Episode 10 - The Red Lady

Episode 10 February 05, 2021 01:04:19
Episode 10 - The Red Lady
Compelled Dual
Episode 10 - The Red Lady

Feb 05 2021 | 01:04:19


Show Notes

Leoril, Zed, and Eleanora get embroiled in a fungal fracas as the coup of Lockham approaches the point of no return. Leo discovers new things about the world. The Wood Elves of the Tower of the Red Lady harbor more secrets than they let on. Zed makes a touching gesture. Eleanora makes some questionable life choices. With the pressure in Lockham reaching critical levels, Team Leo will have to move fast if they want to save the day - and their young friend's life.  

The transcript for this episode can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nA1xiKVzFFPY2Gizdb2yPWt8XqlI5oPi7ZJCeA-voxc/edit?usp=sharing

Content warnings for this episode can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15qZKU4lqDUv4E_2nCqd63XNQpARfVUFt7k3u4nfJZow/edit?usp=sharing

Music credits for this episode:
We Love Punk Rock by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6369-we-love-punk-rock
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Dawn Of The Apocalypse  by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5627-dawn-of-the-apocalypse-
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4767-nomadic-sunset
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
About Moments by Sascha Ende
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/235-about-moments
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Suspenseful Cinematic Ambient by MusicLFiles
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6195-suspenseful-cinematic-ambient
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Beautiful Acoustic Guitar Melody by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6350-beautiful-acoustic-guitar-melody
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Loss by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4003-loss
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Virtutes Vocis by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4591-virtutes-vocis
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:02 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:00:04 How does the turns that they see inside for compelled to Speaker 0 00:00:12 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:25 Hello everybody. And welcome back to compelled duel Ana and I'm buried, and we are a co DM single player, actual play D and D fifth edition podcast. Speaker 0 00:00:36 So just some housekeeping stuff you all may notice in between this episode and the next episode that there's a vast difference in sound quality. That is because we recorded episodes nine and 11 all at once. And we are recording this episode 10 later after we have fixed our recording set up quite a bit. So apologies. Uh, but last time on Capell duel for our, of Al sine went to a very tense party and had a lot of very bad interactions and it didn't end well, it ended with Soren Shaquana being dragged bloody out of his own house. Speaker 1 00:01:14 And the time before that Leo helped smuggle the King and queen region of the city of lock them out of their own city in the wake of the assassination of the Kings uncle and went and had some revelations about some things about the world that he was not previously familiar with. After that he was confronted in the woods by a large mushroom refined version of young wizard vervain that he had met earlier the today. And we're going to start off with combat. Speaker 0 00:02:00 We just got fog cloud it didn't we just Speaker 1 00:02:02 Got fucked out. Yeah. We rolled our initiative. We started recording Speaker 0 00:02:07 And Leo wrote a crisp snap 20. Thank you very much. I can't see him Apple. The area is heavily obscured. I'm going to try to run up as close on bone boy as I can. And if I can get a line of sight on him, I'd like to cast, detect magic on it. Leo wants to make sure that whatever's going on here, whether he is or is not in control of it before he makes his next step. Oh, for the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. Okay. And I can use my action to see a faint aura around any creature, which means that yes, I do have a line of sight and its concentration Speaker 1 00:03:00 Up to 10 minutes. I will be keeping that smell. Speaker 2 00:03:06 You said it's mostly transportation has a strong flavor to it, but it is largely transportation. Speaker 1 00:03:15 And you use a free action to yell back to Zen and Eleanora don't hurt him. I don't think he's in the driver's seat. Somebody go get born Speaker 2 00:03:26 Eleanora yells on it. Um, and that was your African that's. My attorney that does have one level, which means he gets disadvantaged on a perception check. Would you believe that said, well then 11, would you believe that was a nine exhausted and exasperated? Here's a twig snap and it's gonna run up on her van. So he does five damage with that. It was Eleanor's turn. She's going to take her full turn to dash in the direction of the tower. And then it is remains turn. And what he's gonna do is he's gonna