Episode 7 - The Hideaway and the Hierophant

Episode 7 January 15, 2021 01:14:53
Episode 7 - The Hideaway and the Hierophant
Compelled Dual
Episode 7 - The Hideaway and the Hierophant

Jan 15 2021 | 01:14:53


Show Notes

Phirora and Fenandrys embark on a rescue mission. The bard "Mira" knows more than she lets on. Important players in Astraria's grand political game - and an unexpected stowaway - make their way to the small village of Embertide as Phi learns that not everything in her life is as it seems.

The transcript for this episode can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u8tjPRO9Y9aXUDDhDozhC9N-NO1rLOuVwPRcIE1vVuI/edit?usp=sharing 

Content warnings for this episode can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15qZKU4lqDUv4E_2nCqd63XNQpARfVUFt7k3u4nfJZow/edit?usp=sharing

Music credits for this episode:
We Love Punk Rock by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6369-we-love-punk-rock
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Ancient Winds Preview by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5725-ancient-winds-preview
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Fantasy Adventure  by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5425-fantasy-adventure-
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Crossing the Chasm by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3562-crossing-the-chasm
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Laid Back Guitars by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3964-laid-back-guitars
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4002-lord-of-the-land
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Private Reflection by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4241-private-reflection
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Refugees by Sascha Ende
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/539-refugees
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Yeah. When you call a thousand year old <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:26 Hello everybody. And welcome back to compel dual I'm Barry and I'm. And we are a single-player Cody EMD, Dungeons and dragons, fifth edition actual play podcast. Last time I compelled duel, we met up with Leo in these are where he is trying his best to foil an assassination plot. Uh, th the ten-year-old old King of lack on that Warren, Dante, sir, and accidentally stumbled his way into a brand new and exciting assassination plot. And last time we caught up with Ferrara Valcyte back in Australia, she and Fernandez were not having the best of days. She made friends with an interesting and beautiful Bard. Self-identified only as Mira. They ended up making plans for later in the night, but those plans were unfortunately cut short when a small batch that spoke with me or his voice came and landed on fee's shoulder and told her that Mira had been kidnapped simply hate to see it folks. So we last left fie and Fen ascending the large Ridge of cliffs outside the small village of Ember tied in efforts to go find their loss. Speaker 1 00:01:38 That's what we come back in on. Now, our camera kind of pans in with fee and FA edging, their way along these precarious narrow roads up the Ridge Fen has been sort of rolling survival checks in the interim mechanically. You know, just trying to keep going, trying to see if he can follow the tracks that he found when you do first left to the village. You're getting a bit of a ways away from the village now, however, it's dark and there's a lot of wild animals out. You see them running around, you get the idea that there's some probably pretty nasty stuff along this Ridge at Speaker 0 00:02:11 Night. I'm going to go Speaker 1 00:02:13 Ahead and roll another survival check for ranger fan. Our good, good friend who can only roll that twenties when he's trying to track something down Speaker 0 00:02:25 12. Speaker 1 00:02:26 So yeah, you and Fen keep shuffling along this Ridge. There are a couple narrow misses where like some rocks will slip out from under your feet. And he does reach out to grab you by the arm a couple of times to be, and kind of pull you Speaker 0 00:02:37 Back. And he just Speaker 1 00:02:39 Hits us to himself and goes, okay, well, at this point, I don't think they would have been able to get her all the way up the Ridge with nobody seeing them. So if we can't go, Speaker 0 00:02:52 What if they went down, Speaker 1 00:02:56 Down below you? And again, it's just like a hundred drop to the ocean below just like smacking up against these rocks. There are areas jutting out of the rocks down at the bottom that looked like you could feasibly stand on them, but you can't really see anything that looks like somebody could have easily gotten a bound and gagged almost six foot tall lady down there in fact goes, my dad told me once about the Southern coasts and how you know, everything's Rocky down here, but because of the ocean crashing so much against the rocks for years and years and years, there are cave systems. Do you think you said that she was in a cave? Maybe she said Speaker 2 00:03:42 That seems as likely as anything. Uh, it certainly can't hurt. All right. Speaker 1 00:03:47 I'm going to see if I can try to find a cave, I guess. Yeah. So he looks around actually finds after some more looking down below you, probably 15, 20 yards, a cleft in the rock, or there is an opening that is very tight. He's not going to be easy for you to, to get into, but he looks down and goes, all right. I think that's our best bet. I haven't seen any other way into the Ridge. Speaker 2 00:04:16 Oh geez. Speaker 1 00:04:17 You're going to need to rule me athletics or acrobatics. I will let you pick to get down and into the cave safely. Speaker 2 00:04:23 Okay. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:28 Yeah. So fee you kind of go down over the side of this cliff and I think your foot gets caught in your skirts and you just lose your footing and you start to go down. I'm going to need you to roll a dexterity saving throw, and I'm going to roll one for fat as well. Speaker 2 00:04:46 No way. Wow. Speaker 1 00:04:51 A modified 22 to catch you. So yeah, I think you guys just go like best friend telepathy, like fences. You starting to go and immediately grabs onto a root that's hanging out of the side of the Ridge and reaches out and just gets you by like the front of the dress and pulls you back up. And he's like holding you against him really tight and looking down over the cliff at the turning ocean below. And he goes, so let's maybe try going down of little slower. How about I help you out this time? Speaker 2 00:05:24 Uh, that would be, um, probably a good idea. I'm gonna Speaker 1 00:05:31 Let go of you now. Fi roll insight. Speaker 2 00:05:34 God, that's another fucking kidding. Speaker 1 00:05:42 Fen is blushing, very dark blue and just kind of takes a step back from you. And he looks a little flustered, but yeah, he just goes, all right, so I'm going to lower you down and you try to get a foothold and then all climbed down after you. Okay. This entrance to this cave is very, very tight. Your horns are scraping the ceiling as you walk in Fen is like so broad in his bill that he has to kind of go sideways and shuffle in. And you guys are in this very tight cave space for a long time. It's pretty claustrophobic. There's no light. You're relying on your dark vision to see anything. Uh, you do see bats in here. So you get the feeling that you might be on the right track. And, um, I'm going to have both of you roll me, perception checks. Speaker 1 00:06:32 So if that's going to roll perception, check, you're going to roll on as well. Yeah, modern 19. Okay. So with Fens, natural 19 two perception, he gets a 23 Christ. Okay. You smell campfire smoke, but it's a very day heavy smell of smoke, like wet burning seaweed. And there's the distant rush of ocean hitting rock. And over that, you hear voices, several voices talking. The passage is starting to widen out a little bit. So you wouldn't fan have a little more room to move around. And as you continue to move down this passage, it slopes downward and you can start to see light and smoke from this campfire. And you hear several voices