do a toll, the dead on him. Nice. Speaker 4 00:41:36 So that's a wisdom save for Hunter Speaker 3 00:41:40 During the mandate. Uh, he rolled a three. And would you believe it? He's not very wise. Speaker 4 00:41:45 That's only a six, but as a bonus action. I can healing words ed. So, so that's eight. Yeah. So is that gets aid back as bonus action. Speaker 3 00:41:56 He laughed as he hit him with the healing word. I'm like flexes the shoulders back and goes, I can keep doing this all day. You really get me with the Stuckey dynamic Hubbard golf man. Yeah. So he's going to go ahead and make two attacks on Hunter. The bandit. Yeah. He's going to hit on both of us. Got to do another nine damage. It is Hunter. The man that he's going to go ahead and make one attack on Zedd and two on Leah. So he hits his head with the short sword. That's about it. Nine damage to his head. And then it's Leah stern. How does Hunter the bandit look on a scale from one to 65? Is that about a 41? Okay. As he stabs it again under the bandit goes, gentlemen, you've made your point. Surely we can let bygones be bygones. At this point, Speaker 4 00:42:46 I'm going to cast a second level and flicked wounds. So I'm going to roll a spouse. Speaker 3 00:42:51 Knock on that. Hey, that's in 19. That's going to add really. Speaker 4 00:42:57 Would you believe that that's 40 10 necrotic Speaker 3 00:43:00 Damage? Speaker 4 00:43:03 Would you believe that that's 35 damage that Leo does to this asshole just goes up and hits him? Speaker 3 00:43:09 Alicia? Um, he's still standing barely and Zed is going to delightedly say, Ooh, nice hit. Let me try and hit on Speaker 4 00:43:24 It's okay. That might be enough. Come on buddy. Woo. Speaker 3 00:43:28 Federal seven damage and knocks out of the bat it out in one hit as he does that. A shape falls out of a tree above you. Speaker 0 00:43:42 What do you mean a shape? Speaker 3 00:43:46 A blur. You can't tell what it is at the moment. There is a gleam of metal. There is a blur from the trees and assassin drops And a plunges, both dagger in does that's back and he goes unconscious and he has as an jumps to their feet and it looks at you and then like settles into a fighting stance for a second and then thinks better of it and rods off Speaker 0 00:44:23 <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:44:25 You're willing. Second level. The bandits are advancing on you. Now Speaker 2 00:44:33 That's fine. If I don't have somebody to punch people, I'm not worth shit Carolyn on second level. Okay. Speaker 3 00:44:40 Okay. So that's 2d. Speaker 2 00:44:41 A-plus four. Holy shit. What the fuck just happened? Speaker 3 00:44:46 That's 16 headphones back for said, is he okay? He's at 17. Okay. Yeah. So you go ahead and he that and he like blinks awake and then sits bolt upright. And then he is going to get to his feet and he has been kind of like swaggering. Since he came into the clearing, he is going to stand up to his full half work, height and square shoulders. And then as some of the bandits in the camp are advancing. He ELLs. If any fucking one of you takes one more step, I will snap your neck at all. Bandits, stop Hawking. Leo bites, his lip real hard. Yeah. Cracks his neck. All right. And then I think he got knocked down. He got a little ruffled. So he's got a brush dirt off of his shirt and tighten this funny tale and it turned back. We ended up, so what'd he say, we take this one back to the city Speaker 2 00:45:46 Realized that that's not who knocked you out, right? Yeah. Well you realize that somebody totally unrelated dropped out of the trees and stabbed you in the back. Yes, no. You didn't realize that Speaker 3 00:45:58 Because that just kind of happens sometimes. Speaker 2 00:46:02 Let's see. I don't know how onboard I am with that. So what if between the two Speaker 3 00:46:07 Of us, you take Speaker 2 00:46:09 Harry Henry Hunter, who is it here? Back to the palace. And I go find who the fuck just stabbed you. Cause I'm a little concerned about that. Zed. Speaker 3 00:46:20 It's very serious. And he goes, that's a problem for later. Speaker 2 00:46:24 I think it's a problem for no for installation with disadvantage. It's those in that 20 and a 14. So that would be an eight Speaker 3 00:46:34 And then we'll insight. Hey, Speaker 2 00:46:38 That's a 24 to insight. So yeah. So an 18 persuasion, 24 inch. Speaker 3 00:46:44 But that 24 insight, he sets his draw really firmly and he looks like this is not a discussion he fucking wants to have. And then he just leans in and he goes, I'm handling it. It's fine. Let's get this chuckle fuck back in the battles. Speaker 2 00:47:01 Leo kind of stares at him really hard for a second and goes, Oh, we're going to talk about this later, but okay. Speaker 3 00:47:09 That scoops Hunter up and slings him across the