cast in tangle on Zed. It's 20 foot square. He could probably get both of you extract safe 14. That is not going to do it, but <inaudible> you got the plus four. So that's 26. You hear a snarl. And then vines start to raise when the ground and they wrap around your limbs and pull you down to the ground. You hear that happen around you also. And then you hear snap and said, says, not today. Today is not the day that handily handily beats the DC to not be entangled. You had our restraint bad as sir. Speaker 1 00:05:10 The strength saving throw is going to eat my action to get out of this. Isn't it? Speaker 2 00:05:14 Yeah, Speaker 1 00:05:20 I did it again. But another net, 20 Speaker 2 00:05:23 Fucker, Leo Speaker 1 00:05:25 Looks up at where bone boys, aura is glowing off at the distance. It goes, you know, you really should get consent before you try to tie somebody up like this. And then I just like cast a sacred flame. Speaker 2 00:05:36 That was your action. Yeah. Is that like, heard you say that, but didn't see what happened. So he just goes, what? I'll tell you about it later. And then he's going to go ahead and make another unarmed strike 60, which is enough to burn one of them as wild. No, by burden Speaker 1 00:05:59 One of his wild trips. Are you implying that he's in a wild shape Speaker 2 00:06:01 Right now? That does seem to be the implication of what I sent them. That they don't trust anything you say. So that's, Eleanor's turn again. Full action dash. And then it is ran stern. That's going to make a con save. First of all, makes it that's my boy. But yeah. Let me get four D 10, 18. You hear a snuffling snarl from the area where this magical aura for your tech magic is, and then you hear a sizzle ends up shit. And that is 18 acid damage. Oh, that's okay. Back to the top of the order with like, yeah, Speaker 1 00:07:06 I understand that the answer is going to be not good, but how is that looking? Speaker 2 00:07:11 You can't see them, but that did not sound like a good sound sort of a bitch. Speaker 1 00:07:18 Okay. I'm going full tilt up. They're getting within touch range of upset. Speaker 2 00:07:22 Okay. Rural Conde six. Ooh, that sucks. You're going to take six necrotic damage, but yeah, go ahead and do what you're doing. Speaker 1 00:07:33 The second level cure wounds. What else can I fucking do? Speaker 2 00:07:36 Okay. Is that gets 20 hit points back quite right. Speaker 1 00:07:43 Runs up behind him and just get some by the shoulder and goes, I got you. If you're good and cause Holy simple flashes and that gets 20 hit points back Speaker 2 00:07:51 Zed. As you came up close enough to see him and grab him, he looked pretty fucked up. There was a sizzling gash across this chest, but you could see with like blistering skin pulling back from it. And then you grabbed him by the shoulder and he up instantly. And is that stern by the way, as you club, you see again, you've met this young man, like earlier today, very soft features generally looked like a nice dude. Fine. He does not look the same as he did earlier. He has elongated that like pupils his eyes and turned yellow as opposed to a warm Brown. They were earlier. Does he look more like me now? A little more? Yeah. He has like fangs coming out because he didn't have face before. Remember? Cause you have Latino. Thanks. Yeah, he has fangs. Now he has long claws coming out of his fingers and there are just these pops of some kind of fungus, like little mushroom heads coming out of his skin. He opens his, not the snarl at you as you come close to him. And there's just a puff of spores just comes out of his mouth and he like choke on him and you take that damage. Okay. Well now it says turn right instead. It's nice. And actually, you know, that's going to do a flurry of blows. Just a fucking he's done with this. He's tired. So three hits Wolf. Speaker 2 00:09:20 Mr. Stone blue. Yes. Okay. So you go ahead, you heal that up and he like cracks his neck and says, you know what? Fuck this. And it just lunges forward. And three times in quick succession just punches as mushroom abide, bummed boy. And the total of 21 damage. Yeah. Ravine goes down. Are we out of initiative? Yes. Speaker 1 00:09:49 I'm putting a whole person on him and since he's down, he can't save. And then I turned back around to Zed. I'm guessing his fog cloud dissipated when he went unconscious. Speaker 2 00:09:58 Okay. I'm fine. I was, uh, feeling a bit fuck for a second there, but good to have a heel on your side. Huh? Speaker 1 00:10:07 So, um, I got bone boy in a bind right now. Should I wake him up so we can figure out what the hell is going on with him? Or should we just, Speaker 2 00:10:16 Uh, I don't think we need to wake them up by the way you saw it. As he went down, he reverted back to the state. He was in when he met him. Okay. There is still a dusting of spores over him. It looks like the straight up dust. Like he's on his bed earlier, but just kind of layered on his clothes. Like, wait, Speaker 1 00:10:37 Oh God, I took my trans in that bed. Oh God that's. Speaker 2 00:10:43 Is that it doesn't sound like it's thinking. Yeah. That's not actually the worst thing I slept and I think, you know what, fair enough do you see Elanora no, uh, you would know this Zen doesn't actually have Darvish and it's quite dark at me. It doesn't see anything that doesn't say fucking it. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:11:02 Well said sees Leo cause glows in the dark he's bioluminescence. So yeah. Speaker 2 00:11:06 Yeah, yeah. That's easily. He cannot see more than 10 feet in front of his face right now. Oh cool. Okay. He's like doing his best, but do I see Eleanora? You just barely see Eleanor. I slide for the tower. Speaker 1 00:11:24 Yeah. Fucking see what do I have? Can I help him? Because I need to stay here on bone boy and Eleanor is going to need backup. Speaker 2 00:11:32 I think possibly. Well, wait, I have sacred flame Speaker 1 00:11:43 In a cast, sacred flame on a tree branch and give him a torch and tell him to go give Eleanor Becca. Speaker 2 00:11:49 Uh, you got a bus. You can take the branch, run that for Eleanora Speaker 0 00:11:55 Said vanishes into the darkness after Eleanora. And that you hear, uh, um, right about what you're on classes 18. Okay. So an arrow like hits your armor and falls to the ground and then you turned to look at it and it was just this arrow made out of like sparkling light and then it disappears. Oh, what the hell? And you turn around and you met the woman that renamed refer to us earlier today. It appears that she is standing on the other side of this clearing with a long bow raised and one hand drawn back on another one of these like shimmering, light arrows at that she filled her head up and there's something weird about her voice, that anything you can really like track down something about her voice, something weird about her body language. It feels not quite right, but she killed her head up and she says, you have five seconds to step back five. Speaker 0 00:13:01 If I heal him, is he going to try to kill me again? She tilts her head and it looks fast for a van and does unlikely for second little care. Once that's 18, she still got the bottle up. She has three. When I take a couple steps back, hands up, she keeps the boat train on you. And without turning around, just kind of moves across the clearing to get between you and she still with weatherize clicks and time goes, so what are you really doing here sharing? Well, I was coming back to give the queen Regents, some pretty pressing news about what's going on back and lock him and also check in on the wellbeing of the King, which I now see as a very oriented concern. She pulls the string back a little more and then says, not here specifically on this continent. That is a very long story. And you have a weapon pointed at me. So I'm not sure how well this is going to work out. Speaker 0 00:14:08 I'm not sure what other choices you have. I was air to the Austrian throne and I was, she releases there. She doesn't pay you. It goes sailing right past your ear. And that actually pulls the string back again. Another one of those areas, material, and I was exiled. I had no choice. I had to run away. What did you do? Committed the egregious crime of not being born to my father's like it. She slowly releases the shrine on the boat. She puts it back into a carrying case on her back and then says, stay here. Speaker 2 00:14:52 I'm going to bring it back to the tower. Speaker 1 00:14:56 My friends are also in there. There's two of them, very big guy, half org. Speaker 2 00:15:01 I have no problem with them. Speaker 1 00:15:04 Cool, cool, cool, cool. And I just stand there, keeping my hands up. I'm not trying to get shot tonight. Speaker 2 00:15:11 He just picks her vein up. When's my virtual older and then heads off course. But now I think you wait a minute and then Eleanor comes back out the trays. She stops at the edge of the clearing and she says, seems like a lot of people have a problem with you. Yeah. I'm starting to think that too actually. And you know, Speaker 1 00:15:33 I've really just don't get it. I make a dazzling first impression. Speaker 2 00:15:36 I thought, um, Eleanor kind of wiggles a hand. Okay. Speaker 1 00:15:42 Casey who's team you're on Leo says Speaker 2 00:15:46 Browse at her. She raised her eyebrows that because I'm on my own team. Thank you woman. After my own heart, Speaker 1 00:15:55 You know, you should let me actually take you out for a drink that doesn't end in a Barbra sometime. Speaker 2 00:15:59 Ah, but it wouldn't be fun that way. She points a thumb over her shoulder and says, come on. Okay. I follow her. You've all. She goes back to the tower. As you walk in, you see the woman you saw the forest, just kind of bustling by a stove, stirring something Wilamena Don tracer is sitting in this kitchen as is Zed. And as you walk in Wilamena she's like sipping a mug of tea. And she says, so there's a few things going on here that I was not aware of. Speaker 1 00:16:36 Let me tell you about my day. All of quarterly decorum dropped Leo is done. Speaker 2 00:16:46 You know, Speaker 1 00:16:47 I found out that