talking and you hear Mira's voice. And Tuesday fellas, fellas, usually, you know, I'm totally down for being tied up and knocked around a little bit. But at least I ask is that you ask permission first and you hear a deeper gruffer voice go, will somebody shut her up? And then you hear the sound of a blunt object colliding with bone and Mira. Doesn't say anything else. And another voice says, be careful you idiot. She can't die yet. Speaker 3 00:07:55 Uh, do I recognize any of the other voices? Speaker 1 00:07:58 The voices are not familiar to you. If you want to try to sell the head and get a peak, you can do that Speaker 3 00:08:06 Natural 16 and with myself. Yeah. I don't have pregnancy. So the 19, yeah. Speaker 1 00:08:11 Coming out of this sort of passage right here, you can stick close to the wall and not be seen by any of the people that are in this cavern, but looking out from where you are, and you can see a circle of six bed rolls around a smoky, unpleasant looking campfire. Again, it smells like they're burning wet seaweed. You look out and in the mouth of the cave, it empties right out into the ocean. And there are two large rowboats dragged up into the cave out of the sea. And as you kind of look around to this bend where you have snuck up, you can see there is an unconscious mirror on the floor. She is tied hand and foot. She is blindfolded. Her slate, gray hair at the back of her head is matted to her head with blood. She is immobile on the floor. Speaker 1 00:09:03 She is surrounded by three Australian elves in black robes. They're all standing around her. One is holding a club. Big dude. It looks like he just knocked her over the back of the head out by the boats. There is another person in identical black robes and another taller older man in nicer black robes. From what you can tell, it looks like they knocked her out and they're getting ready to put her in the boat. Fen is still a ways behind you. He's just kind of waiting. He makes like a questioning motion and points. I'm going to make a gesture for him to come forward. And then I'm going to cast guiding bolt Speaker 0 00:09:46 In the absence. They did not see you. I believe you have a surprise around on this. Maybe 15 plus six. Definitely. Absolutely roll damage. That's 10 damage plus he's dead before he hits the ground. Yeah. Yep. You come out of here and you fire off this guiding bolt feed the whole inside of this dank, damp algae covered cave. Just lights up with the force of this guiding bolt. This dude is dead before he hits the ground. And now we're all gonna roll initiative. I got a natural 18 to 26. Love that alert fee. All right. So for you, what would you like to do? You were first in our initiative, we're up against, still unconscious on the floor and you just knocked this guy out in one, hit everybody else in the cave turns around. I's very big. Who said, there's a guy in like a nicer roads that looks like he's in charge that can actually burn a couple of score, straight points to do. And I believe so. Give yourself the advantage. Speaker 0 00:11:03 They'll do it. You sat this guy. He looks shocked. And then he is going to be fenced and is going to run past you. As he runs past you meals, getting your I've got the rest of him. He's going to run up on the guy that looks like he's in charge of when you just went molded. And he's going to try to hit him with his battleax. So that's going to be, that's going to be 15 to hit. That is going to hit him. So he gets going to say he didn't have a shield out for this. He's got one D 10, Oh buddy. That's 13 damage interested on this guy then goes through. Battleax way up in the air, brings it right down on the end of this guy, shoulder puts a real hurting on him. It looks like the guy's wearing some kind of light armor, but fence actresses leaves rang through and there's a spray of blood guy yells and pain. But unfortunately he is up next. So he is going to attack Fen. Um, so he's going to roll to hit. Yeah, he does. He reaches down to his belt and pulls out a gleaming. Jagen silver. Dacher with a crooked blade. Speaker 0 00:12:26 It's a Kimbrel knife is Jack race. And he stabs fat, right? Between the ribs. This knife melts through his armor. Like it's made of nothing. In fact, you would suspect that in some kind of magical weapon, the hit with the knife itself did three damage, but then B you see something happens. This knife close with a sick brain and chronic energy. And you see Fens veins from his chest all the way up to his neck and into his face, just visible and love his armor. His veins go black and he screams and stumbles forward as this necrotic energy, just wreaks havoc on the inside of his body and takes a total of 25. Speaker 2 00:13:22 And now we are down to the first of these guys and ropes and he is going to go for you fee. He's going to try to hit you with a sacred flame. Please make a dexterity saving throw for me. You take three necrotic damage. And then the next, the robe person is going to go. The closer these guys get to you in the more you're starting to engage me. These dudes are all priests, every single one of them. So this one is also going to run down on you. And he is going to try to do the same thing. So hit you with another sacred flame. Ooh, naturally 18, right? You take no damage. The sacred plan goes wide. This flame of dark necrotic energy flying behind you, kind of bouncing into the wet wall and fizzling said, misses your head. Another guy comes running out of the back of the cave. Speaker 2 00:14:16 You didn't see him there, but he's going to have to take a dash action to get out of there. He is using a full dash action to get out of the kind of back corner of this cave and get over to where his superior is engaged with Fen to help him, but he can't take any actions. He had to burn a dash. There is one kind of acolyte looking priest tending to the boats and he runs over on Fen as well. He's going to try to sacred flame him. So fan's going to roll a deck safe with any role that Nat 20. Nice. Yeah, this guy comes up behind with a sacred gleaming at the Speaker 1 00:14:52 End of his knife, to try to just fucking knife and Speaker 2 00:14:54 In the back with it and Fen Speaker 1 00:14:56 Bleeding heavily the sick necrotic energy pulsing down through one side of the veins on his body, actually tucks and rolls out of the way on the floor and gets back up to his feet. He is stumbling and swaying and bleeding for all he's worth, but he is up. And then we are back at the top of the order with you Speaker 2 00:15:15 For you. So I had these two guys in front of Speaker 1 00:15:17 Me. Yeah. You have to have the kind of acolyte, lower looking priests in front of you. Speaker 2 00:15:22 First. I'm going to use that, which bolt and I'm going to deal on other one day 12 damage on the guy that looks like he's in charge. Ooh, maybe. Wow. 11 debit, 11 damage. Speaker 1 00:15:36 This guy stab your friend fi and friend looks really hurt by it. And yeah, Speaker 2 00:15:44 With the, which is like carpeting style lighting book to him as I do the first Avenue, like crackles out. And then I just do like a hammer and the cracking a whip. Speaker 1 00:15:53 You hit this guy with this witch hole just per pretty much all your worth, trying to get them off the fan who has rebuffed another attack, done a tuck and roll on his now back up on his feet. Speaker 2 00:16:02 And yeah, this guy looks good, Speaker 1 00:16:06 Fairly severely hurt. And now it is fenced turn. Speaker 2 00:16:09 Uh, no, it's not. I'm going to use my other two special points to do quick and smell. And I'm going to hear a thunder wave on the guys in front of me. Okay. So I'm going to meet them at eight concepts. That's a eight and a natural 20, a total of 14 damage. So the guys in front of me. Wow. For the other ones. So, Speaker 1 00:16:26 Okay. This one takes seven. This one is blasted back. I think 10. Speaker 2 00:16:30 Yep. I do the like book cracking motion to get the one guy with 11 points of light and damage. And then I turned to the ones in front of me, both hands up and I have noted that they are priest. So I am going to just smile at them and say hi, at the Emissary of Kimra on this plane, she has rejected you. And then thunder away, fucking