shoulders and then claps you on the back and goes, like I said, personal drama and sets off Speaker 2 00:47:18 Here's five years I went and nothing happened. I went for five years. I was taking care of why am I aspiring tomorrow? Right? This is what was it? A tape within four hours. This is what happens. Okay. Leo. Speaker 3 00:47:33 Yeah. You go back in the palace. You would know that it's been a little while by now the sort of post-meeting gala, the council arranges. Every time they have one of these things, it's not a super big thing. Just sort of the sovereigns and their competence having good food and just kind of chilling out and decompressing after the council meeting. Speaker 2 00:47:57 Is that going to cause a big to-do here or, Speaker 3 00:48:00 Uh, it depends on whether or not you tell him not to. Speaker 2 00:48:04 I grab him and say don't cause a big to do Speaker 3 00:48:09 Zed with Hunter, the bandits, unconscious bodies slung across the shoulder. Speaker 5 00:48:15 Actually no Speaker 2 00:48:17 With that being a given, um, please come with me. I'm going to take him over to Bob and Roseburg, Speaker 3 00:48:22 Uh, Bob. And he's a very mild-mannered half man. So he just kinda looks up and adjusts his glasses as you walk over. And he says, what is the meaning of this? Speaker 2 00:48:34 This is the leader of, or abandoned problem that Mr. Stone bloom and I have neutralized, I didn't intend for it to play out this way with this display of everything. I just want to assure you, but this particular group will not be giving you trouble anymore Speaker 3 00:48:55 Testing. And then Zen kind of asks the unconscious body that is on his shoulders and says, anybody in particular I should give this to. And bobbin says, ah, yes, yes, I, and then he like snaps. And the like one of his guards that falls from everywhere comes over and just takes this unconscious man. Speaker 2 00:49:15 Uh, my associate Mr. Stone bloom will be demanding inappropriate bounty. Of course, Speaker 3 00:49:20 Of course. Yes. Let me just, um, and then he like takes a ledger out of his pocket and goes scary. The one and this is dead. And then he goes ahead and he just takes a couple of little couches out of another pocket and just toss them both as ed and said, says much obliged King Rosebrook and he just nods at you. And then he says, if you don't need me, I'm going to I'm hungry. Get, go, go kiss. Yes. Speaker 2 00:49:51 Have something to eat. That's fine. Yes. I have some work to do anyway. Um, Speaker 5 00:49:56 And then I turned back to bobbin before you do that Zed winks and says don't be too long. I don't know if it's Speaker 2 00:50:02 Appropriate to ask what that means, but okay. I came to Rosebrook. Can I count on your support in my effort to reclaim my birthright, please just say yes, I can't calculate much more beyond yes or no right now. Speaker 3 00:50:19 Yes. Yes. You seem capable. It's the first time anyone's ever said that to me, support wise, that means Speaker 5 00:50:28 That I have Bertrand and bobbin for sure. Right. And everybody else has kind of yeah. Speaker 1 00:50:32 Samir and Warren, Dante, but only him and not his court. Speaker 5 00:50:37 Him and not his court. Okay. Him because he thinks I'm cool. I hate how horrible this is, but this play my character wise. This is the angle that Leo would shoot for. I'm going to go find him. I'm going to try to find him without his mom or without anybody to translate political shit there. Speaker 1 00:50:58 Don chaser is a 10 year old boy. So he is hanging out by the buffet table and he is just trying to very subtly scarf, the cream puffs. Speaker 5 00:51:09 Um, I think Leo leans over and like grabs one of his cream puffs and like shoves it in his mouth. Speaker 1 00:51:15 We're in, looks up, he's got whipped cream on, around his mouth and on his fingers. And he goes, hi. Speaker 5 00:51:22 Hello, your majesty. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second. Leo says, Speaker 1 00:51:28 Uh, Warren says, um, and a huge big swallow and grabs a napkin and like wipes his fingers off and does not notice that there's whipped cream on his mouth. And he goes, yes, you may have an audience with me. He tries to like, straighten this foster in that very, ten-year-old trying to be taken seriously way Speaker 5 00:51:49 With you. King Don chaser. Yes. Yes, yes. Your majesty. Yes, of course you listen. I think that we have some stuff that we could talk about you and I Warren, can I call you Warren? You can call me Leo. That's okay. Yeah. Warren, you love your mom, right? Yeah. A lot of the other Kings in the next couple months are going to tell you that you should not listen to me and should not support me and should not send people to help me. Why? Because the rule that I have in the power that I have doesn't affect anything in towards