Episode 62 - Enough

Episode 62 June 03, 2022 01:39:52
Episode 62 - Enough
Compelled Dual
Episode 62 - Enough

Jun 03 2022 | 01:39:52


Show Notes

With the fate of Astraria and the known world hanging in the balance, our heroes must take a stand against the biggest, baddest monster they've ever faced - their own flesh and blood. Phi tries to function in a broken world. Leo struggles with the reality of his birthright. Morlin shows just how much he's willing to sacrifice in the name of power. Kimryl and Kiva, as always, have an agenda of their own. No more waiting, no more scheming, no more running - it all ends here.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey, Barry. Speaker 1 00:00:02 Hey Al, Speaker 0 00:00:04 What sort of people are absolutely necessary for a good game? I Speaker 1 00:00:09 Didn't know, man. I'm scared Speaker 0 00:00:11 Mechanics. It's time for the compelled dual finale. Hello everybody. And welcome back to compelled dual as always. I am Al Speaker 1 00:00:36 And unfortunately I am Barry Speaker 0 00:00:39 And we are a single player, co DMed, D and D five E actual play podcast. Speaker 1 00:00:49 Previously on compelled dual. There are dozens of fully armed Australian warships coming straight at you. Speaker 0 00:01:01 Oh, we're fucked. <laugh> we're fucked. Speaker 1 00:01:06 We are. If we think like that, there has to be something we can do. Speaker 0 00:01:10 Like what? Pick a God and pray. Speaker 3 00:01:13 How Speaker 0 00:01:13 Did you get the luck to be Speaker 1 00:01:15 This good at fucking D and D Speaker 0 00:01:18 I'm exquisite? Speaker 1 00:01:19 What we have to do now is keep that fleet from docking off the shores of the island. Speaker 0 00:01:27 If you want me to do this, things are gonna get nasty fast. Speaker 1 00:01:32 Either we stop this here, or we accept that this is the hill that we die on. And a cannon ball comes out of nowhere and completely takes the figurehead off the bow of the Ianna. Speaker 0 00:01:54 Woo. That's my man from the island of looks to Galen rises a massive gargantuan copper dragon. Speaker 1 00:02:07 This is a weird day. Speaker 0 00:02:10 Oh, it's about to get weirder. Speaker 1 00:02:13 Oh, what the hell is that? Speaker 0 00:02:16 That's Laura Eli Sharan. Speaker 1 00:02:20 I choose you. And then she pivots on her heel, brings her wand arm up and casts harm on your father after all this time, even you. And then he uses his only ninth level spell slot to cast power word kill. Speaker 3 00:02:39 No. Speaker 1 00:02:41 Leo uses his only sixth level spell slot to cast. Word of recall, and you and F and Sabine and your aunt Nora and your brother all disappear fee. The last thing you remember is diving forward towards the fallen body of your surrogate mother. Aha. Decar in the seconds after your father cast power word, kill on her and she died right in front of you. There is a flash of grayish purple divine light, and suddenly you are collapsing hard onto your hands and knees on a stone floor carried forward by that same momentum. You are dimly aware of your surroundings. You're in that same beautiful stone chapel that you saw your brother go into yesterday. Being looked down upon by the stain and glass faces of several Kimra light saints. Their eyes seem cold and unfeeling judging you. You are more acutely aware of the impact next to you of your friend and former bodyguard fan to air. Also hitting the floor carried forward by the momentum of diving towards his father. He hits hard with a CLA of armor, looks around frantically and just goes no, no dad, no. What are you doing? Speaker 0 00:04:33 Fe stays on the floor for a second processing where she is just goes no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And then she gets to her feet whirls around on Leo and says, take us back. Take us second. Now we still have time. Speaker 1 00:04:51 Leo is standing near the altar at the front of this chapel next to Sabine. Both of them looking shell shocked and numb. He looks at you for a long moment. And then just slowly, almost imperceptively shakes his head. Speaker 2 00:05:10 Don't Speaker 0 00:05:11 Shake your head at me. Take us back. Speaker 1 00:05:14 I can't, uh, it word of recall only works. One way. I could only get us back here. We can't go back. And even if we could, it's too dangerous. We could all get killed. Speaker 2 00:05:30 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:05:35 F looking like he is struggling against the weight of the world on his back slowly gets off of his hands and knees and pulls you into a big, tight embrace. And he is shaking like a leaf. He is trying to comfort you even in his own grief, but in your ear, you can hear him whispering, oh my God. Oh my God. There's no way he made it out. That's that's everybody. That's my whole family. Speaker 0 00:06:06 Yeah. Fee hugs and back, super tight Speaker 1 00:06:10 For a while. Everybody in this chapel is just checked out. You and F are doing your best to hold the shattered pieces of each other together. Your brother and Sabine are still in shock, staring blankly ahead of them. But after a moment, your aunt Nora, who had retreated into a corner to kind of collect herself for a second steps back into the light of these candle, Lara grip tightening on the hill of her sword, her voice is very shaky, but in her posture, you see the discipline under pressure of a veteran who has seen much bloodier battles than this. Okay. Well, I hate to be a pragmatist at the moment, but we all know where he's coming next. We can't help Aasha or Reese. Oh God, everybody else is still out there. Zed. And a Donna are probably the closest ones to the beach. And Marlin has proven that he will be indiscriminate with who he kills, given how many licks Reese Aasha got in. He'll probably have to see a cleric before. He's really dangerous again. But even in that case, we've got an hour tops. We need to act now. Speaker 0 00:07:32 And Leo, you know, she's right fee and Fen are both checked out, clinging to each other. Sabine has both arms wrapped around herself and is nodding and trying to focus your aunt Nora shakes her head and goes. So what's the plan. Speaker 1 00:07:53 I don't know who she's talking to, cuz it's not Leo. He's checked out as well. Just staring numbly at the empty space in front of him. But as what she said a second ago about his mom and said still being out there, sinks in his eyes go really wide. And he snaps out of it and goes to shove past her and run out of the chapel and out of the tower. Speaker 0 00:08:16 Okay. She's gonna roll a grapple check to stop you. That is a 26 for Nora. Speaker 1 00:08:22 I can't mechanically beat that. Speaker 0 00:08:25 You go from running to a dead stop in a second flat as she just gets you in one arm. Leo, I understand that you are upset, but you and your sister are the most connected to that thing out there. And that is what your father wants. Speaker 1 00:08:41 Um, since I mechanically couldn't beat that grapple check. Can I count that as a failed save for my circle? Speaker 0 00:08:47 Go ahead. Speaker 1 00:08:49 Cool. Leo crits on a 16 now Speaker 0 00:08:52 I'm sure that is a great comfort to him in situation. Speaker 1 00:08:56 Maybe not to him, but it is to me. Leo keeps fighting in effectually against this grapple. We can't just leave them out there. Mom hurt him. He'll already have it out for her. And he knows that hurting Z will hurt me. Speaker 0 00:09:13 That is not what I'm suggesting, but you need to stay here. Speaker 1 00:09:20 Somebody has to go get them Speaker 0 00:09:23 Sabine from behind. You says, I'll go. I'm fast. I'm selfie. I'm good at reconnaissance. I have access to a teleports spell. I'll I'll go. Speaker 1 00:09:34 Yeah. Okay. Um, we need to clear out the towers. Sit in floor and are still out front and I don't want them standing between father and that thing out there. Speaker 0 00:09:45 You hear Sabine suck in a deep breath and go God Sid. No, no, no, no, no, no. And Nora nods, let's you go cautiously and says, I'll go with Sabine to back her up. Let's go tell Flo Ann and said, what's going on? Speaker 1 00:10:04 Leo nod shakily and walks towards the door. But before he leaves, he's gonna reach up and squeeze really hard at fee's shoulder Speaker 0 00:10:16 Fee. Let's out a raw sounding sob as Sabine goes past her. You hear <laugh> please be careful. I, I can't, I can't lose you too. And you hear Sabine say Fe sweetheart, I'll be okay. I always am. I love you. Okay. The feet just lets out another so. And Saab follows you and Nora out the chapel. Speaker 1 00:10:48 Okay? Go on to find Florian and Sid, I guess Speaker 0 00:10:52 Roll away. Save Speaker 1 00:10:55 25. Speaker 0 00:10:57 That'll do it. Yep. Florian and Sid are just sitting outside of the tower. <laugh> Sid's like doing the shitty 15 year old thing of like flicking paper footballs at his brother. Speaker 1 00:11:12 Gentlemen, not to be overly colloquial, but shit has hit the fan. My father is in a full murderous rampage and he is coming for the tower, which means the two of you should not be in his way. When he gets here, clear out, Speaker 0 00:11:29 Flo stands up and dusts himself off immediately. Uh, Sid looks at you from the ground with disgusted and like rolls his shoulders back and straighten his