sick. Speaker 1 00:16:55 This one guy's dead body just feels like flying off into the ocean. Speaker 2 00:17:01 And Speaker 1 00:17:01 The other one is not pushed back, but he does take how many days Speaker 2 00:17:05 He looks very hurt. Good. He looks extremely injured, but he is still standing right in front of you. Would you like to do any movement before funds turn? I mean, yeah. Cause he can't do this opportunity. Yeah. I'm going to take my phone movement. I'm going to run up. Yeah. I'm going to run up a mirror with my full movement. Speaker 1 00:17:25 Okay. So you're using your full movement to move past this guy run up on Mira. He is going to get an opportunity attack Speaker 2 00:17:30 That's okay. Speaker 1 00:17:33 18. So he is going to hit ya, but you see, he goes to be, as you move past him, after fucking launching this dude into the ocean, you go to move past him. He unshaved his jacket, priest knife, and goes back to stab you. And the movement of his arm is arrested and fi Romi and advantaged perception check. As you move past this guy, Speaker 1 00:17:56 Feed this guy as you go past him. And he goes for his opportunity attack. He pulls out that Jagen priest's knife and goes to try to get you with it. And there's this coffin sound of thunder. It is like his knife collides with a plane of pure thunderous force in the air in front of you. It's like he tries to stab you and some outside force. It is not a spell you cast. In fact it is not a spell that anybody cast, you think just rebuffs the edge of this knife. And he looks extremely confused for a second, but then just grabs the club at his belt and tries to hit you with it. Four, four damage. Okay. So now we're down to Fen. Phen turns around to the guy that just tried to stab him in the back and goes, Oh son, that's poor sportsmanship. And then just wails on him with those ads. Good. So you gonna roll to hit on him in the very test moment, but if he does laugh at that, he is going to hit the gentleman behind him and that's going to be a D 10 plus four. Speaker 2 00:19:02 Hey, Speaker 1 00:19:04 Then he decapitates this dude, but then it's down to the priest, the big dude. So he's going to catch an opportunity attack from Fenn to come over towards you. That doesn't hit him. So yeah, this more powerful looking priest comes over at you. He is flanking. So he is going to get advantage on this. Does a 17 hit your armor class. All right. So he's going to burn another spell slot to do the same thing to you that he did defend. I think it's more of a slice than a stab. I think it gets you across the arm of your dress and like lays open the arm of your dress. And you can see the blood starting to well up blue staining the sleeve of this fabric. But then you see the necrotic energy start to sink in. You take only one damage from the actual knife wound, but you take a further 17 and a chronic damage. So you are hurt. Hurt. Yeah. And then I did a hell of a big, Oh, okay. He rolled a five. Let's go ahead and roll that. Yeah. I believe we've replayed with your hellish rebuke as lightning damage. Yeah. Yeah. So this guy stabs me and then I whirl on him and I just backhand him for 10 lanes. He is super dead. He had one hit point. You see his skeleton like light up through his body as this lightning hits him and electrifies him. And he just goes down like a ragdoll as a free action. I'm going to yell. Does anybody else want to try it? Yeah. There's only two Speaker 2 00:20:48 Of them left. The one that you did all the damage to fi in the last round bronze up on fan and is going to try to land a hit on him. Danny Rosa too. So he doesn't hit fan. I think it's a little intimidated at watching his friends to capitated corks bleed out and fence. Ben kind of does the Kylo Ren truck, like, come on, let's go. And this guy just handled. He does not hit him. And then the one up on you fee is going to try to hit you handle. He does not hold it too. Okay. So fi we are back up at the top of the order with you. You have one hit point and this dude is still up on you. What are you going to do? Um, I'm going to cast a healing word on myself. Okay. You're back up to 800 points. Speaker 2 00:21:40 And then I'm going to go ahead and do a, want to do a lightning LAR on this other guy. Okay. And that's rolled a hit. I believe. No, it's not. Oh, a strength saving curve. Would you believe he's also not very strong, natural one, baby. Okay. So with lightning LER, I'm going to, again with one of those like snaring with cracking motions, this one kind of more like a lasso. I'm going to cast in there. This man, he feels the same. So he is going to be pulled toward me, like right up in my face. And then he's going to take that seven. She looks profoundly hurt. I'm just going to smile at him. And now it is Fens turn and he is going to try to hit the gentleman that just ran up on him. He is just barely going to hit. He handily kills him. However, yeah, he just Moes this guy down big stroke of the battleax right across the chest guy goes down like a sack of potatoes. And then it is our friend that just got pulled right up on you fi it's his turn. He's gonna try to Speaker 0 00:22:57 Gotcha. That's a six to hit. Not going to do it. And off on sport. No key struggles to hit you again. I feel like this real puffing force of this like plane of thunder, that's out in front of you. He tries to get you with the knife and there's bounces along with everybody else being dead. He's the last one standing fi hits back to you. Okay. So I'm going to go ahead and still just grinning the super big. I'm going to look at it. I'm going to say, I guess it, wasn't your day that cast Thunderclap. And he's going to say, if I love a five DAS, I'm going to do it, but so he's going to take 2,600 damage. So that's a four, I think, as he tries to stab me, like you said, there's a little like plaintiff thunder that stops his knife. So as it impacts with that fee has got a green viciously. It say, guess it wasn't your day. And then just bring your hands down and do a Thunderclap at 40 image. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:19 I, I think his eyeballs like exploded in his head. Speaker 0 00:24:22 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:26 Uh, and that is about affection. I'm going to do healing word on Mira. Mira comes back up ragged gasp, and she sits up and she looks around at all of the fucking carnage and blood and dead bodies around you. And also you and Fen standing there, both of you title, looking like shit. She sits up and looks around. She goes, Oh, well I see the bat found here. Ah, yes it did. I don't feel good. She says mean to there. This has been a difficult few minutes. Okay. You're your face? And she points to like your cheek. And I mean, if you want to go, try to find your reflection somewhere, I think you could probably see like a distorted reflection off the walls, like where the fire is up against the wet walls of the cave. You and fat kind of have the same, like spider web black veins, like going through your face fi you don't feel good. You feel sick. I think fan actually throws up like fat and stumbles out of the mouth of the cave. He says, well, that's something to handle when we get out of here. You good fan? Oh yeah. That I think would be a good idea. Oh God, I need to see a cleric. Speaker 2 00:25:45 I'm assuming you help. Like on tie her. Yeah. She kind of rubs that the rope burn on her wrist and stands up and rolls her shoulders back and cracks her neck. And she goes, all right, not the stickiest situation I've ever gotten out of, but I definitely appreciate the assistance. You didn't find by any chance and fence still throwing up, reaches into his pocket and holds up one of the jingles that you guys found, like one of the leather cuffs full of silver bells and Mira takes it with a mumbled. Thank you. And latches it back onto her ankle and does a little dance move and like stops her foot and is going to cast a cure wounds on you fi fantastic. At second level, I appreciate that. Yeah. Fee. You're going to get 16, hit points back from that. So fi you're almost back up to full and then she's going to do another one on Fenn also at second level Fender's is going to get 15 back. So you and Fedor, both looking substantially better. Mira Speaker 1 00:26:44 Still looks like she got shit gauge Speaker 3 00:26:47 Then. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:26:48 I'll do a second level. Okay. Speaker 3 00:26:51 That's a nine. Yeah. She's Speaker 1 00:26:53 Back up to 14. She's yeah, she looked like she had been really sore. Like she had really gotten the shit kicked out of her and she kind of rolls off a little bit more of the pain and stands up a little bit straighter and she goes, Oh, okay. That was deeply unpleasant. Should we uh, go back to the village? Speaker 3 00:27:10 Uh, yes. I'm sorry. I can't do more healing. I have not. I have not been blessed with, uh, sort of clerical, uh, medical abilities. Speaker 1 00:27:22 If I remember there was a cleric back in the military, right? Yes. Old guy. Shambling old man seems Speaker 3 00:27:28 Sweet brother Vonda. I believe. Ah, Speaker 1 00:27:30 Sure. She waltz us out of the cave and she reaches behind her and she starts dragging out one of the boats these guys had. So she, uh, goes to start hauling one of these boats out into the water and she looks over and he goes, Hey muscles. You know how to make one of these things go. He shrugs and goes. I mean, I guess Speaker 3 00:27:53 Phage kind of with as much big nitty as she can, muster flats is off into the water with her fucking ball gown that she hasn't changed out of. Sopping wet probably weighs like 15 pounds every time she moves. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:28:07 You guys may get back to the village. The streets are dead silent. It's two, three o'clock in the morning. I don't like that. I'm sorry. Do you want to go wake somebody up? Speaker 3 00:28:18 Oh yeah. I eat cleric. I'm going to go to the church. Speaker 1 00:28:23 Okay. Yeah. You walk into the church. Churches of Kimra are open 24 hours a day. So the doors to the church are not locked or anything. You come in, the sanctuary is empty. There are still candles burning. They're still incense going. You know, all the things that are necessary to keep the church running. If you wanted to go find brother Avanto, you'd have to probably dig deeper in the church. There looks to be a rectory out towards the back where he lives Speaker 3 00:28:49 Fee is going to not to herself. Say got a bad feeling about this and then head up towards directory. Speaker 1 00:28:58 Yeah. You find this rectory door is closed. I mean, you can talk. Speaker 3 00:29:03 Okay. I'm going to knock on the door. Okay. Speaker 1 00:29:05 You knock. There's a moment. And you hear from inside some shuffling in her own things. Some tired old man noises, brother vAuto opens the door. He's still in his robes and everything from the celebration this evening. And he squints, he goes all grand Duchess to what do I owe the pleasure? What time is it? Speaker 3 00:29:24 Uh, it's late. Uh, I am in need of some assistance. I'm very sorry to trouble you at this, uh, at whatever hour this is. But uh, some things have happened. Speaker 1 00:29:36 I'll do come in and child, you look like you've been through it. Come, come, come. Speaker 3 00:29:40 She's going to also like gesture Fenn and you're after. Okay. And then just got to stand in this old man space and say, we need so much healing. Speaker 2 00:29:49 Oh my goodness, what happened? Speaker 1 00:29:50 So the three of you and he immediately starts breaking off the cure wounds. I'm going to go ahead and say that he had enough mojo going on. That you're all up to fold, gets out the knife from his belt. And there's a cool kind of silvery glow around it, that heat skates down over you and then fan and then Mira and you guys are all up to full. It looks like he does a bit of even like a restoration spell on you and Fen where you feel this sick and necrotic sludge in your veins, leave your body and you feel definitely a hundred percent again. Speaker 2 00:30:24 Awesome. Well, I'm good. Speaker 1 00:30:26 I think that the festival didn't go too well. He says I'm not Speaker 3 00:30:31 Entirely certain of everything that happened. Uh, you would have to ask and then she gestures at Mira. Speaker 1 00:30:38 He kind of squints over here. He goes, Oh yes. You know the nice young lady with the minstrel troupe, your show was fantastic. She goes, thanks your friend's kidney. Speaker 2 00:30:48 Yeah. This old, old man blinks and goes, I'm sorry, what? Speaker 3 00:30:53 Yes. Uh, we found her in a cave with several, uh, priests of the order of camera. I think something is wrong with the local chapter. There may be some corruption within the local church. And uh, I would hope that we could investigate that while I'm here. Well, my dear, Speaker 1 00:31:17 It's a local chapter. I'm the sole proprietor of shirts that are any other priests through here to illness. Unless you count the ones on the Island, but this is most concerning. I'll send a missive to the Island right away. I'll see if I can figure out what's going on. This is most unsettling role insight fee. Okay. Speaker 2 00:31:39 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:31:40 It looks very concerned and a little confused, but he mussels off, pulls out his knife again. And you see in glow the same kind of magic it did when he was sending a message to your father and he pauses for a second and listens for our apply and the knots to himself. And he goes, I promise you all. We'll figure this out. I think it has to be some sort of misunderstanding. We have plenty of time before the delegation from Velon tall gets here to pick you two up. And my lady, I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but I unfortunately don't have an explanation. He says to Mira who Sinai's him really hard. Can I run and sat on her on merit? Sure. Speaker 3 00:32:22 The fuck is that about the fourth? Speaker 1 00:32:25 She does herself off and goes, ah, no harm, no foul. I guess I didn't die. I need a bath and a train. Speaker 3 00:32:33 Oh, me too. Oh, me too. Speaker 2 00:32:37 Well, what the local bathhouse should be open. The water might be a little colder than you're used to, but that will be fine. After the day I've had, I would take ice water 10 go spoon, bath, bath. Good. Yes. Yes. Bath ideal. Well, good night. All of you I'll do my best. As I said to help you get to the bottom of this, it's very concerning rather. vAuto says good night. I, I apologize again for this. He just bumbles off and kind of shuts the door behind you guys as you leave. Speaker 0 00:33:18 So you guys proceed out to where the local bathhouses it's right off kind of this main square it's, it's definitely not the quality that you are used to fi you know, the beautiful bridge, stained glass domes and wonderful rich appointments of the Australian Royal baths are not the case here. It's a wooden hut with mud walls. So everything that you would expect in mystery and baths, but the quality is not quite the same. They have thin linen robes available for people that come in to kind of where, because it's, there's only one of each bath. It's very co-ed. So everybody here has going in the same tub, but yeah, there's like a hot spring in the knuckle and then a sauna. So I think you and Fen mural all kind of get into these rooms and duck yourselves down in the hot tub and just sit there for a second. It does feel nice after getting shit kicked really hard. Speaker 0 00:34:21 And after awhile, Mira says, so, you know, um, I typically don't do this because of professional reasons, but given the YouTube did save my bacon. I feel a little obligated to tell you Mira as a stage name. I figured if I need to death offer any further information, she laughs throws her head back. She's got her head back, like soaking in the tub, trying to wash the blood out from her. She got clocked over the head and she sits back up wet hair, kind of hanging down around her face and goes so be in Guevara, sparred extraordinary at your service. Loving to me just, I try not to get kidnapped if I'm not in the Fitbit. Wasn't the first time won't be the last she says, now that's concerned. The old man knows something. Speaker 0 00:35:18 How are you getting that? I I'm not sure. I know the things is priest, but I doubt we'd be surprised. Just how much a crafty old Fox can pull off passing