there's a whole other species of elves today. I found out that they hate me. For some reason I have found it. Speaker 2 00:16:55 We a loud clatter from the stove. Cheers. Speaker 1 00:16:59 I have found out that apparently I slept in mushroom boy dust last night. And I'm still coming to terms with that. I don't know how much more I can take. So let's just be very ginger with how we explain this to hopefully, okay. Speaker 2 00:17:18 I love you Speaker 1 00:17:18 Kid so much. He's so great. And I want to help you out, but I am on a Razor's edge psychologically. Speaker 2 00:17:25 Well, I mean, it just takes a long sip for my gut, says nothing. Is that it just kind of claps hands. Cause well there's do you want some granola? Yeah, sure. Said I'd love some granola. And then someone comes away from the stove. She has put the Longbow, she's got staff in her hand and she sits down because Steph cross her lap and says, feel, I should introduce myself. And then she like adjusts her posture and sits back in the chair and crosses her arms over her chest and says Calandra Morin also known as the red lady. I thought your name was Celica. She at, she has, that's a complicated story or are you guys twins after a fashion? And then she shifts and her whole body language changes and she sits up straight. You've identified what was up with her voice as it switches back to the voice you heard earlier and Celica says, it's rather more complicated. I'm rolling Speaker 1 00:18:37 For a panic attack, Speaker 2 00:18:43 A natural one. Speaker 1 00:18:46 He just fully shuts down and goes, you know what? I can't, I can't, I can't anymore. I can't, I can't. And I just sit down and put my head in my hand, Speaker 2 00:18:56 Body language shifts back until Monday says of all the God damn things. But you know Speaker 1 00:19:02 What they say about straw on a Dragon's back. Speaker 2 00:19:06 Yeah, I think till LinnDrum took the staff and she says, listen, if I don't get to have a crisis right now, neither do you. Okay. Okay. Set up, shutting up, paying attention. She settles back. And again, that's really relaxed folk nonchalant body language. She looks like someone who was always ready for a fight. And you realize it's the same body language you saw earlier when she got like suddenly hostile. When you mentioned being part of Sheria, she says so first on the agenda. And then she pointed to the staff at Wilamena. This one is going to get her city back. And then she points at you. You are going to get out of my mouth. Trust me. Speaker 1 00:19:57 Nothing would make me happier than getting out of these mountains right now. Speaker 2 00:20:01 Good. How's ravine her body language shifts back and saw it. Cause he's fine. He's sleeping. This happens what mushrooming out and trying to kill people. He's harmless. If you don't bother him, we were walking. I have a bit of a policy about not letting people near the tower this late at night, because that does tend to happen. I was a bit rattled by today's us. My apologies. Speaker 1 00:20:31 Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Mr. Stoughton bloom over there. He's the one that almost got Speaker 2 00:20:36 Is that like caught putting another handful of granola and it was good. I'm good. No apologies. Let's not acknowledge Mr. Stone blue. So I can just cut waves her hand. And she goes it's this happens every night. It's a bit of a security system for the tower, or we have used it that way, which is why it is a good refuge for people who are fleeing adversity. But it is not something that van has much control over. So we try to make sure that no one who is not very determined to get close to the power does by accident, Speaker 1 00:21:18 Have you tried to help him? There's clerical magic out there that can cure conditions like this. If it's anything like, like anthropy, Speaker 2 00:21:27 It's not where they in has for many years had a bit of not his own magic, but a natural ambient magic of the land. We'll say that is quite attached to them. He is not aware of it or able to access it most days. But when he's asleep, it's a different story. Wow. That's horrifying. You make do Speaker 1 00:21:56 Wait the city. Uh Wilamena. Yes, Speaker 2 00:22:00 Yes. And then body language shift again and till under says, look, I don't care much for the affairs of Purdue, but Lockem is a bitch too close to my sphere of influence for me to accept someone who is not looking out for my interests in charge of it for much longer. Speaker 1 00:22:23 All right. So what do you propose? We do the people who have executed this coup are currently in control of the city. Speaker 2 00:22:31 Well, my first option is always to go in and just kill people who are a problem, but, and then body language shift. So, but we're not going to do that because that would be bad and impulsive, but Speaker 1 00:22:47 Would also be nine to impossible. We don't even have all the names of the people involved. Speaker 2 00:22:52 Well, Amanda says, uh, what are they saying back in the city Speaker 1 00:22:56 And was kidnapped. They're framing you as either