you. But when they tell you that I want you to remember something. You love your mom, right? I'm trying to go home and take something back that my dad took from me. My dad took my mom from me and I miss her a lot. Warren, Speaker 1 00:53:19 Warren frowns. And he tells us that and he goes, took her like they took my dad. Speaker 0 00:53:32 Okay. Speaker 1 00:53:34 Eyebrows dry in and that very serious. Ten-year-old Speaker 0 00:53:38 Okay. So mad. I've been mad longer than you've been alive. Yes. And he like sticks his hand out to shake. Speaker 1 00:53:56 Leo's going to lick his hand. Leo knows how ten-year-old Warren giggles like shakes your hand and he says, I'll help you to home. And we can throw your dad in the dungeon. That's one of our Speaker 5 00:54:12 Options. Yes, absolutely. We assess. Speaker 1 00:54:15 And we're nodding. He says, do you want a donut? I would love a donut. Is your mom around? Mommy's talking to King actually. Of course she is. And goes, thank you for the donut recommendation. This is delicious. I can't wait to talk to you again. You're so cool. You're so cool. No, you're so cool. And Leo goes to find Warren's Speaker 5 00:54:42 Mom queen Regent. Speaker 1 00:54:45 Wilamena Dawn chaser is over talking to Isaac Ash star and she's very obviously wrapped up in the conversation or she would be keeping a better eye on her kid. But she's like in a heated furious debates with King Ash. Lauren Rogan is at Jack 21. She has a white knuckle grip on a teacup. It is a very quietly heated debate. She looks like she wants to throw something at Isaac. Or maybe can I Speaker 5 00:55:13 Look around for Eleanora? Eleanora Speaker 1 00:55:16 Is sort of wrapping conversation with if you'd be Irish sweaters, nice. And a couple of the other heirs, the other Thrones, um, just kinda quietly in discussion. She looks relaxed. It doesn't seem like they're talking about anything. Really. Speaker 5 00:55:30 I'm going to go ask her to dance. You go up Speaker 1 00:55:33 Where a couple of the other EHRs Thrones kind of give you a distasteful looks. Although although thunder Bo's oldest son sizes you up and just kind of nods. I wouldn't give him extra hard. He'll laugh super loud. And then, uh, claps Eleanor on the back and says, I'm going to go get punch and go. And LNR says, Leo, what are you doing here? Speaker 5 00:56:04 Asking you for a dance so I can go eavesdrop on somebody. At least Speaker 1 00:56:09 You're up front about it. And she Bob's a curtsy. And she says, you may have this dance Speaker 5 00:56:17 I'm ever so grateful. And he sweeps her up. I'm going to go over and try eavesdrop Speaker 2 00:56:24 On what Warren's mom is talking about with Eleanor's dad, Speaker 1 00:56:28 Stealth and investigation. Speaker 2 00:56:31 Hey, not horrible stuff is going to be a 19 Speaker 1 00:56:35 Investigation Speaker 2 00:56:36 Is going to be a 14. Mm Speaker 1 00:56:38 Oh no. Our oldest six between the two of you, I think. Yeah. It's an average of like a 12. I don't think you go unnoticed is what I'll say. As you cross the dance floor, you can hear Wilamena Don chaser going just because you are too hesitant to act as usual. Doesn't mean the rest of us need to hold back and grabbing advantages and you may not be worried, but I have a ten-year-old on the throne and Isaac snap that Wilamena, let's not be hasty is all I am saying. And then he sees you. And that half turns away from the conversation and sharply give a little wave that says Eleanora darling, Speaker 2 00:57:21 Oh, is going to give the small for back a little tug. And the letter Speaker 1 00:57:25 Eleanora gives you half of a confused look and then draws back from you and goes over and just doesn't pug her dad. Cause they're in a very formal setting, but bobs her head and says, good evening, daddy, I hope you're enjoying the party. And then I said, Oh, absolutely. And I see that you are making friends and LNRs smiles. And she says really more alliances, but you know how I am. I think Leo just gives her like an eyebrow wiggle. She does not acknowledge it at all. And I think so, I do. And then just gosh, by the shoulders he kisses her forehead and says, run along, go have fun. You don't have to stay here with all these stuffy old people. Eleanora says noted. And then she turns and she looks at you and she says, do you want to get out of here? And you see Isaac Ash Darren's mouth press into a line. Speaker 2 00:58:19 Well, it's I checked on what she meant when she said, do you want to get out of here? Go dirty 20. Speaker 1 00:58:26 She doesn't seem to explicitly mean anything suggestive by it. It's more just a friendly invitation, but she seems like she said it very carefully in a way that you can kind of interpret. Speaker 2 00:58:42 I don't want to make this guy mad Speaker 1 00:58:43 At me. It's the whole