posture in what you can only assume is an attempt to get some authority as the higher event. This is my home. I can fight. I'm not going anywhere. Speaker 1 00:11:49 This is a lot more than just your home. Sid. This is the epicenter of over 10,000 years of my family's bullshit. And my father is gunning for it. You can fight and you want revenge and you're justified in that, but aha Decar is dead. So you're not gonna get it. Speaker 0 00:12:09 Sid rares back from you, blanking and Flo and says, what, what do you mean? Aha Decar Speaker 1 00:12:18 She turned on my father at the last minute and he reacted in the way that he always reacts to disloyalty he's out there. He's just killed the last person capable of staying his hand. And this is his next stop. Speaker 0 00:12:35 Flo's mouth punches into a thin line. He nods and he holds the hand up and goes, Sid, come on, Sid, leans away from his hand and looks at all of you and goes, Speaker 5 00:12:48 I'm not just gonna sit somewhere out of the way and wait to be rescued. I'm not doing that again. Speaker 1 00:12:55 You don't have to there's something. You can do something. No one else can you and I are the only two people at this tower right now who can cast sending. I need to save my magic for my part of whatever is to come. But we need to warn all of our people that are out there in the woods. What's about to happen. That's what you can do. Speaker 0 00:13:18 You watch SIDS draw clench, and he looks away from you down to the ground. Like he is trying to burn a hole into the grass, but then he nods and takes Florian outstretched hand. Speaker 1 00:13:37 Okay. Um, true movements. What were our troop movements? Verity and ravine are on the east side of the island. Leading some people Arava and Lyra are on the west. This one in IVA are patrolling the woods outside the tower. Lark and ARA are hiding in mom's cave. Getting ready to do an ambush if they have to. And KASA and Eleanor are closest to the beach and then there's Zed and mom, okay. Sid. I need you. Once you are safe to send a sending to Zed that says, where are you help is coming. Stay put, and to everyone else you need to send. This is the worst case scenario. Find a secure location, hide as well as you can. Speaker 0 00:14:26 Sid nods again, looking dwarfed by higher fence robes that were made for someone at least twice his size and says, yeah, Speaker 5 00:14:37 Got it. Speaker 0 00:14:39 Sabine. With a jingle of the bells on her wrists opens the portal to the magnificent mansion. Florian pulls a rape here off of his belt, swishes it a couple, couple times and says, well, I can't see well enough for ranged combat, but we all know I can hold my own in close quarters. I'll cover his back. Speaker 1 00:15:00 Hopefully you won't have to. Both of my uncles are still hanging out in there and he's not gonna be after you. Anyway. Good luck Speaker 0 00:15:12 Sabine from behind you says I'll completely close the portal down. Nobody's gonna get in. If the worst happens, it'll go down tomorrow morning. Anyway. She steps past you. And for the first time, since you all touch down on the shores of lipstick, go, she grabs Sid and wraps him at a tight hug and just burs her face into his hair. Please be safe, please be safe. And then she pulls back NAS to herself and says, okay, go, go, go, go, go, go Florian. And Sid walk into the magnificent mansion. And with another jingle, the portal disappears as the sounds of combat out in the water. Start to rise. You hear a bellowing dron roar of frustration and pain. And before you can even turn to look, Fernandez tome is running out of the tower. Speaker 1 00:16:25 Leo's gonna let him go. He realizes all too well that F can't lose anybody else. Speaker 0 00:16:32 Nora turns as he goes past and goes F wait, Speaker 2 00:16:35 Ha. Speaker 0 00:16:39 And then she scrubs a hand down her face, nods and says, okay, okay, uh, we'll round him up if we can too. Um, let's go no time to waste. Speaker 1 00:16:49 Once Sid gets a location back from Zed, he'll be in touch with you or Sabine. Speaker 0 00:16:55 Okay. And then she pulls you into a bone crushing hug and gives you a little kiss on the top of the head. This is it. Speaker 1 00:17:05 Yeah, it is. Um, after you and Sabine find them. If you want to peel off to go be with Lark and ARA, I'll understand Speaker 2 00:17:16 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:17:17 I'm not even gonna try to plan that far. That's the thing about battle. If you make plans, they just, she leans down next your ear with another squeeze and says, I am so, so sorry. You and your sister have to bear this. Speaker 1 00:17:39 Don't be sorry. It's just how the story goes. Right? Somebody has to make the hard decisions. Speaker 0 00:17:47 Nora lets you go. Don't die. Speaker 1 00:17:52 Likewise. Thank you for showing us what family's supposed to be. Auntie Nora. Speaker 0 00:17:59 She has nothing she could say to that without crying. She turns around and starts walking off as she goes, Sabine reaches down. Gives your hand a squeeze, looks back towards the tower and says, obviously I'm worried about you two, but please, please look after her Speaker 1 00:18:18 Always. And obviously I'm worried about you two, but please keep my boyfriend from dying. Speaker 0 00:18:26 I'll do my best, but I can't help notice that you've given me the harder job. Speaker 1 00:18:30 Yeah. Pro tip. That's why you never let anybody know that you're competent because then you get the harder jobs. Good luck, Sabine. Speaker 0 00:18:39 Good luck, Leo. She turned and heads off after Nora Speaker 1 00:18:47 Fee. As everybody else in this chapel leaves, you and F are left standing with each other, trying to figure out how to function. There is just this palpable loss and grief in the air between the two of you. And for a long time, things are very quiet. But then from outside the tower echoing through the sky, you hear this deep Soner pain roar and fend goes rigid. Mia. He hefts his acts in one hand, turns on his heel and runs. He's gone. What are you doing? Speaker 0 00:19:35 Fee yells, Fent and like rages out to stop him. But isn't fast enough. So she just nods wraps her arms around herself. And I think just stands there for a long moment. Speaker 1 00:19:51 After a bit of time, Leo walks back into this chapel alone. He stops in the doorway for a second. And the two of you just stare at each other, but then he takes two big steps toward you. And just pulls you into a hug. Speaker 0 00:20:07 Feel like half collapses into him, just burs her face in the crook of his neck. Speaker 1 00:20:15 He's got one hand on the back of your head, just holding you to him and slowly starts kind of rocking you back and forth. Okay? We felt at our parts to play. And this ends here. Can we agree? Speaker 0 00:20:31 He pulls back, clenching her hands into fists at her sides. Speaker 1 00:20:37 Yeah, Speaker 0 00:20:38 I'm gonna fucking kill him. Speaker 1 00:20:42 When the time comes. We'll do rock paper scissors for the privilege. Let's head back out, out there and get ready Speaker 0 00:20:49 Fee nods. And she walks outta the chapel into the bottom floor of the tower. Speaker 1 00:20:59 As you emerge back into this round high ceiling main room, you look over at the pulsing glowing hole in the floor and on the low wall of stones surrounding it, you see a figure sitting there seven and a half eight foot tall wrapped in a magnificent glowing stormy cloak, two bright electric eyes gleaming out of the shadows under their hood Speaker 0 00:21:33 Fee takes a deep shaky breath nods at this figure and says Kiva. Speaker 1 00:21:42 She nods back at you. The two electric spots she has for eyes gleaming, a little brighter Speaker 6 00:21:49 For a I'm so sorry. Speaker 0 00:21:55 I don't want apologies. I don't want sympathy. I want to make sure that he can't do this to anyone else. Speaker 1 00:22:03 Kiva nods slowly and in time with it outside the tower, you hear a massive peel of thunder ring out followed by the impact of torrential rain against the stone walls. The sound was so loud. And so sudden that I think you looked up for a second and when you look back, Kiva's not sitting on this stone wall anymore. Instead there is a similarly tall figure, but this time wrapped in black diaphanous robes, great horned skeletal head sticking up from above the collar. Speaker 0 00:22:51 The shakes, her head takes a step back. Leo, this one's your department. I have nothing that I need to say to him. Speaker 1 00:23:02 The twin pinpricks of purple light in Kim's empty eye sockets flash. And he snaps his head over to look at you. Speaker 7 00:23:11 Well, isn't that unfortunate because my sister and I have something to say to both of you. Speaker 1 00:23:19 There's another loud crash of thunder and you see lightning flashing outside these stained glass windows around the bottom of the tower. There's a weird sound like the rustling of fabric. And you see something happen that your mind cannot comprehend that your vision sort of just blurs out and then Kiva sitting there again, Speaker 6 00:23:46 A storm on the Equinox. This is where all of it started. It's where it can end. That's all Kim and I want to know, are you willing to help us end it Speaker 0 00:24:03 Fee looks over at Leo, takes a deep