another victim or perhaps an accomplice. We didn't get as much information as I would've liked to, but that's what we were able to find out. Princess Ashlyn might know more than I do. Speaker 2 00:23:13 Yeah, LNRs has, I mean, it seemed like Warren's advisors were mostly of a single mind on the issue. It is difficult for me to say, which of them may not have been involved. I think the safest option is to assume that all of them are well. I mean, it says, damn damn, damn damn. Speaker 1 00:23:39 It's how it goes, I guess. All right. So what are we thinking? Uh, assassinations Speaker 2 00:23:47 Cutting to the heart of the problem literally would certainly be the fastest way. However, I believe you might risk your legitimacy to claims of power by taking that route. Obviously easiest option to resolve the idea that Warren has been kidnapped would be to just bring him back and show public that that puts him in danger, which I'm not going to deal. We obviously can't assassinate all of the advisors. They will be heavily guarded now more than they were before, if we could figure out which of them put out a hit on Ferdinand, but that's also Marcie. And I don't particularly care about justice for that, man. I think he was involved outlived its usefulness, perhaps that's she like sits back in her chair. She goes, that's quite possible. Well, we can't just go in and accuse these men wholesale of attempted regicide. We don't have proof. Speaker 2 00:24:47 No, we have nothing but rumors. So we find proof. How do you suggest we go about doing the princess and Mr. Stone bloom. And I go back into the city and dig around and find something I suppose. Uh, I'm just, I'm just trying to keep warm and safe and not lose every bit of what I've been working to build for the last 15 years. And both of those things are going to be true. I think, thank you. I'm going to bed while I'm sleeping. I'm going to go join it. We should also all get some rest that puts a hand up. I'd appreciate that. Speaker 2 00:25:35 Yeah. I turned back around to the scary lady that hates me, who I don't want to be around anymore for sure. And I say, I uh, know that you said I could only stay here one night, but given extenuating circumstances, perhaps it raises an eyebrow body language says that silica is talking to me and she says, there's plenty of clear ground outside. Cool, cool, cool, cool. Could I borrow it? She reaches behind her and grabs something and tosses it that you ended the tablecloth. Cool. Thank you. And I leave and I go out into the woods beyond the tower and I just make the saddest little tent with the saddest little Charlie Brown Christmas tree of a campfire. And I sit there for a long time and I'm sad after a little while you hear footsteps through the woods and Eleanora Speaker 0 00:26:44 Comes out of the trees and the sits down at the campfire next day. Ah, yes. Step right up. We've got wonderful amenities here. Would you like a stump or a ride? She at Bob's a little curtsy. I will take the step gracious gentleman. Leo is still just looking like a man on the edge. She says, I'm sorry. You have to sleep in the woods. Yeah, me too. Leo does have a mess kid. So I think he just has like a tin cup full of water, trying to make like a corn soup over this sad little fire Eleanor says. Yeah. I'm not sure why. Apparently <inaudible> I hate your guts. Speaker 0 00:27:35 You know, I think I've just kind of come to the conclusion that it's safest to assume that everybody does just as a rule from here on out. That's fair. You always assume the worst. Certainly surprised. Okay. So much has happened today. She reaches over and stirs acorn soup. Well that helps. That really does help actually. Good to know that something's going right in all of this shit. She leans over your shoulder. And then I think there's a moment of just silence and calm for the first time in a couple of days. And then she gets up and you can see on the cheek and she says, I'm not going to sleep on the list. Speaker 0 00:28:52 You know what told people it's the people do this for fun. And I still think that he's bullshit. Oh no. My mom liked Kevin. I don't. I hate this strange new world that I find myself living in. And Leo just crawls into his little tablecloth. That takes a strain. Yeah. It's like up to the dark. So you go ahead and take your long rest. You wake up in the morning to like the sound of snapping twigs and leaves through the woods. And then there is a tug on the tablecloth of your tent. You hear it from outside? Just go. I am so sorry. Leo takes the bottom of the, and just lifts Speaker 2 00:29:42 It up. They had a scrape on his face though. I so it's fine. You're welcome. I am so sorry. I didn't even know that's a happened every night. No, I mean, it's cool. We're cool. It's just, you know, one more cool thing about the world that I didn't know that I learned yesterday. Come sit with me, bone boy. We opened to the tablecloth back down. It's outside of your table cloth. I'm not really in control of myself when I'm sleeping, the mushrooms happen. They just happen. You know, it's fine. Sometimes