himself off as a daughtering old man. That's all I'm saying. I've got a good bit of career experience or interesting with every sentence that comes out of your mouth. I've been told, she says big smile, the sinks, a little lower in the water. Uh, yes. Uh, well, what do you suggest her next thing is that because I, I don't, even if he does know something, I'm not sure how we're going to get information and we're braced well, my troops leaving tomorrow, but I feel like without much excuse making, I could probably find a way to stick around until your ride comes to chemo. Speaker 0 00:36:13 You know, keep an eye on the situation. Maybe have a couple more conversations. Grand Duchess. I notice I feel uncomfortable facing lower and lower into the wall at Fenn. Maybe we should find logics. Maybe we should go somewhere further. So the stuff at the end, right? Yes. Uh, well it is getting quite late. I, it was lovely to talk to you, Sabina. I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful night again. Don't kick it up again because I can't pull off that sort of thing. More than once a day, I'll do my level best grandma. She says that she hops up out of the bath and disappears and you don't know to where God Speaker 2 00:37:16 And just sits there and looks at you fee very intensely fateful on ducks. There's nothing the water down just washing her hair. Nothing to say about that. Fenn is still staring at you when you come up and he goes, don't, don't what don't fi I have no idea what you're talking about. Aha. He says very dignified fees. You know, I should get paid a lot more than I do considering how much trouble that you just seem to love to get into where you're being paid and friendship and fun fan friendship. I'll take. I haven't had fun since Colossae got home. I love Colossae. I haven't had funds. Let's go less. I got home as the person in this friend group, whose job it is to keep everybody else alive. I have not had fun. I'm going to go take my trance. Now he says, yeah, me too. You guys have to not adjoining rooms, but you guys have two rooms next to each other at this very modest, you know, local Tavern in and you take your trance and you wake up the next day in time to leave the N and see Sabine, seeing off Speaker 1 00:38:36 Her troop as they leave, they have wagons Leighton down with all their musical supplies and all of their trunks and stuff. And they ship out of town. You see her saying something to the very small Elvin woman that you saw her talking to yesterday and they're gone. And by the time that Sabine finishes seeing off her friends, you see a big bustle coming towards the church, like several people running into the church. Speaker 2 00:39:06 Geez, I'm going to say to fan so much for a vacation, and then I'm going to go run off to check that out. You good Speaker 1 00:39:14 Over there in time to see brother, Avanto kind of waddling out and down the street to where all of these people are circled around him, babbling about something you can't really make it out. And he nods to you kind of from the center of this crowd, but he's being swept off, down towards the docks at the edge of town. Speaker 2 00:39:35 I'm going to try and get myself into the crowd so I can like understand what's going on. Speaker 1 00:39:40 You hear a lot of people talking over each other, a couple of the phrases you pick out are there was no word sent. We had no idea. It's getting close now. We're not really sure what's going on. We thought you could explain and you hear brother, vAuto kind of placating Lisa. Now. Now everybody calmed down. I'm sure it's not that soon. Oh, Kim rolls, marvelous mandible. He says, as he gets done Speaker 2 00:40:07 Well, if you're looking at, Speaker 1 00:40:10 You know what? The Australian Royal barge looks like, elaborate hung with lots of silk, kind of a wide flat bottomed barge. A very close version of that is approaching towards the docks of Ember tide from Luke Stovall. Speaker 2 00:40:27 Mm. Okay. Yeah. I'm feel stressed. Uh, I'm going to try to like wiggle through the crowd to get to brother Rondo, and then I'm going to lean over to him and say care to explain Speaker 1 00:40:46 The Hierophant is coming. He says, it looks like he's about to shit. Speaker 2 00:40:50 That's fantastic. And what do I know about the higher fan? Rolling history check with advantage. Uh, so it's the 19th. Speaker 1 00:41:00 The higher offense is the Pope. Essentially. It is an office that is passed down through lifetime appointments and order wide voting. When the current Hierophant dies. This Hierophant is fairly new as in was appointed within the last 10, 15 years. Okay. You have met him once, maybe twice. You don't have a good read on the guy. Speaker 2 00:41:31 What do I know about his name is Sidella Speaker 1 00:41:34 Dan. He is from the city of illness, which is also where you grew up when you were staying with the Lasha. He's the Elvin equivalent of like 15. Now God. And I hate him as appointment was very contentious, namely, because he had not been raised in the order, but also because he was so young and because he came from nothing, he's not from a noble family. He has no pedigree whatsoever. From what you have been told, he is extremely strong with Clara Patrick though. He mostly keeps to himself on low Stovall. And that's where the Hierophant lives all the time. You've met him. Maybe once, twice at social functions, not the most personable dude. So phase guys, sure. Brother Avanto just continues to pale. And he goes, when I sent the message to the Island last night, I didn't think it would garner this guy to response. Speaker 1 00:42:35 Oh, the church is so dirty. I have to go. He said, Oh God, okay. This might as well happen. And then feet in the distance. You also see some other boats starting to pull clothes. They are coming from a different direction. They're coming from the direction you came from last night. Okay. These other boats actually closed the distance between them and the docks faster than this big barge coming from the islands does. And you see a couple more priests and Trout's essentially bodies wrapped up in blankets. In those, you can infer that they have cleaned up the crime scene and are bringing the bodies here. If he is going to try to not look too closely at that old contingent of people, unless they engaged with her. She's just got to like try to straighten her posture and just like wait for the barge. Okay. Speaker 0 00:43:33 Yeah. And there's widespread murmuring through the townsfolk. As the sport finally finishes pulling up and a ganglia, skinny shitty looking teenage boy and very originally avoided black robes and a long black film, like headpiece steps off the end of this barge. He has very dark hair, very dark eyes thick, like number five from the umbrella Academy. But he's an elf Pope. He just has this implacable dead pan. As he takes a step off, he does not bow to you because that's not the political dynamic that you two have, but just kind of gives you a familiar little nod, no movement of facial structures, nasal monotone, voice grand Duchess. Speaker 1 00:44:21 Hi, lovely to see him. Speaker 0 00:44:24 I wish we could be meeting under better circumstances. Speaker 1 00:44:27 I wish the same, but the circumstances are what they are as Speaker 0 00:44:32 Well. After I received the message last night, I couldn't simply sit by and do nothing. So I came to investigate matters myself. It doesn't bode well for the church to have this sort of thing on our record. If I can find any way to figure out what happened to you and your friends, I'd be glad to help out. And he walks over to where all the votes that brought the bodies in our docked and he reaches down and grabs a blanket and throws it back at the head of the dude that fender capitated is just sitting in there. And it's super unsettling to watch this like 15 year old, without even blinking, reach down, get this severed, head by the hair and pick it up. And he pulls a knife out of his belt and spins it around his finger, like cowboy style. And it starts to glow and he casts a speed with dead smell and the head opens its mouth and starts to whisper. Speaker 0 00:45:23 And he just holds up next to his ear and knots and nods again. And then dispels