breath, nods and says more than willing. Speaker 1 00:24:14 Leo reaches down to grab your hand. Absolutely. This has gone on for far too long. Keva reaches out one of their talent, translucent hands to hover over the place where your fingers are tangled up with your brothers. And there is a massive strobe like flash of chain lightning, outside the windows in the rapidly shifting light and shadow. You can see this being in front of you, flicker back and forth between Kimra and Kiva. You and your brother both take a sor and a cleric level up respectively. And when the lightning fades away replaced by the roll of thunder, neither of the twin gods are with you anymore. Speaker 0 00:25:12 Okay? Because of my multi-class, I've had access to seven double spell slots for a while, but I just got access to my first seventh level source or spell, which is crown of stars. And I got an eight level cell slot. Good for me. Speaker 1 00:25:30 Cool. I have access to seventh level spells now and uh, both of our spell slots reset because we leveled up. So we now have all of our available spell slots. Speaker 0 00:25:40 And because we both just hit character level 17, that means that our proficiency bonuses went up to plus six. Speaker 1 00:25:47 Well, those are all good things that we are going to need with this storm. Raging outside the tower in the background, your brother looks over at you and slowly raises an eyebrow. Okay? We've got at least a little bit before he gets up here. Should we try to trap the place or Speaker 0 00:26:11 I don't have anything, do you? Speaker 1 00:26:14 No, I didn't prepare Giff of wording today. And that was pretty much all I had. We could, um, lock the door at least. Speaker 0 00:26:24 No, this has been coming for a long time. Speaker 1 00:26:28 Yeah, you're right. Leo walks away from the edge of this chasm and throws open the two big double doors at the front of the tower beyond them. You can see rain just lashing down lightning shooting down from the sky thunder roaring. It is a truly remarkable weather event happening right now under all of that, you can hear the continued sounds of Naval combat cannons, thundering from the ship, the crackle of magic from Australian battle ages. And there is so much, you don't know. You don't know if Sid managed to get off sending spells to all of the relevant parties before it was too late. You don't know if Nora and Sabine have found a Donna and Zed yet. You don't know how the combat is going out in the water between the pirate fleets and the Australian Navy. All that you know is that you are here with your brother holding the absolute last line of defense that you and your friends have. It is a long, quiet and tense stretch of time. Before you see from out these open doors, a flash of lightning cast a silhouette into sharp relief, walking up the road towards the tower, Speaker 1 00:28:08 Marlon Val sign with no backup because the only people he trusted to have his back are dead by his own hand, walks into this tower, hair and armor soaked from the rain and looks between you, your brother and the hole in the floor before his lip curls into a Snee. Oh, I would take a step away from that thing. If I were you children, you have no idea what you're toying with. Speaker 0 00:28:42 He looks over at Leo nods, HES, her shield, and then looks back at her father and says, neither do you Speaker 1 00:28:55 Everybody role initiative, Speaker 0 00:29:00 Okay. Fee gets 18 on the die. That is a 27. Speaker 1 00:29:07 Leo gets a 24 and Morelin gets a dirty 20. So even with three frankly, very good initiative roles Morelin is still at the bottom of our order fee. You are up first. What are you doing? Speaker 0 00:29:29 I'm gonna cast my new spell crown of stars. I'm casting it at seventh level because I don't get more damage. If I cast it above base level, I just get more moats. And if this combat lasts more than seven rounds, we'll cross that bridge. When we get to it fee raises a hand, swirls it above her head and these glimmering moats of light come out of her fingers, seven of them and start to drift around her head. And Marlin knows this spell because it was on valor and Val sign's spell sheet and where with Val, they would've stayed those little glimmering moats drifting around him. Marlin Val sign looks upon his daughter lit by the electric glow of her own magic and appeal of thunder rings out as these little moats coalesce and bloom into these little plasma ball, looking orbs about the size of a golf ball. And she snaps her hand forward and fires. One of them at him as a bonus action. Speaker 1 00:30:42 Okay. Bold hit. Speaker 0 00:30:45 That is the 23. Speaker 1 00:30:47 Okay. And now is where we're gonna start talking about Marlin's layer actions. So we'll discuss these as they come up, but this is relevant right now, typically that would Handly hit him because on a normal day, his AC is 13, but one of Marlin's layer actions as our B B E G of the whole campaign is something called paranormal shield. While in his layer, Marlin's AC increases by 10 as ghosts come forth from the hole in the floor to defend him. So fi you see some weird shit happen. First and foremost, as you wind up to cast this spell, your father extends a hand towards the hole in the floor and translucent spirits, just shoot out of it and start surrounding him. So now, while he's in his layer, his AC is 23, but meets it, beats it, this moat of light jabs through them and hits him roll damage, please. Speaker 0 00:31:52 Okay. So he's taking four D 10 lightning damage. <laugh> fuck it. I'm gonna burn a Sourcery point to use empowered spell. That is a total of 37 lightning damage Speaker 1 00:32:06 Yauch. Okay. You watch this weird spectral shield attempt to surround your father and the moat of light you send into it just melts through. It gets him right in the chest. He makes a pain noise. As you watch crackles of electricity ripple out across the breast plate of his MA's armor. And now it's, Leo's turn, Leo's going to move forward and run directly up on him. He's gonna cast guiding bolt at fourth level. He didn't have to run up on him to do this, but I'm making the decision to do that. Cuz I want those sweet, sweet Malay feet benefits. So I'll see if I hit 26. Yes I do. Leo slides right in front of him, twirls his knife around his finger and glares. We know more about that thing than you do. We know where it comes from. We know what it wants and you don't get to feed it anymore. And then he just pops him in the breast plate with a guiding bolt, 20 radiant damage. And the next roll to hit attack on him has advantage. So your father gets hit in quick succession by these two spells first with the electric crackle from your crown of stars. And then from the bright radiant energy of Leo's guiding bolt, he takes a staggering step back and then looks up at both of you breathing heavily Speaker 8 00:33:38 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:33:40 Oh, so you know what it is, knowing it and controlling. It are two entirely different things. He uses another one of his layer actions, which I did not bother to creatively name. I just called it welcome to the thunder dome. Speaker 8 00:34:03 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:34:05 Once per day, Marlin can use an action to call forth a spectral shield from the hole on the floor that surrounds the lighthouse, blocking off all entrances and exits. This shield is physically impenetrable and spells spell effects and teleportation magic cannot cross its boundary. The shield has an AC of 20 a hundred hit points and is immune to all damage types except for radiant force and psychic this sickening gray necrotic energy pops up around all of the stained glass windows and the open front door to the tower and fee. For the first time you see what your brother sees when he looks into this hole in the floor, it's almost like watching the surface of a sheet hanging from a close line, but the longer you look at it, you can see the ripples and the outlines of clawed fingers scraping at it. And this incorporator magical fabric pressing back against blurred featureless faces, mouths open in eternal, silent screams, clawing, trying to get out. It's fucking horrifying. And you instinctively know that there is no way past it. Eh, and then he's going to use two SORC array points to do quick and spell. And he's going to attempt to cast. I bite on Leo, his eyes go solid inky black in a way that is weirdly similar to your own fee and Leo's gonna have to roll a save, but it is a Wiz save. And Leo because of the maid Slayer feet and being within five feet of him actually gets advantage on this Speaker 1 00:36:01 14 and a 17. He doesn't do it. So there are a couple conditions you can apply with. I bite Morelin is going to choose to apply the sickened condition to Leo, which basically means that until his concentration on the spell is broken or until Leo can whiz save out at the end of one of his turns, he has disadvantage on all attack throws and ability checks. So that was the bad news, but there is good news. Speaker 0 00:36:29 Tell me the good news Speaker 1 00:36:30 Because of his ma Slayer feet and the fact that Marlin cast a spell within five feet of him, Leo gets to use his reaction to make a me weapon attack. It is with disadvantage