when I'm taking my trance, divine skeleton comes into my room at really inconvenient times. We all have our burdens to bear. Speaker 2 00:30:31 If I stat mustards at you, I am sorry. I'm told that's what I do. You did. I also took my trance in your Shroom dust. Oh, well that's fine. That just happens. It just sort of follows me. Cool. Yeah. That's I'm learning. I'm learning so much about the world. Yeah. So, uh, can I make you breakfast? I'm really sorry. I would love that I had acorn soup last night. Well, they let me back in the house. I'm very cold. Sell it. Cause I don't know patrols. You can come back in the tower. Cool. Can I take my sad little tablecloth and follow him? Everybody's up? Like he said, Celica was out on patrol. So she's out is out there, but everybody else is up. Cause that is mowing it through his breakfast. Just like talking animatedly about something with Warren who is just like sitting there kicking his feet, eating like oatmeal or something. Wilamena just has her head fully in her hands. They're just looking at the table over a mug of coffee. And as you come in on, Nora says, how was the ground uncomfortable? That sucks. And then Zed from where he's getting it back. Wait, have you never gone camping before? No Zed. I've never gone camping before. I felt things crawling on the ground next to me while I tried to take my trance last night. Yeah, that happens. Just bugs. Speaker 2 00:32:08 I'm okay. Can I have some fucking coffee please? Leo just sits down shaking hands on his coffee mug and drinks his coffee and just eats whatever breakfast they have out bond by sits at the table. And then he says, so what happened last night? Other than me spitting mushrooms at you as that very says, Anne climbing my pecks open. Leo puts his coffee mug down and he goes, well, we are trying to get Warren. And he looks very emphatically over at the ten-year old back home where he's supposed to be. Now that he's done having fun on his camping trip, right? Warren says, yeah, it hasn't been that much fun. I'm kind of bored. Do you want to go teach Warren's some more card games before we leave? Leo says big, put this plate down firmly and says actually Warren, do you know how to do a Cartwheel and where it says Nope. Speaker 2 00:33:19 And then says, yep. Okay. Let's go teach you how to do that. Come on and leads them out the door after they're gone. I turned back to her vein and say some very, very bad people want Warren dead. And we are going to go make sure that they end up dead instead. So Oren can go home Kapeesh. Yep. And then we'll. I mean, this is, I would vastly prefer that. Yes. Did we decide, uh, assassination or legality? So I have a way of figuring that out. Unfortunately, it's going to have to be a little bit more of a spur of the moment thing. Great. It will lead us. Oh God, am I leading something down the best and most likely successful path, but I can not tell you what that path is until we're a little closer to choosing it. I'm sorry if I sound cryptic, it really is just like Australian religious mumbo-jumbo I'm trying to word it as best I can. That makes me slightly less confident in, but okay. Have I not proven myself competent? You have proven yourself to me. It is so far, your God has not, you know what me either, but we're just going to have to work with it then. Yeah. Um, Leo says bye to Warren and packs up Eleanora and said, so you're heading that clock up. Yep. City Gates are still closed. Uh, you will have to go through the stairs again. Speaker 2 00:35:01 You have margin the city of lock-in and what are you doing? As soon as they get out of traffic and out of where people can kind of see them, Leo is going to turn back around to Eleanora and say, all right. So I need access to somewhere where all the advisors are going to be together in one place. I have a plan. But when I tell you that we're not going to know until right until the last second. I mean it they're probably meeting. If they think Warren's dead, then they have to see that putting one of his cousins on the throne. Okay. Yeah. We need to go to the palace and we need to get in notice. Wilamena took me out. Didn't she take me out the side door or something? You stepped out of the palace with Philomena, but probably shouldn't the other side door. Speaker 2 00:35:48 Yeah. Okay. Can I roll to see if I remember how to get back in through there? Sure. Okay. Uh, what, what kind of role do you investigation to the front door? Okay. You can sell it then. Well, no, because that just looks suspicious. Like all of us have the right to be here. Cause they shut everything down before the sovereigns could leave. Right. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. So like all three of us have the right to be here. We don't need to try to sneak in. We'd need to go in like nothing's wrong. That's fair. Okay. Yeah. I just walk in the door. Like I fucking own the place Zed. It's got a self anyway, because that's how he does not 20 baby. That is fucking invisible. But you Eleanora walk in like you're on the plane. Speaker 2 00:36:36 You get not three steps and four eyes, I guess it shows up and immediately just fall down. All right. It was like, have you been an honor says hi daddy, quietly shuffle like crab walk. Oh, not paying attention to your real self. That was a four, which is an eight total. Okay. So Eleanora starts trying to stammer out of story and Isaac Ash store. And you try to like crab walk away and his head whips up. Look directly at you. You freezes. And he says you yeah, me, your majesty. Hello. It has been a while. Since the last time we spoke, you're looking magnificent. Rolling. Say 19. This is the most furious man you've ever seen in your life. Very quietly. Leo whispers under his breath to himself. Oh, I fucked up. I would agree with that. So that's a gash story. He yet keeps one eye on us. Speaker 2 00:37:45 He said the Illinois where work you and LNRs has, uh, we were trying to get away from the bustle of the pallets. So we, and uh, Lauren Bell science, companion, grand Duke Nelson, she hits his third and says we and Lord Valentine's companion. Mr. Stone whoop got a paramedic Tavern in the area for the night. Leo points at Eleanora and sends a message Cantrell. That goes, Oh my God, no, shut up. That sounds so bad. Stop talking. Stop saying, uh, um, no, I flounders for a second. She gets and we, uh, rolled, um, we'll call that performance. She got a 50, I'm gonna roll insight. Forensic Ash though. That's a 17. This is so bad. He pauses. And then narrows his eyes a little bit looks at Leo. And that looks back at Eleanor and says, are you lying to me? And Eleanor says, uh, she is like floundering. And then she says, yes, we left Mr. Stone blow here, Speaker 1 00:39:15 Jaw drops wide open. And he just looks at her wife. Speaker 2 00:39:20 She hasn't returned your message up yet. So she says, I'm panicking. Speaker 1 00:39:26 You know, sensor another one that goes that wasn't the right fucking thing to say. Speaker 2 00:39:30 I didn't see you contributing. I forgot. I was just like staring at her. We always Speaker 1 00:39:38 Frozen. And wide-eyed horror. Speaker 2 00:39:42 There's a long, long pause as it straightens up and picks a very deep breath and says, I can't tell you what to do with your body. We're going to have a discussion about this later. And owner says, yep. Yes, absolutely. I'm gonna kind of count. And if he turns around and he just walks away, Oh my God, he's out of your shot. Eleanor says I panicked, Speaker 1 00:40:14 Puts his head in his hands and it just sinks to sit on the nearest hard surface in utter mortification. Speaker 2 00:40:23 I can't do Speaker 1 00:40:23 This right now. We don't have time for this. We'll discuss it later. It's a problem for tomorrow. Leo. Let's just Speaker 2 00:40:28 Yes. That yeah. Yeah. Per sheets darken significantly. Speaker 1 00:40:33 Oh yeah. Leo is bright blue, bright blue shining like a lighthouse. Speaker 2 00:40:38 I'm going to go try to find a room where the advisors are meeting set, who got that? Nat 20 on self. You didn't see him, but you hear him say, wow, shut the fuck up one more time. Eleanora says I panic. No words if he puts his hands on again. Okay. Yep. No words. Got it. Speaker 1 00:41:05 What do you need me to roll investigation? Why? Oh, Speaker 2 00:41:07 What are you trying to fix up? Speaker 1 00:41:09 Trying to find where these clowns are meeting so I can get them all in one room. Speaker 2 00:41:13 Yeah. Investigation. What do you for? Okay. You surmise that probably the meeting of the council of sovereigns is over. There are big meeting chambers in the palace. You put assume that that's where Warren's advisors name. Okay. Rolling up on one. I just had that. No, no, no, no, no, no. I am hanging back and I am going to use a second level spell slot to cast augury. Okay. So by casting gem and late sticks, rolling bones laying out or need cards or employing some other dividing tool. You receive an omen from an other worldly entity about the results of a specific course of action that you plan to take within the next 30 minutes. The DM chooses from the following possible omens wheel for good results, Whoa, for bad results, weal and woe for both good and bad results, nothing for results that aren't especially good or bad. Speaker 2 00:42:10 Okay. What is the specific action you are asking for the results of I'm guessing I have bones to roll that fits with the aesthetic. Yeah. I take my bones out and I shake them and I roll them and I am asking all mighty, Kimra all above. How's it going to go? If I go in there and force the truth out of them, there's all his wheel and Whoa, a fucking corset as you asshole Leo whispers. And he tucks the bones back away and puts them in his pocket. Well, surprise everybody. I was really counting on my God to give me an answer about the best way to go about this. And he didn't deliver just has her hands over her face. Not you think related to what you just did, but just related to the situation as a whole. And she says, okay, so what's the next step? Speaker 2 00:43:04 Well now I think we vote, um, kicking this door and go magnificent seven on these guys. Or do