thing. Speaker 2 00:58:47 He's got a very powerful military. I don't want to do this, but also I'm bisexual. And I have no impulse control Speaker 1 00:58:55 Because I have trauma Speaker 2 00:58:56 And a relationship that I broke up five years ago against my will. Leo grabs her hand and makes it a little bit of specific eye contact with her dad. And yeah, I just leave her off to the nearest, you know, balcony, private area, whatever. Speaker 1 00:59:12 Yeah. She like waves over her shoulder or after dad. And then just goes to the, there is a balcony off of the room where a party is being. So is Speaker 3 00:59:22 This way you've had in mind, it didn't have anything in mind. Well, I decided to take your advice. I did you. I did. I beat up abandoned captain today. Mr. Stone blew himself after you, you know, abandoned me in an unfamiliar part of the city. I took your advice and I made steps into getting out and helping the common people. And I just wanted to make you aware of that since you know, you were talking about preemptively, forming alliances, she smiles and she leaned on the balcony railing and she says, Oh, I've been very aware of everything you've been doing the last few days. How, Oh, don't take it like that. I'm not spying on you. How else should I take it? Given that you haven't had much interest in me until this point, you should take it as I've been paying attention. And if we're in the business of taking my advice, she leans in and she has a hand on your shoulder and it like tightens into a vice grip. And she says into your ear, I'm not going to be a bargaining chip in you trying to win over my father and his army, dear. And then she gets to do your cheek. And then she goes back into the party. Oh, after he goes, Leo, just very quietly whispers. I'm too fucking bisexual for this. Speaker 3 01:01:00 That's it for us this time like, Oh God, anyway, next week we'll be going back to Ferrara, dealing with actual political shit, whatever the hell happened here this week. Anyway, see all of you next time on Capell duel. Speaker 0 01:01:20 <inaudible> Speaker 5 01:01:33 Hey, everybody Barry here with the postscript, just doing some housekeeping things here at the end of the episode, first and foremost, we want to thank everybody for listening and hopefully sticking with us from previous episodes. Our Patrion blew up and so did the fandom. So as a result of that, we are actually going to be transitioning to doing a weekly releases now, rather than biweekly. So you guys are going to be getting a new episode of compelled dual every Friday. Or if you are a member of our patriotic, you will be getting one every Thursday as always. We are on social media. We are on Twitter, Tumblr and TechTalk at compelled duel. And we also have compelled duel audios on Tik TOK, where we post audio snippets from the show. And from the bottom of our hearts, we want to say, thank you Speaker 2 01:02:20 To everybody. That's been making us fan art writing as fan fiction. It's been absolutely insane to watch the discord and watch all of you guys on social media, creating things for this thing that we've made. It's been absolutely wild. Again, another big, thanks to all of our patrons, Lanie beacon, Miriam, how Qatar, Cameron Childers, Jimmy wen Taylor Ross, Kate Gabriel, Gonzales, Lily Collins. So he Olsen plushy, Alex Kerryn, Dao, Lizette, Chapa, Nisha the heart road and peculiar wizard. Thank you guys so much for your support. We were actually able to majorly upgrade our recording set up, thanks to your guys as pledges. And you guys can probably tell by listening to me right now, how much better it is versus the quality of episode Speaker 5 01:03:06 Four. If you're Speaker 2 01:03:07 Enjoying everything that you've listened to so far, and you're listening to us on Apple podcasts, a great way to help us out would be to leave us a rating. And if you have the time, a review on Apple podcasts that will help get us promoted to a wider audience. And again, this has proven to be a very effective, uh, advertising strategy. If you are really enjoying compelled duel, tell three friends about it. And if they like it, ask them to tell three friends about it. We have gone from something like in the neighborhood of 45 followers to almost 150 in the course of two weeks, which is absolutely vital. Speaker 5 01:03:48 Thank Speaker 2 01:03:48 You guys so much for everything you've done to help get us off the ground. And we really hope you're still enjoying. And we really hope that you'll enjoy our new weekly release schedules. So the next episode is going to be releasing on new year's day, January 1st, 2021. Or if you are a top tier patron that they will be releasing on new year's Eve, December 31st, have a nice week. Everybody we'll see you next time.

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