because of I bite. Speaker 0 00:36:43 Uh, no, it's not. You just cast a guiding bolt on him. So this attack is with advantage Speaker 1 00:36:48 <laugh>. Yes it is. Speaker 0 00:36:50 Which means you've rolled straight with the disadvantage. Speaker 1 00:36:54 Okay. Let's see what happens 18. No, but now I quit on a 14 cuz I have another missed role to mark off on my SAR. Speaker 0 00:37:05 Okay. That brings us to the end of our first round, which means that several of the broader mechanics for our combat are gonna kick in. First of all, I am going to roll a straight unmodified D 20. And if I roll a Nat 20 on this first roll, then we're gonna have some reinforcement show up. So let me roll that 14 on the eye that doesn't do it. But now when I make that roll, next round, it'll be a 19 or a 20. And then Marlin is going to use one of his other layer actions called paranormal regeneration. I'm gonna roll a D six for him on a one to a four. He gets back half of the damage that he took during this last round on a five, he gets back all of the damage he took on this last round and on a six, he goes back up to his max, HP. Uh, the distinction doesn't really matter this round between five and six, but it will matter further on in the combat. Speaker 9 00:38:00 Ah, damn damn. Speaker 0 00:38:02 That is a five. Speaker 1 00:38:04 So you're saying he, he just goes back up to max health after all that. Speaker 0 00:38:08 Yeah, Speaker 1 00:38:10 Fuck me, man. Speaker 0 00:38:13 Leo, since you got in here and especially since that whirling bulging force field around the tower went up, you have been seeing all of the ghosts erupting from this hell mouth and you have especially been seeing them kind of swirling around your father, getting in the way of blows meant for him. But as he straightens his posture with a grimace and a pop of his neck, you hear an unearthly mournful whale, and one of these featureless blurry ghosts surrounding him flickers and then kind of melts and disappears. And there is no evidence that your father took any damage. Speaker 1 00:39:06 Okay. Fee we're back up at the top of the round with you. Um, I would suggest trying to break this motherfucker's concentration or things are about to go very bad. Speaker 0 00:39:19 Uh, yeah, just to start my turn off, I'm gonna use my bonus action to shoot off another moat from my crown of stars. No, that's a 21 that doesn't do it. I can't do any of my AE spells because Leo's right there. So I'm gonna try and hit with the witch bolts. Speaker 2 00:39:35 Come on baby. No MAs. Speaker 0 00:39:39 That is the 26. That'll do it. Speaker 1 00:39:41 Okay. So go ahead. Roll me. Five D 12 lightning damage, please. Speaker 0 00:39:47 I'm gonna use the Sourcery point for empowered spell. Okay. Um, of that five D 12, I rolled three twelves and 11 and a six. So that's gonna be 53 damage. So Marlon has advantage on this because of the work castroph but I'm gonna need him to roll my a DC 26 constitution saving throw to keep up his concentration. Speaker 1 00:40:14 I mean, he can do that, but it's still not easy. The high roll was a 25. He doesn't do it. He lost concentration. Speaker 2 00:40:27 Woo. Speaker 1 00:40:30 So you see the blackness of the eye bite spell, leave his eyes. You see Leo stand up a little straighter as this condition leaves him and you have put a hurting on your old man fee. You throw this electric mode of light at him and a ghost comes up and intercepts it. And then you just witch bolt him in a bolt of lightning, comes out of the ceiling and fries him like a cartoon character. And now we're down to Leo who is going to cast spiritual weapon at fifth level. That is not a concentration spell. It is just up for the duration. Um, I'd like to have it take the form of like a spectral copy of Kim's blade. That's just floating around me. I'm gonna try to hit him 21. I can't have shit in Australia, but yeha, I CRI on a 13 now and Leo does nothing. Marlin stern fee. You watch your father a little crispy, straighten his posture, the gem in his circle. It flashes. And he says, last warning. Both of you after this, I stopped pulling punches and he casts confusion on you and Leo. He burns three source Ray points to give Leo disadvantage on the Wiz, save for this. But since Leo has made Slayer, he's actually just gonna roll straight. You however, have to roll a Nat 20. Speaker 0 00:42:02 Yeah, I know I do 15 on the eye. It's 14. Speaker 1 00:42:07 Okay. You do not save. I'm gonna roll for Leo 25. He's out. He saves and that's Marlin's turn. Let's do our end of round stuff. Speaker 0 00:42:18 Okay. Roll to see if reinforcement show up 19 or 2010, not this round. And then I'm gonna roll a D six for Marlin mother five. God damn it. Okay. Speaker 1 00:42:35 So he's still at full health. God, God, God. So fee we are back at the top of the order with you. You are under the effect of a confusion spell. I need you to roll me a D 10 to see what you do this round three. Okay. You do not move or take actions this turn, which I think would turn off your witch bolt, right? Speaker 0 00:43:00 Uh, yeah, for sure it does. Okay. Speaker 1 00:43:03 Okay. At the end of your turn, you can roll me another wisdom saving throw again. You've gotta roll in that 20. Speaker 0 00:43:10 Come on baby. Come on baby. Come a baby. Nope. Seven. Speaker 1 00:43:16 Ugh. Okay. You're still under the spell. Your head feels cloudy and you can't really make sense of what you're seeing around you between the ghosts clawing at this spectral shield around the tower and the spirits zooming around, rushing in to heal your father and give him extra armor. It's a lot to process. And as these ghosts are flying around for just a second, you think you see the swish of long skirts and the end of a cane and you are rendered and mobile. And then we are down to Leo who upon watching, I assume another ghost melt away to bring his dad back up to full health, tightens his grip on his knife and SARS haven't you taken enough from people already and I'm gonna roll to hit him with a third level inflict wounds, please, please, please, please, please. 23 meets it, beats it. Speaker 0 00:44:19 Woo. Speaker 1 00:44:20 I'm going to use my ability from Kim's blade to do max damage once daily on an increment spell. So with a third level inflict wounds, that is 50 damage outright. I'm also going to burn a, a usage of my channel divinity touch of death to add an additional 31 points of necrotic damage to that. So that is a total of 81 points of damage on that attack. And then I'm gonna use my bonus action to roll ahead in with my spiritual weapon now, but now I CRI on a 12 and also fee is out of that confusion spell because Marlin cannot roll a DC 41 concentration check. Speaker 0 00:45:02 Okay, Leo, you stab your dad real good. And he looks down at this knife looks up at you with a SNAR face, twisting in hideously exaggerated movements in the strange half light of these ghosts. And then he's going to use his second sixth level spell slot to cast mental prison, make an in, save and roll it flat because he uses heightened spell to give you disadvantage. Speaker 11 00:45:34 Okay? Speaker 1 00:45:37 Five Speaker 0 00:45:39 Leo, something weird happens to your perception and suddenly you are standing at the edge of the ghost hole, your feet on the low stones around it at your back is a wall of crackling, leaping flames. You cannot move because if you move forward, you will fall into the hole in the floor. And if you move back where you will be burned alive, you are restrained. Speaker 1 00:46:14 Leo just looks down at his feet into the hole and starts whispering. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Speaker 0 00:46:21 And you take a whopping five D 10 psychic damage, and Marlon's going to burn a Sourcery point for empowered spell Speaker 11 00:46:32 Ugh, Speaker 0 00:46:33 Lee. Oh, Leo, you take 43 psychic damage. Speaker 11 00:46:36 Cool. Speaker 0 00:46:37 So the full effects of mental prison are you take five D 10 psychic damage. You are restrained until the spell ends. And if you are moved out of the illusion, you make a male attack through the illusion or you reach any part of your body through the illusion. You take a further 10 D 10 psychic damage, but the spell ends, otherwise it lasts for a minute or until Morlin fails a concentration check. Speaker 1 00:47:05 Fuck. Speaker 0 00:47:07 Okay. And that brings us to the end of the round. So I'm gonna roll on a D 20 to see if backup gets here. Speaker 11 00:47:14 No, just barely Speaker 0 00:47:16 17. Just barely. That does not do it. Okay. And I'm gonna roll a D six for Morelin to see how much of his hit points he gets back. Speaker 11 00:47:24 No Speaker 0 00:47:26 Six. So once again, Marlin is up to full hit points, Speaker 1 00:47:31 Man. I burned all that shit. Come on, Fay. You watched something really weird happen to your brother. Your father looks down at where he's just been stabbed. Looks back up at Leo, lets out an angry growl, his circle, it flashes. And then Leo shrieks and brings a hand up to either side of his head. He just stands there. Eyes wide, looking more terrified than you have ever seen him in your entire life. And he just starts whispering. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. And he is immobile. He doesn't do anything. What are you doing? Speaker 0 00:48:18 Fee looks her father in the eye. Snarls. Stop it. And she's gonna throw another one of the moats from her crown of stars. Yeah buddy. That's a 26. Speaker 1 00:48:34 Okay. So that's four D 10 lightning damage. Speaker 0 00:48:39 I'm going to use empowered spell. That is once again, 37 lightning damage. Speaker 1 00:48:48 Okay. So that's a DC 18 constitution saving throw for Marlin to maintain his concentration on that mental prison. But because of forecaster, he does get advantage 23. Yeah, he does it. Are you doing something for your action? Speaker 0 00:49:07 Thank you for asking. I'm kinda seeing a witch bolt at fifth level. Once again. I'm going to use a Rero that 20 fuck. Yeah. No fucking way. Speaker 1 00:49:27 Okay. So that'll be 10 D 12 lightning damage please. Speaker 0 00:49:31 Sure will. 84. Speaker 1 00:49:38 Okay. Is that your turn? Speaker 0 00:49:40 Yes, indeed. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:49:45 Okay. Well, first of all, the mental prison comes down cuz Marlin can't save against that much damage fee. You strike your father with another one of these moats from your crown of stars and he grits his teeth and pushes through the damage to keep this spell on Leo who is looking more and more terrified by the second. And then you just absolutely nail him with a witch bolt. He has one hit point. He goes down to one knee wheezing and gasping for breath after being electrocuted. And you see Leo lurch out of the spells effect. Oh God. Oh God. Okay. Okay. And now it's his turn. I CRI on an 11. I'm gonna try to get him with an inflicted wounds first level since he's so low. Holy shit. Fuck natural five. That's a 16. Come on man. Okay. I've got my bonus action left for spiritual weapon though. And I CRI on a 10 just rule a 10 just rule a 10. Oh my God. A natural four 15. No, doesn't do it. Leo does fucking nothing. I need new dice. Speaker 0 00:51:13 Okay. Morelin hurtin. Um, he's gonna get the fuck outta here. So Leo, you are standing there. Your sister behind you is breathing heavily handout stretched with this witch bullet that she still has active in her hand. Your father has gone down to his knees gasping and then he looks up at both of you with another snarl and from his back sprout massive dark feathery wings. That's just the thing that divine soul SORs can do when they get to a certain level. Yeah, don't question it. And then he shoots directly into the air. Speaker 8 00:51:55 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:51:57 30 feet. And as he does that, he casts sickening radiance on the bottom of this lighthouse, your father points into the base of the staircase in the middle of this room. And you watch like some giant flower, a spot of light blooms and UN furs. This sickening necrotic go gray green, and it starts to spread into a 30 foot radius sphere. So I need you to make me a con save and he's gonna use height and spell to give fee disadvantage Speaker 1 00:52:41 20, 23, each shit old, man. Speaker 0 00:52:50 Okay, let me roll a disadvantage. Save for fee Speaker 1 00:53:05 Signs. The Val sign sibling said get fucked old man. Speaker 0 00:53:09 This light washes over the two of you. You look over at the, and she's looking at you reaching out one hand. You're too far to grab each other's hands, but she is reaching out all the same and neither of you takes any damage from the round of this smell. End of the round. So let me roll to see if we get back up 13. God, no, we don't get any fucking backup. They're busy. It's fine. And let's see how many hip points Marlin gets back half. Speaker 1 00:53:44 Okay. Top of the round fee, your father just went from the literal brink of death to looking bloody, but okay. And also he's in the air now. What are you doing? Speaker 0 00:53:57 Fee looks at Leo and over the shrieking of ghosts and the slow pulsing noise from the sickening radiance yells. Did you know he could do that? Speaker 1 00:54:10 Leo shrugs at you knife still clutched in one hand and yells back. How would I know that he could do that? Speaker 0 00:54:18 I don't know. He's out of range for my witch bullet, but I'm gonna do a moat from my crown of stars. Adam, please hit, please hit. Please hit. Fuck. No, uh, that's a dirty 20 and that doesn't hit, he looks at Leo again and then looks at where her father is still fucking flying around the ceiling. What do we even do with this? Speaker 1 00:54:44 Well, I think we should start with getting him out of the air. Speaker 0 00:54:49 Yeah. Seems solid. Uh, and then he's gonna cast storms here. Speaker 1 00:54:53 Uh, we, we have room for you to cast that without getting both of us in it, right? Speaker 0 00:54:58 Yeah. Just barely. Speaker 1 00:54:59 Sorry. I just need help visualizing this. So like we have the dome of the sickening radiance around us. So you're gonna like overlap the spells essentially like put the storm sphere like right over our heads. Speaker 0 00:55:12 Uh, yeah. Okay. So the um, ceiling of this room is 40 feet tall and the radius of a storm sphere is 30 feet. So I'm going to put the storms here directly above our heads. And it is going to extend out of this room and into like two floors above us or something. She puts her hands together. Like she is holding a little orb of something in them and then slowly spreads them and torrential rain and driving winds start to whirl against the ceiling of this room, right above Marlin's head. And then she brings her hands back together and the storms, fear, coalesces. I'm gonna need Marlin to make me a strength safe Speaker 1 00:55:58 Seven, but he is going to use one of his three legendary resistances to go ahead and succeed on that. Speaker 0 00:56:06 Okay. Uh, the sphere is difficult to terrain. Speaker 1 00:56:09 Oh, I forgot to have you do this at the start of your turn. Roll another con save cuz you started your turn in the sickening radi Speaker 0 00:56:17 15 on the die. Uh, and I believe I have a plus nine. That'll do it. Speaker 1 00:56:22 Yes you do. And yes it will. Okay. You take no damage. You do not suffer a level of exhaustion. Speaker 0 00:56:27 She's gonna use some of her movement to run up next to Leo and grab his hand super tight. And then that's her turn. Speaker 1 00:56:35 Okay. We're down to Leo. Who also has to roll another con save against the sickening radiance cuz he's starting his turn inside it, side it 14 Uhuh. Speaker 0 00:56:46 Okay. And I'm gonna roll 40 10 damage. Marlin's gonna use the sory point to empower that. That is 29 damage for Leo and one level of exhaustion. Speaker 1 00:56:59 Cool, cool, cool. Cool. Uh, level one of exhaustion is just disadvantage on ability checks, right? Yep. Fun. Love this for me. Okay. I'm gonna use my bonus action to move my spiritual weapon. 20 feet toward him. It's not close enough to hit him, but it's getting there and then I'm gonna use my action to try to get him outta the air. I'm gonna cast command. Leo confused and panicked looks frantically back and forth between his sister and his dad and just points at him and yells Speaker 0 00:57:35 Fall. Speaker 1 00:57:41 I need Moreland to make me a DC 19 whi save. Speaker 0 00:57:45 That is a 12 on the die. So it's a 16, he's gonna burn a legendary resistance. Speaker 1 00:57:53 Okay. So that means he's still up there. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:57:55 Yeah. Uh, you yell fall and he looks at you and yells back just as confused. No Speaker 14 00:58:04 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:58:11 Okay. So it's Marlin's turn. He is going to first use his bonus action to use his unearthly recovery feature. This is again a divine soul source or a feature where he can just decide to get half of his max HP back, which in this case is 61, which means he's back at full again. Speaker 1 00:58:29 You've gotta be fucking kidding me, Speaker 0 00:58:32 Tragically. I am not <laugh> Speaker 1 00:58:34 Oh my God. Speaker 0 00:58:36 So Leo, you watch as he is like hovering there with his wings, beating in the middle of the storm sphere cloud to cloud lightning flashing all around him and these ghosts swirling around him and he sweeps his hands through them and you see a bunch of them flicker and melt with horrible whales of despair and pain. And then another hoard of them rises from the hole just around him, his voice booms down the lighthouse as he yells enough of this and he casts circle of death. Speaker 1 00:59:19 Oh, that doesn't sound like fun. Speaker 0 00:59:21 No, especially not. When he casts it at eighth level, Speaker 15 00:59:24 Ah, Speaker 0 00:59:26 I'm gonna need you to make, make con save and he's gonna burn three source, three points to give fee disadvantage on it. Six, Speaker 1 00:59:34 But I CRI on an eight now. Speaker 0 00:59:37 Good, good. So true. Good fee gets well. The high one was very good. Um, but the low one is six plus nine 15. So you're both taking full damage from this, which is 12 D six. Oh my Speaker 15 00:59:54 God. Speaker 0 01:00:02 Moreland's gonna use one. SORC three point to empower that smell. So you and fee both instantly take 59 necrotic damage. Speaker 15 01:00:10 <laugh> Speaker 0 01:00:13 Your father pulls something out of a pocket of his MA's armor. You watch a fine dust sprinkle out of his hand. And