the smell and tosses the head back down into the boat and turns around to the gathered townspeople and also you and Fenn and Sabine and says, I will. It appears what we have here is a classic case of heresy. Looks like these men were all people who had chosen to undertake joining the priesthood as criminal penance, and then decided to run away from the Island. I can only guess that they were going to brands on your friend and use the money to disappear. Peter nods, iffy, because you would know that it's a pretty common thing for people convicted of prolific crimes or Nobles that have done some kind of political foe pie. You can join the priesthood rather than get executed. However, you have never heard of anybody running away from most wrong Roland site. It just strikes you as weird. You can't really put anything together, but it strikes you as odd. Cause you've never heard of anybody running away. Speaker 2 00:46:33 She's not going to say that in public, she's going to nod and say, I assumed something of that nature. Yes. If we could speak about it further, I would much appreciate that Speaker 0 00:46:44 Very well. He breezes past you and just walks toward the church. You guys make it to the church. The whole town is just following behind you, eyes wide. And when you guys finally do make it to the church, brother, Phonto is inside of the broom. Just fucking go into town on the aisle and looks up. He goes, Oh yeah, I'm all in this. I'm so sorry. These old bones don't do what they used to keeping the church clean at the higher. If it says, you know, brother vAuto, I have posited before that perhaps you should retire comfortably to the Island after your lifetime of service to Kimra after all it wouldn't vote. Well, to have our representative allowing things like the kidnapping of townspeople to happen Speaker 2 00:47:26 On his watch, from what I've observed, brother Avanto is doing an admirable job at his post. And then she's going to like, make sure she's the last person in the church and just kind of turned to the table. People have ever tied. I assure you on my authority is grand Duchess. The situation that we uncovered last night has been resolved to the best of our ability. And we will be taking steps to make sure nothing like it happens again. And then she goes to the doors. So, Speaker 1 00:47:58 All right here with you as well. And the Hierophant is sitting in a Pew, but he's like teenage boys spread in the Pew where he's got his feet kicked up on top of the few in front of him. And he's just like flipping through a prayer book idly. Speaker 2 00:48:14 Well, that's not very dignified in front of people that aren't dead high up in the church hierarchy. Does it look like I care? I would hope he would at least pretend to Speaker 1 00:48:26 Wait. I don't know what else you want me to say to you? These men were heretics. They were escapees. They have clearly been. Speaker 2 00:48:33 Yes. I saw that in my house. I was not aware that people attempting to leave the Island was, uh, as endemic as apparently it is. It's not a Speaker 1 00:48:47 Widespread problem, but we do get the occasional criminal that decides that camera's wrath is preferable to their service. Speaker 2 00:48:56 Hmm. I would think you would shore up security after the first couple we Speaker 1 00:49:02 Bride. Apparently these people were particularly clever. Speaker 2 00:49:06 Didn't seem that way to me. But suppose first impressions can be misleading. I suppose they can. At any rate, Speaker 1 00:49:16 My work here is done. I've come, I've investigated the source of the issue. It seems that everything has been taken care of and Speaker 2 00:49:24 Well dead men Speaker 1 00:49:25 Don't kidnap people unless somebody tells them to at that rate brother vAuto, if you would mind, um, D fleshing the bodies, their skeletons conserve, Kimra leaving if they didn't want to. Speaker 2 00:49:38 So you will just like incline ahead and go. So, well the date Speaker 1 00:49:42 Breezes past, doesn't say goodbye. He's a rude little shit. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:49:47 You guys Speaker 1 00:49:48 Leave the church. And then we do a little bit of a time skip Sabine's troop has gone. She sticks around you. Hang out with her quite a lot over the next several days. I think probably a week passes where you're just getting to know this barn. She plays everything kind of close to the vest. And doesn't tell you a whole lot about her history, but she does talk to you a little bit about her job as a bar and in her particular take on bardic magic with the dancing and the bells and how she's the one that pioneered that and things like that. And I think you become pretty good friends with this barn, you know, over the next week or so. Speaker 2 00:50:24 Yeah, I think fees good out also be like taking full advantage Speaker 3 00:50:28 Of the hospitality, the town. I don't think she's had food from the regions since she was a kid. I think it's kind of like what she grew up on and it's not something she has a lot of them develop at all. I think it's like she's enjoying being near the ocean and she's just waiting around to get picked up, but kind of trying to enjoy herself while she can. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:50:47 I mean, Southern cuisine is very good. It's very spicy, very meat, heavy. Uh, it focuses a lot on the lamb. There's a lot of sheep down here. Not necessarily, you know, in Ember type, but they have, you know, a network of villages that they do trade with and there's food coming in for the Island that they ship off. You have a pretty good time hanging out with your new friend and hanging out with fan and kind of just relaxing Speaker 3 00:51:11 And also fee is plotting revenge. Speaker 4 00:51:13 <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:51:16 I wasn't kidding. I'm going to MIT. So orange Agron up of scarf out of his own intestines is a Speaker 4 00:51:21 Jesus Speaker 1 00:51:24 For about a week fee. You are kind of walking along the street and you haven't seen Sabine all day, which is weird because she usually comes to your room to meet you in the morning and just kind of take you about your day and escort you throughout whenever you guys are doing Speaker 3 00:51:40 I'm going to go look for her immediately. Cause the last time she wasn't where I thought she was going to pay. She got kicked out. Speaker 4 00:51:46 Okay. Um, role and advantaged investigation check. Cool. Okay. Speaker 1 00:51:55 I don't do it. You move around and find her eventually in a small clearing in the thin kind of congregation of woods outside the town, right before the Ridge starts shooting up into the sky and she is holding a small Sparrow in her hands and she is whispering to it. She has not noticed you there yet. Go ahead and roll me still Speaker 4 00:52:20 May of 14. Speaker 1 00:52:21 Yeah. So you're able to sneak up. She doesn't notice that you're there. She has this very small bird, a little Sparrow in her hands and she's whispering to it. And she says, it makes me very happy to learn about your promotion. My dear friend. However, I would urge you to exercise caution moving forward in the future. These kind of bold moves often come with repercussions. As I have learned very intimately in my recent experiences. I hope you and your family are well. And it's my fervent desire that I see you soon. Yes. And she goes, go and the bird takes off into the sky and flies away. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:52:57 Yeah. Fuck it. He's not why she's going to step out from behind the history that she was presumably ducked behind and say who's being promoted. Speaker 1 00:53:05 Old friend of mine, old business acquaintance. Savine rolls it off. Like nothing. She does not look faced by this at all, but it's good of you to come talk to me here. I actually had something that I wanted to run by you granddaughters. Speaker 3 00:53:18 Oh, absolutely. Lay it on me. Speaker 1 00:53:21 You strike me as a woman. Prioritizes Speaker 2 00:53:27 Integrity. I like to think that that's true. Then it may be a little bit of a shock to you to find out that much of your entire life up until now has been a bold faced lie. Speaker 0 00:53:47 Bolt claim your Highness. I'm only telling you this because I believe that you are trustworthy. Believe me, if I didn't think either of us stood anything to gain from you having this information, I would have been gone a week ago. There is a well calling it a society would be a little generous. There is a collective of people in Australia over centuries of research and dedication have figured out that we have all been lied to for a very long time, by many different people. I was here to figure out one of those lives. And that is why I got kidnapped. Speaker 0 00:54:43 So is it a conspiracy? Is it a complicated intertwined network of conspiracies? Like I said, it's complex. And even the people involved in this effort, these people like me who are devoted to the truth. Sometimes we don't all agree with each other about exactly what that truth is. But one would argue that perhaps truth and strife is better than ignorance. You know what? I don't indulge conspiracy theories unless you have some grand revelation. I remind me that I am damn grant Duchess. I have been embroiled in most deep state secrets for much of my life. And I really don't know why I expected this 10, well lives, nobody escape because they have security. Speaker 0 00:56:04 Why didn't those people make it out? Why do people in this village go missing every year? Economics? Why does nobody? Who's not a high Warner priest ever get to go to the Island. There are there's religious ritual that would be Sturt. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? It seems predicated on unison, Australian people going missing to connect to ghost stories, terms of little fishing, the Lynch. They want it to take me back to the Island. I heard them talking about it or they wanted to take you somewhere else. Or they had a contact that was that way. Or you are lying to me, which I find very possible. What reason do I have? All right, fine. I can acknowledge that. This is all based upon the circumstance. Since that seems to be the way you view it. But I have other duties by my troop and I need to go soon. I just wanted to give you, if you decide to maybe you want the truth. Can I tell you something I've learned having the life that I've had and having the family that I do, lay it on me. No one ever gets the truth Speaker 1 00:58:27 Disappears. After that day, you don't see her again. The next day fee through the one very small narrow rickety road down this fridge into the village, a caravan of Royal carriages rolls up and out of the lead one. Your father steps out and strides across this town square. I think you and Fenn are just kind of standing there waiting. And he gets you by the shoulders, gives you the once over. Make sure you're not physically harmed. Well, this didn't end up the way we wanted did it? No, not, not at all. I would suppose that we have much to discuss on the way back to the path. And then you hear a rattle from the back of the carriage where your father was. It sounds a trunk opening. And from around the corner, you see just the very top of ahead of curly blue hair. Speaker 1 00:59:31 And around the back of the corner of this carriage, a very disheveled looking Colossae Petrus walks out. She is in a very nice set of hardened leather rogue armor, dark black leather armor buckled up across in a breast plate and bracers and stuff. But her hair is a fucking mess. Like one side of her cloudy curly hair is like crunched down flat. Like it's been jammed up against something and her facial piercings are all a skew. And she has really dark circles under her eyes. And she's stretching really wide as she walks around the corner of this carriage and she goes, Oh, nice. We're here. And your father's jaw drops. You you've never Speaker 3 01:00:15 Before. Speaker 1 01:00:17 And he turns around slowly and he says, lady Petrus. I was there. When your father explicitly for bade you from coming on this journey, I have only one question at this point. And it is hi. Speaker 3 01:00:37 She is trying very hard not to burst out laughing. She like puts a fist over her mouth and swallow is really hard. I've learned to never underestimate Colossae, but Speaker 1 01:00:49 Melissa just gets this big mischievous grin on her face. And she goes, well, I mean, I got in one of the Footlockers and your father says you've been there for eight days. And she says, I've been getting out at night to eat and go to the bathroom. But yeah, anyway, and she runs across to the square feet and just pulls you and fend both down and do a big group hug. Speaker 3 01:01:10 Oh yeah, absolutely. I hugged her back. It's been a really rough week. Speaker 1 01:01:15 She says, Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to hear what the hell happened. It sounds like you guys have been on a trip. Your father is just standing back there again. Feet blinking, very bemused, just she was in the back of my carriage the whole time Speaker 3 01:01:32 He is trying so hard not to laugh. She says NY classic going yes. Much to talk about, much to discuss. It's been a rough week. Some stuff has happened. I'm not happy about all of it, but we can talk about that after we leave. Speaker 1 01:01:48 Yes, please. I do detest the climates in the South. Your father says he has not like acknowledged any of the people in this village since he rolled in. Speaker 3 01:01:57 Hmm. Apps. Do you like girl, this is a little bit to herself and because it's hard to get used to. I have grown accustomed to it. Um, and then she's going to like turn to any people that are watching again. Good people who've been retired. I thank you so much for your hospitality on behalf of myself personally. And on behalf of the crown, it has been lovely to be in your village. And I hope that you have not been troubled over much by myself and my companion. I bet you farewell. And it hurries into the carriage. Like, let's go. Speaker 2 01:02:32 Yeah. You and Fen, pilot and carriage, and your, uh, your father gets in on the bench seat opposite you. And you hear from outside, Colossae saying, do I have to get back in the Footlocker and your father pinches the bridge of his nose? No, Colossae okay. And she hops in the back. He's at the foot locker. I think I may have done permanent damage to a lot of my muscles. Well, that's unfortunate. It was either that or hanging onto the bottom of the carriage. And I didn't know how Rocky the terrain was going to get. Speaker 3 01:03:08 You could have also stayed at home, just, you know, putting that one out there. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:03:12 Am I cutting you and Fenwick on speaking of which, what the hell happened? Your father says I'm reticent to agree with lady Petrus on anything, but yes, I concur Speaker 3 01:03:26 The grits, your teeth, and then there's winning grad Dash's smile says there was an issue with the, uh, teleportation circle. As we, Speaker 2 01:03:39 The teleportation circle was set up by the most proficient wizards at the order of I Luna, I don't understand who your father says. Speaker 3 01:03:47 I, as you know, I'm not proficient in wizardry. I would have to go back over the events with some foods into there. Speaker 2 01:03:57 Well, what was her it's were there? That was probably kids from my class. Colossae says, Speaker 3 01:04:02 I didn't know many of their names. I, a few friends of blushes, a couple of students. There's a few people milling around. Uh, the only person I really recognized was Soren, but it's not saying much, Speaker 2 01:04:16 Soren's not a teleportation specialist. I'm going to roll inside for Walesa. That's 18. I mean, you can try to live if you mind. Speaker 3 01:04:26 I have pretty good charisma. Speaker 2 01:04:29 Yep. 23. Okay. She buys it. Speaker 3 01:04:34 I would again, have to go over what happened with a few of the people that were there. Uh, I'm not super well-read on teleportation magic, especially, but as soon as we set off, I knew something was wrong. Speaker 2 01:04:47 So, and what has been your experience here over the last few days on eventful? Speaker 3 01:04:55 It was an incident. Uh, there were some escapees from Lux to golden. I have conjectured with the help of the local priest and, uh, the higher offense. They had planned to read some off a traveling Bard to pay passage, to