then the circle of silvery nerotic flame appears around you and feet. It's not hot. It is icy cold, but it dances and reflects off both of your faces as fee looks over at you and goes, oh shit. And then you are both driven to your knees as a shock wave ripples through this circle. It hurts a whole lot. Uh, you don't feel good? Speaker 1 01:00:52 No. In fact, I feel about like I've got 18 hit points. Thank you. End of the round. I guess Marlin's already back at full health so we don't have to roll to see what he gets back. Speaker 0 01:01:06 Uh, he actually has to roll strength, save against fee storms here again, Speaker 1 01:01:11 Dirty 20. So yeah, he doesn't take any damage. He's fine. Are our friends coming? Speaker 0 01:01:18 Let's see <laugh> that's a 19. Speaker 1 01:01:24 Fuck. Yeah. Ooh. Speaker 0 01:01:26 <laugh> there is a sharp flash of light. Like one of those little popper, things has gone off and then it fizzles and just outside of this force field around the tower, outta the corner of your eye, you see a bang of light and then Saab Zed and your mother all up here, right outside of this forest field, they are dazed. They are knocked over from this teleportation going awry, but they are there Speaker 1 01:02:00 Leo bleeding from a couple orifices at this point, I'm sure looks up at where his father is still flapping around in the air and jerks his head back towards the open door. <laugh> oh, you're in trouble now. Old man. Hell hath. No fury Speaker 0 01:02:19 Roll insight. Speaker 1 01:02:20 Okay. I have a level of exhaustion from the sickening radiance. So I do have disadvantage on this, but how's in 18. Speaker 0 01:02:29 You see real genuine fear on your father's face for just a second. And I'm gonna roll Saab beans Z and a Donna into initiative. A Donna rolled a fucking Nat 22 initiative. Speaker 1 01:02:45 Hell half no fury get his ass queen. Speaker 0 01:02:50 So with a Nat 20, a Donna gets a free turn and then she has a plus six, two initiative. So she's gonna go after fee on her second fucking turn. Um, and then we've got Leo Marlin Zed got a 19 and Sabine got a 17. So that is our new initiative. First thing they all have to try and break down this barrier. A Donna is gonna cast a sixth level magic missile. It is an automatic hit and the barrier is not immune to force damage. So I'm gonna go ahead and roll damage one D four and then I'll multiply that by her darts. Speaker 8 01:03:27 Yes <laugh> yes. Speaker 0 01:03:29 A Donna gets up from the teleportation. Mishap looks at, you sees Morlin flying near the ceiling, looks at this force field and then cast a magic missile and does 40 damage. Speaker 1 01:03:42 Okay. Um, top of the round fee, you're starting your turn in the sickening radiance con safe please. Speaker 0 01:03:51 23. Speaker 1 01:03:53 Okay. No damage, no exhaustion. What are you doing? Speaker 0 01:03:58 First of all, as a free action, she puts her arms up in cheers. And then she's gonna use a bonus action to do, uh, another moat from the crown of stars. That's not gonna hit those a 16. Okay. And then fee's gonna use her only eight level spell slot to cast cure wounds on Leo. So that's 88 plus five. Leo gets 48, hit points back. Speaker 1 01:04:25 The healing magic of your divine pallet and powers shoots down your arm and into where you are still grasping your brother's hand. Leo gets all of this health back and kind of leans forward to brace his free hand on his knee and wheezes. Thank you. That hurts so bad. Speaker 8 01:04:44 <laugh> Speaker 0 01:04:46 Okay. Uh, a Donna goes again. When she cast that first magic missile, she saw this barrier rappel her darts, but she also saw that they sunk in and did visible damage to the wall of ghosts between her and her kids and her ex. So she's gonna cast another magic vessel this time at fifth level, which means she gets seven darts and it is an automatic hit. Oh, not great 14 damage. Speaker 1 01:05:19 And now we're down to Leo who, because he is starting his turn still in the sickening radiant spell is gonna have to roll another con save 22, no exhaustion, no damage. Woo. So he still got one level of exhaustion. He still has disadvantage on ability checks, but no damage. He feels all of this healing energy come into him from where fi is holding his hand, turns around to look over his shoulder at said and Sabine and his mom winks at them. And then snaps back around, brings up his knife and casts harm on his father. Speaker 15 01:06:00 Yes, Speaker 1 01:06:02 I need Morelin to make me a constitution saving, throw, Speaker 0 01:06:07 Not 20. Speaker 1 01:06:09 Guess what? Speaker 0 01:06:11 What? Speaker 1 01:06:12 That doesn't fucking matter because I have my new ability on Kim's blade. And if he passed a saving throw, no he didn't Speaker 15 01:06:21 <laugh> Speaker 0 01:06:23 Indeed you do. Okay. Speaker 1 01:06:26 Leo traces his father's movements with the point of his knife gets a good bead on him and grins. You're having bad luck with this one today, huh? And I'm gonna roll 14 D six necrotic damage. That is 52 necrotic damage. And because he failed to save his max, HP is reduced by 52 points. He cannot get higher than that. No matter what he rolls on his layer actions. Also he is going to need to roll a DC 26 constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on the sickening radiant spell, but he doesn't get his war caster advantage because I damaged him, which would give him disadvantage on his saving throw. So he just rolls straight Speaker 0 01:07:20 21 Speaker 1 01:07:22 That does not do it. The sickening radiant spell comes down and now it's Marlin's turn. Speaker 0 01:07:31 He is going to cast a mind spike at seventh level on Leo. And he's using his last three horse. Three points to give you disadvantage on the save. That's a w save please. Speaker 1 01:07:44 Yeah. And because of made Slayer, I don't get to roll straight unless he's within five feet of me, huh? Speaker 0 01:07:50 Nope. Okay. Speaker 1 01:07:55 18 just under. Speaker 0 01:07:57 Okay. So you're gonna be taking eight D eight psychic damage and he's gonna use his bone as action to burn a first level spell slot so he can do empowered spell if he wants to. And he does want to use empowered spell. Okay. So he's immediately that one Tory point <laugh> he used it empowered spell and only got three extra points of damage out of it. He take 41 psychic damage. Speaker 1 01:08:25 Okay. And we're down to Z, but the thing is that Zed can't get through the barrier and also has no attacks that deal psychic force or radiant damage. So he does try to punch the barrier like as many times as he possibly can, but it just doesn't work. And then he watches Leo get got by this big old mind, spike, spell grimaces and attempts to yell through the barrier. You got this boss and then it's Sabine who can do something. She's gonna use her six level spell slot to cast dissonant whispers, which deals psychic damage. It is a save, but I mean like the ghost shield is a ghost shield and it can't really save right. Speaker 0 01:09:19 That it cannot Speaker 1 01:09:21 Cool. So I'm just gonna roll this eight D six psychic damage. Speaker 1 01:09:28 Okay. Well that was ass. That was 22 damage. So the shield is down to 24, hit points. Sabine is watching everything going on inside the tower. She elbow Zed out of the way. When she sees that his punches are ineffective and then just flicks her wrist and stomps her foot down and sends a ripple of psychic energy out across the surface of this shield, doesn't bring it down, but it's starting to look thin and we don't have to roll our stuff at the end of the round because our reinforcements have arrived and Morlin is not gonna get any higher on hit points than he already is because of the effects of that harm. Spell. So fee, we are starting the next round off with you. What are you doing? Speaker 0 01:10:16 Okay. As her action fee is gonna use all of her lay on hands points on Leo. So Leo gets 20 hit points back Speaker 1 01:10:24 Again. Leo Wes. Thank you. That hurts so bad. Speaker 0 01:10:29 I'm getting that. And then I'm gonna try and hit Morelin with one of my crown of stars MOS once again. Okay. Hit Speaker 1 01:10:39 That'll do it Speaker 0 01:10:41 Natural 19. And that will do it. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:10:44 Okay. 40 10 lightning please. Speaker 0 01:10:49 Uh, I'm gonna use empowered spell Morelin takes 35 damage, which if I'm not mistaken is half of the hit points that he has right now. I need the listeners to know that I'm saying this with my smuggest fake concern face. Oh no. Oh bestie. Oh, how does that feel? Speaker 1 01:11:10 Okay. Is that gonna do it for your turn? Speaker 0 01:11:13 Yeah. I use my action on my bonus action. I'm done. Speaker 1 01:11:15 Yeah. That's fair. I think movement is kind of irrelevant while your father is flying around like a bird in a Walmart above you. Speaker 8 01:11:22 <laugh> Speaker 1 01:11:25 Okay, cool. It's a, Donna's turn Speaker 0 01:11:27 A, Donna's gonna cast magic missile at her highest available spell slot, which is fifth. So once again, seven darts shooting into the barrier. Okay. Does 21 damage on this magic muscle? The barrier does not come down. That's gonna be Leo. Speaker 1 01:11:49 I'm gonna try to command him out the air again. Leo points, Adam flapping around up there and yells fall. God damnit Morela needs to roll me a DC 19 w safe Speaker 0 01:12:03 18. He uses his last legendary resistance. He just flips you off. Still flapping around up there. <laugh> Speaker 1 01:12:14 Man. Fuck this guy. Speaker 8 01:12:16 Yeah. Speaker 1 01:12:17 Um, I can use my bonus action to try to hit him with my spiritual weapon though. 