go somewhere else. They were dispatched. The situation was dealt with, but Speaker 2 01:05:18 Role insight was advantage for your father's face is unreadable. He Speaker 1 01:05:29 Nods and says, well, I trust nobody important was hard. Speaker 2 01:05:32 Uh, no looks offended, not permanently. Speaker 1 01:05:38 And then your father kind of clears his throat at any rate. I can only assume that it will be difficult to get in touch with anybody at the order of, I Luna about the details of this accident. Seeing as things have been in a bit of an uproar there since, Speaker 2 01:05:53 Oh, uh, have they, why Speaker 1 01:05:57 You left Lord Baylor announced that he was retiring for health reasons and our acquaintance Leon Lord Shaquana has just been named the youngest appointee to the high court in history. Speaker 2 01:06:11 Hmm. Interesting. Well, that's fantastic. Right? Speaker 1 01:06:17 Very sudden after all board Baylor and I played chess just last week and the man seemed in perfect health. Speaker 2 01:06:23 That's how it goes sometimes isn't it. I suppose, Speaker 1 01:06:27 Colossae is looking back and forth between you and your dad and her eyes are just getting narrower and narrower. I think you guys stay with a minor noble family in the Southern countryside. Later that night, you're set up with rooms and lodging and food and everything and Colossae and Fen both come to your room fee and they just kind of course Speaker 2 01:06:49 Got it. Melissa just has her hands up, like, well, cause, Speaker 1 01:06:55 But that was bullshit. I don't know what kind of bullshit it was, but I know that that was bullshit. Speaker 2 01:07:02 That Speaker 1 01:07:03 Point also kind of clear to start and go. I mean like, yeah, you didn't tell your dad about soar and what was that all about? Costco's what about Speaker 2 01:07:12 She nods to herself and then she says not here. Okay. And she's going to tow fed and Colossae out of the house. Okay. Speaker 1 01:07:21 And yeah, you go outside and you know, it's Southern countryside. So again, very like salty damn pool. You could probably catch a cold if you're not careful, it's on a high bluff overlooking the sea. And I think you guys all come out to the back of the house, just looking out over the ocean. Speaker 2 01:07:35 Yeah. She is going to clear your throat and just kind of like blur fingers and then say, I didn't tell him about what happened because I am going to handle the situation myself. What's the situation. And the situation is with so much upon is a rat bastard. I mean, that's not helping me a lot for you. Can you fluidly? My friends Speaker 1 01:07:59 Are involved in this shit. Now I need you to Speaker 2 01:08:01 Help me understand Soren sabotage the teleportation circle. What I watched him scuffed out part of one of the lines and get me in fence set here. And I believe that Laura Baylor retiring was orchestrated. I believe that I know several other people who are involved given information that I've been able to pick up and it would appear that there is a vast conspiracy happening around this. So I'm going to handle this situation and you are going to stay as far away from it as possible. And when we get back to balance all, I am going to coroner's orange opponent, get some answers and possibly for a matter of a Tapper, depends on how I feel. Yeah, no, you don't get to shut us out of this. Colossae says and Fen kind of knots. It's really not that you need to be involved in. I'm handing it. Speaker 2 01:09:06 You have no. When people I care about are trying to kill each other fee, that is something that I need to be involved in. And I don't really give a shit that you're the grand digests or whatever. You don't get to tell me that I don't get to care about it. If something's going to happen to you, or if something's going on behind the scenes, that's putting people, I really give a shit about in danger. I'm going to help. I don't see that. There's any way you can. You don't have to, but also the only way you're going to keep me out of this is by putting me on a boat back to VOC old door. And I, I dare you go. Alyssa says, she looks like she's ready to maybe swing on you and argue with that. I guess. No, you can't. And she storms off. She's pissed. Fenn looks deeply uncomfortable. Well, isn't just ruining everything this week. I'm going to bed. It's not your fault. Okay. I'm kind of bed Speaker 0 01:10:12 Being. You walk back into this Manor house, back up to the room that you've been assigned Colossus door, which is right next to you. Worst is firmly closed. You walk in and on your bed. There is a folded parchment and sealed with a red piracy. There's a piece of paper inside type. It also, it feels a little heavy. And as you open it a small, you could call it a medallion. I guess it's not on a chain. It is a small circular piece of metal. It is no bigger than it is made out of what appears to be maybe pewter, very heavy metal. And it is a stamped image on this round metal disc is the image of a lighthouse with a large beam of light coming out of it. And the lighthouse is being struck by the paper that it was folded up. It says in an intricate, neat handwriting, just in case, be careful when you show this to you, either others have one, they still want you dead. Truth dies in darkness. Revelation lives in light as this into like a pocket fire. And Speaker 1 01:12:17 That's where we leave off for this week. So the plot thickens, it would seem on both fronts of our campaign, the plot thickens. It would seem so we will wait until next time to figure out what's going on with Leo. And Speaker 0 01:12:37 Shortly after that, <inaudible> Speaker 1 01:13:02 Hey, everybody Barry here with the postscript, just handling a couple housekeeping things after the episode. Thank you all so much for listening. If you're new, welcome. If you're sticking around from previous episodes, thank you so much. As always, we are on social media, we check the tags, hashtag compel duel and hashtag compel dual pod for any kind of interaction. We are on Twitter, Tumblr and TechTalk at compelled dual. We are also on Tik TOK at compel dual adios, which is where we post audio snippets from the show and the cool new announcement. We actually have our website live now. So if you head over to compel dual pod dot Wix site, that's w I X S I T e.com. My wife designed us a beautiful website where we have a fan art gallery, character profiles, links to a lot of our maps and stuff. It's basically a big compelled dual resource. So we're really excited about that. We hope you guys get some use out of it. If you're enjoying the podcast, as always, we ask that if you like, what you're hearing you tell three friends about it. And if they like it, tell them to tell three friends, word of mouth advertising gotten us really, really far. And we really appreciate all the legwork that you guys put in yelling at your friends to listen to us. It really, really Speaker 2 01:14:19 Helps if you'd Speaker 1 01:14:21 Like to support us. In other ways, we do have a Patrion. So if you head over to patrion.com/compelled duel, we have a lot of great perks available for our patrons, including our early access to episodes and access to cool stuff on our official Spotify account and perks and the official discord server. That's about it for this week. Uh, next episode is going to be going up on Friday, January 22nd. Or if you are a member of our Patrion, you'll have early access to it on Thursday, January 21st. Thanks so much. And we'll see you guys next week.

Other Episodes

Episode 36

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Episode 36 - Crisis Deadline

The crew makes their way through Pearlport to seek counsel from the Conclave. Leo and The Captain cause a bit more upheaval than intended....


Episode 63

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Episode 63 - Echoes, Empires, and Endings

The worst is over, the evil is defeated, and Illiri will never be the same. Follow our heroes one last time as they blaze...


Episode 29

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Episode 29 - Siren Song

Bound for the capital of the Zephyr Isles, the crew of The Ship stops for supplies and discovers trouble lurking in the waters outside...