13. I CRI I CRI I CRI Speaker 8 01:12:26 <laugh> Speaker 1 01:12:28 Fucking finally, finally I was down totting on an eight <laugh> I rolled a 13 on the die. I CRI Speaker 8 01:12:39 He Speaker 0 01:12:40 Sure do. Speaker 1 01:12:43 Okay. So on a crit that's four D eight plus five, a sweet vindicated, 19 damage. Okay, so now it's Marlin's turn. I'm sure I'm about to get my ass beat again. Speaker 0 01:13:02 Yeah. Marlin cast, circle of death again at seventh level. Speaker 1 01:13:07 Oh, come on. Speaker 0 01:13:09 Make a con save please. Speaker 1 01:13:13 18. Just barely not gonna do it. Speaker 0 01:13:17 Okay. Rolling for fee. She's going to use her legendary resistance from the gift of the storm bearer as this fire ripples and a shock wave shoots through it. You watch fees Cape light up with a sudden lightning storm and she stands firm glaring up at your father. You however, take 10, six image. And for his bonus action, Marlin burns the first level spell slot to get one Sourcery point. So he can do empowered spell you take 45 nerotic damage fee takes 22. Speaker 1 01:13:56 Cool. Literally to a T Leo had 45 hit points left he's unconscious Speaker 0 01:14:02 Marlin SWOS down out of the storms. Fair to land on the ground and starts to Outre. One hand the circle on his head, starting to glow as Leo lays on the ground, unconscious and feed drops to her knees next to him. Speaker 1 01:14:19 And now it's Zed who again, can't do anything, but he's not having a good time fee from where you are on your knees next to your brother who has gone unconscious, you can hear Zed yelling, distantly and muffled almost as if hearing it from underwater. He's still trying to punch the barrier, even though it's not doing anything, but then we move onto Saab's turn and she's gonna cast vicious mockery on this ghost shield. She races her arms up over her head, flicks her wrist and glares into the surface of this barrier. You know, usually I agree with the concept that it's not okay to speak ill of the dead, but desperate times, call for desperate measures. The barrier can't save at SABES level vicious mockery does 3d four damage mechanically. She cannot roll low enough to not bring this thing down. The barrier dissolves into thin air with echoing ghostly, whales, Wales, and Saab Zed, and a Donna starts scrambling over each other to get inside the tower. And now we're going to roll to see how much health Marlin gets back at the end of the round. Okay? So he gets back 27 top of the round fee. Your brother is unconscious on the floor next to you. You are on your knees and your father is approaching the two of you with his hand outstretched toward Leo, looking like he is ready to finish the job. What are you doing? Speaker 0 01:16:07 I'm shooting my last Mo for my crowd of stars, Adam, that is a 26. That's gonna hit, Speaker 1 01:16:14 Okay. 40 10 damage. Speaker 0 01:16:19 I'm gonna use a Sourcery point to use empowered spell. That is a total of 34 damage. And I'm going to use my only six level spell sought on a cure wounds for Leo. So he gets back six D eight plus five. Leo gets back a Hardy Hardy 23 hit points with my six levels. Well slot it's a Donna's turn. The barrier is down. She runs in slides to the ground next to Leo and fee with her bonus action. She throws a Hunter's mark up on Marlin and with her action, she's gonna cast cure wounds on Leo at fourth level. So that's four D eight plus two. Leo gets back 18 hit points, Speaker 1 01:17:08 Leo on his, his turn squeezes and reaches out to grip at fi Donna's forearms. Speaker 0 01:17:15 Thank you. Both that hurt so bad. We know Leo, you are on the ground, just rased from unconsciousness. Your father has landed and is standing just next to the hole in the floor. A handout stretch toward you. Circle it glowing. <laugh> you two really think this is over. It is over when I say it is over Leo. It is your turn. Speaker 1 01:17:54 How many hit points does Morlin have left nine? Okay. I'm not even wasting the movement to get up from prone. And I have been sitting on my new seventh level spells this entire battle. So I would like to use my one and only seventh level spell slot to cast a spell called divine word. I need Morelin to roll me a charisma saving throw DC 19. Speaker 0 01:18:28 That was a four on the dice. That is a 15. What happens? Speaker 1 01:18:35 You utter a divine word imbued with the power that shaped the world at the Dawn of creation. Choose any number of creatures. You can see within range. Each creature that can hear you must make a charisma saving, throw on a failed, save a creature, suffers an effect based on its current hit points. 50 hit points are fewer deafened for one minute. 40 hit points are fewer deafened and blinded for 10 minutes, 30 hit points are fewered deafened and stunned for one hour, 20 hit points are fewer killed instantly. Speaker 0 01:19:18 What word do you want to use to kill your father? Speaker 1 01:19:23 The thing is that Leo doesn't want to kill his father. Not because he loves him and not because he thinks he deserves to live. It's just that he's already inherited 10,000 years of this family hurting and deceiving and murdering each other. He lies there on the floor between his mother and his sister looks at his father and then looks behind him at the yawning, chasm in the floor, the Val sign, family legacy and the Speaker 0 01:20:06 Divine word. He utters is enough with this show of strong divine, magical power. Leo you take control of and responsibility for the broken promise that your family has built a 10,000 year reign on you feel the moment that it becomes yours. It is agonizing and it is rapt and slowly the blurry translucent figures of ghosts flying around this room start to coalesce. And in front of your father, you see a peer, your grandmother what's left of her moth eaten and twisted and ancient. You see Ophelia, Shana, sores, aunt dead. Before she really had a chance to live thin and drawn. You see Ashin GVAs with her hawkish features and the scorched hem of her nightgown. You see your uncle Valin in the pajamas. He died in bloody and tired. You see Val's wife, Andrea, and aunt. You never got the chance to meet wearing a traveling cloak, a thin trickle of blue blood going down her cheek from where her hair is matted to her skull. You see Soren in his rumpled party wear his broken glasses, sitting crooked on his face. And then you see more and more ghosts. Start to coalesce all of their various battered figures becoming more and more solid Allegion of them crowding the bottom floor of this lighthouse. Speaker 0 01:22:29 And they are all staring at your father. He takes a step back his back foot, just barely making contact with the circle of stones around this pit. He puts a hand up looking around wildly and yells, stay back. All of you stay back. And then behind your father out of this pit rises a Laha Decar. She stands among these ghosts in their various states have battered and broken and beaten untouched. The spell that killed her did not leave a mark. She steps around to your father's side, puts both arms around him in a lover's embrace. And one translucent hand reaches up to just grip his chin and turn him to face. Her fee makes a low pain noise. Like someone has just punched her in the stomach and Laha gets up on her. Tip. Toes gives your father a long lingering kiss. He starts to relax into it. And then she dives sideways and pulls him into the fucking hole. Speaker 1 01:24:02 Oh, if we're out of initiative, Leo scrambles to his feet and goes over to the edge of the hole to see what the hell's going on, Speaker 0 01:24:11 You run past all of these ghosts, still standing Sentinel. You fall to your knees next to the hole, trying to look down it without crossing the threshold. And you hear a long echoing, terrified scream, and then nothing. Speaker 1 01:24:37 We did it. He's gone Speaker 0 01:24:46 From near the door, into the lighthouse. You hear Zed say so it's, uh, it, it, it's over. You watch Fe start to look around the room and you see Sabine staring at the space where Ashra Duvass ghost still stands. You realize that none of the rest of them can see the ghosts anymore, but they're still there. And they all slowly turn to look at you. Speaker 1 01:25:19 No, it's not over yet. And on that note, everybody except fee clear out Speaker 0 01:25:27 Your mom looks up at you and goes, what, what do you mean clear out? Speaker 1 01:25:33 I mean, that Speaker 0 01:25:36 Damnit Speaker 1 01:25:38 Leo is wiped physically, mentally magically, psychologically from all of that. And he just waves vaguely at the hole in the floor, which it it's still there, right? Speaker 0 01:25:51 Yeah. Just a big chasm in the floor of the lighthouse with a slowly pulsing light down from the bottom of it. Speaker 1 01:26:01 Leo looks down into it and, and grimaces. I mean that until we get rid of this thing, it's never gonna be over. And I don't know what's gonna happen when we try to. So everybody out Speaker 0 01:26:16 Immediately Zed and Sabina Adana are shouting over each other to protest Speaker 1 01:26:22 The old man's dead. And that means my ghost hole, my kingdom, my rules, no one else is dying for this. Everybody out Speaker 0 01:26:32 Fee gets to her feet and walks over to back you up and just goes now, please. And Zab being in a Donna, walk out. Speaker 1 01:26:46 As soon as they're gone, Leo turns over to fee, reaches up a hand to squeeze at her shoulder and casts death ward. So if whatever's about to go down next tries to kill 'em both. It will not kill fee. She will instead drop to one hit point. I know this needs to end, but are you as scared as I am right now Speaker 0 01:27:12 Fee looks down into the pit and reaches out to grab your hand. I'm terrified. Speaker 1 01:27:21 Me too. <laugh> I mean, even assuming everything goes right, every divine soul sourcer in Australia is gonna wake up tomorrow with no powers, the entire political system's gonna collapse. What happens then Speaker 0 01:27:41 Only one way to find out, I guess. Speaker 1 01:27:45 Yeah. I guess Leo uses his last fifth level spell slot to cast commune, Speaker 0 01:27:55 Standing on the stones, ringing this pit directly across from you against the back wall of the tower appears Kim of the Lord of bones, Speaker 1 01:28:09 Leo squeezes at fees, hand, and then nods over at Kim. Okay. Tell me what we have to do. I am more than ready to be done with this Speaker 0 01:28:23 Kim inclines, his great horn skeletal head at you and says Speaker 17 01:28:31 As are we. Speaker 0 01:28:33 And then there is a Russell of fabric and a turn that you can't process can't look directly at. And then Kiva is standing there. She walks across the air over this pit, like it is solid ground and reaches her handout to place it a top where you are holding your sisters and you feel something, an electric shock. I'm gonna roll a con save for F real quick. Yeah, that's a 27. That'll do it. Fee curls in on herself with a and squeezes your hand a little tighter. Speaker 1 01:29:17 Oh, Leo is gripping back just as tight. I think both their hands probably hurt from how tightly they're holding on. Speaker 0 01:29:24 After second fee, grimacing stands straight and says, okay, okay. I, I don't know how long I can. And as she's saying this, she turns to look at you and you see that instead of the usual flat glassy black, that they are, her eyes have gone a gleaming, bright electric blue Speaker 1 01:29:50 It's okay, I'm here. I've got you. What do I do? Speaker 0 01:29:57 There's another flutter. And then Kim is standing there and he says, Speaker 17 01:30:05 This is your inheritance and your responsibility. You know what to do. Speaker 1 01:30:16 He looks directly down into this chasm, sets his jaw and says, you don't get to have me, but I get to have you. And he's going to try to absorb the entirety of the ghost hole into his body. I don't know if or what I have to roll for that. Speaker 0 01:30:40 Roll me a religion. Check Speaker 1 01:30:44 25. Speaker 0 01:30:48 You hold your hand out over this pit and you see the tips of your fingers. Start to black and en shrivel. And then the light flickering at the bottom of it, coalesces into a beam that shoots into your Palm. Roll me a fucking con save. Speaker 18 01:31:08 Oh, oh, I'm so not good at those. Okay. Cool. Cool, cool. Cool. Cool. Speaker 1 01:31:15 Six Speaker 0 01:31:17 Fee has not used all of her. Re-roll she's gonna give you one. Speaker 1 01:31:20 Well, yeah, we're still holding hands. I guess that tracks. Oh God, not 20 Speaker 0 01:31:29 Love is the fucking point of it. All. Everybody Speaker 18 01:31:33 Not fucking 20. Um, uh, um, Speaker 0 01:31:38 23. Speaker 18 01:31:40 Fuck. Speaker 1 01:31:41 Yeah, dude. Speaker 0 01:31:42 Okay. You okay. You take this power into yourself. Your brain is overwhelmed by the same tide of voices that you have felt every time you've had to tap into the ghost hole, just screaming through you. You have no way of, so it, it builds and builds and presses in on your brain. You are agonized. It feels like you are being crushed under an immense weight. All of your nerves are on fire, but your sister is still clutching your hand. And as it subsides for a second, you feel immense power rushing through Speaker 2 01:32:32 You. Speaker 0 01:32:33 You feel the power that you were born without and maligned for not having your entire life. You feel the power that you spent so long chasing. You could do anything. You could move mountains and it is yours. What do you do Speaker 1 01:33:03 Mechanically? What's gonna happen to me. If I decide to keep it, Speaker 0 01:33:09 You will instantly lose all of your cleric levels and everything to do with your rogue sub class, though, you will keep your proficiencies and you will become a level 20 divine soul sourcer. Speaker 1 01:33:26 Le L sine will not become his father or his distant ancestor or any of the murderous despots in between. He does not let go of his sister's hand. Speaker 0 01:33:43 You are faced with the same choice that a land sine had to make 10,000 years ago. And you choose to embrace the difficult, scary, unknown Speaker 2 01:33:59 Future. Speaker 0 01:34:02 You hold this power you are clutching at for his hand. And she is clutching back just as tight. And then the twin voices of Cameron Kiva. Shout do you, Speaker 1 01:34:25 I let go of the power. I don't let go of her. Speaker 0 01:34:30 A light starts to shine out of you in fees, clasp, tans, blue, and purple and silver. And then it starts to pulse and grow until it washes over both of you until it fills the bottom floor of this lighthouse, until it shoots into the sky, through all of the intervening floors, into the lantern room and out across the island of sterol, when the slight fades, and you can see again, the hole in the floor is still and dark and you and fear are still holding onto each other. The crowd of ghosts has disappeared from around you. It's over Speaker 1 01:35:23 <laugh> Leo lunges forward and pulls fee into the biggest tightest hug Speaker 0 01:35:33 Fee. Also gly laughing, hugs you back super tight. Speaker 8 01:35:39 <laugh> Speaker 0 01:35:40 Oh my God, we did it. Speaker 1 01:35:46 We sure did whatever it is. I love you. Speaker 8 01:35:58 I love you Speaker 0 01:35:58 Too. And she squeezes you somehow even tighter. Speaker 1 01:36:05 Leo is a small frail man. I'm sure that this hug hurts his bones, but he has never been happier. Okay. Everything else we will figure out tomorrow, but for now, no more lies. No more death, no more ghosts. It's gonna be okay. And then he's gonna pull out of this hug and go turn to walk out of the tower and find Zed and a Donna Speaker 0 01:36:43 Standing by the stairs, mostly translucent with his broken glasses and rumpled party wear stands. The ghost of sore and Chi. He raises a hand, gives you a little wave and says, Hey, and that is where we are going to end for this week. Yeah, Speaker 1 01:37:23 No escape, no escape, never free. Speaker 0 01:37:30 And we will see y'all next time for the Epilog of campaign. One Speaker 1 01:37:37 On compelled dual. Speaker 1 01:37:55 Hey, everybody Barry here with the post script, just clearing up a couple housekeeping things here at the end of the episode, as always, I'm gonna go ahead and plug our social media profiles. You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr and TikTok at compelled dual. We have lots of other cool stuff going on. However, an official website, an official Spotify profile, our official merch store, stuff like that. You can find all that stuff linked on any of our various social media profiles. If you're interested in supporting the show, we ask that you consider heading over to patreon.com/compelled dual, where starting at just $2 a month, you can get access to all kinds of cool patron perks, including early access to episodes, access to exclusive playlists and bonus content, and even handwritten letters from your favorite character every month. If you're interested in supporting the show in ways, other than pledging to our Patreon, we ask that if you're listening to us on apple podcasts or Spotify, that you leave us a rating and a review, since that helps the show get promoted to a wider audience, we host a weekly Q and a show on our YouTube every week. Speaker 1 01:39:05 And we would love to see you show up for that. Ask a couple questions. We always have a really fun time. And as always, if you like what you're hearing on the show we ask that you just tell a couple friends about it. And if they like it, ask them to tell a couple friends as well. Word of mouth advertising is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal. The epilogue of campaign one will be premiering live on our YouTube channel on Thursday, June 16th at 5:00 PM Pacific time. It will be available a little bit earlier for our patrons at 9:00 AM. Pacific time on that Thursday. Or if you want to just catch it. When it premieres on all of the major podcast providers, it will be available on Friday, June 17th, take a deep breath. Everybody we've got ourselves, a happy ending and the best is yet to come. We'll see you soon.

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