we kick in this door? I drop a zone, a truth. You to make sure nobody gets out and we get a confession that can be corroborated. And Eleanor, you get your father up here. I think that worked best. Although for the second option is that says, I mean, as much as I'm always down to crack some skulls, I think it would maybe not go so good in this situation. Cool. So that means that we have to go tell the truth to Eleanor's father really quick, either that, or try to get some of the other sovereigns up here to corroborate the confession Eleanor crevices. And she says it would probably behoove us to have more than one up here. Okay. Uh, who would you advise you? Female athletes, for sure. For sure. Fang. Maybe. Mm I'd say Lou Basha and maybe bobbin. Yeah. Sure. Okay. Let's go get you. Femia Lou Bosch, bobbin and who else? Those are the three that she said, I'm going to go get them. Go ahead and enroll free. Quit Pre-Suasion decks. Uh, Jesus. Well, the lowest I rolled was a 14, 18. You fucking handily convince you Femia and bobbin and lavash all come with. You Speaker 0 00:44:41 Never seen the sheer amount of just what is in Leo's eyes right now. That's probably enough to convince them. Speaker 2 00:44:48 I think bobbin and Lou Basha like you enough that they kind of go, I think you catch you feel me. Iron's literally having her lunch and just like chilling with a book and then full unhindered. Leo says we have to go this way now. And she just slowly puts the book down and says, I have nothing better to do. Speaker 0 00:45:11 Lee was going to tell the truth and explain it as they go. This was all an orchestrated coup it seems like Ferdinand, Don chaser was taken down from the inside. We have reason to believe that some, if not all of the council of advisors are implicated in this, I have a way of getting a confession. We just need sovereigns here to corroborate it so we can get things back the way they're supposed to be. And then I'm turning around. Does that and Eleanora and saying, all right, no matter what happens in here, it's your two's dropped to not let anybody pass. Those doors said cracks, I guess. Well do bus. Thank you very much. Speaker 0 00:45:55 And then Leo flings, both doors open wide and marches right into this chamber and says the steamed advisers. I just have a couple of questions for you. And then he drops his own a truth. You don't really know any of Warren's advisors by sight. They're all like weeding level half. Like guys, why don't we kind of look, what the hell are you? This is a private meeting. You can't, there are five of them. I'm going to say as a baseline, they'll have to bless you all one at a time. That's a pass. That's a nine one failure. That's a 17 pass. That's also a 73 of them passed one failed. That is also a failure. Okay. Two, three of them. All right. My friends it's time for an icebreaker game. First question, who here was involved in the plot to assassinate the King. Speaker 2 00:47:17 Three of them remain utterly silent. One of them starts talking and slaps the hand over his mouth. The fifth one keeps mouth closed for a second and then it to burst out of them. Large net hell planet. Excellent. Thank you so much. Witnesses everybody. Yes. And can I just get confirmation that the eventual plan was to either kill the King Don chaser and execute a coup or to kill the queen Regent or in prison? Her or otherwise frame her for the murder of Ferdinand, Don chaser. Just a simple yes. From anybody. The same guy. Just from the tenders. Yes. Thank you very much for your contribution. The steam sovereigns. Do we need anything else? Just in shock Bob and Rosebrook says no, Speaker 1 00:48:09 I think that's it. Speaker 2 00:48:13 All right. So if we can get some guards up here and put all of these people under arrest, that would be wonderful. I have had just the worst, last few days. And I would very much like for this situation to be resolved, all of the advisors Speaker 1 00:48:29 Are arrested because none of them were prepared Speaker 2 00:48:31 For that. Our fifth stop, Leo, like I said, is psychologically on a Razor's edge right now. But I think as he walks out of the room, he does do a little bit like a fist pump. Like, yes. Speaker 1 00:48:42 Okay. They're all arrested. Things are resolved. The rest of the day is chaotic. There's a big tumult going on Speaker 2 00:48:51 In palace. The day ends Speaker 1 00:48:54 A Dawn chaser and Warren come back to the city. I'm guessing somebody got a message out to them. Speaker 2 00:48:59 Yeah. If you're an home Speaker 1 00:49:02 Anywhere near the door, he runs directly up to you and hugs you. As soon as he gets back to the castle, Speaker 2 00:49:08 Leo like gets him and picks him up for a second. And he goes, okay, let me down the Kylie, we'll put some down. And then he says Speaker 1 00:49:17 Bored. And then he runs, Speaker 2 00:49:20 God, I wish that were me. I think Leo just wants to like go somewhere and get a drink and food and then go take a trance. Okay. He's going to go back to the brass bell. Cause that's the only place he knows. And he doesn't want to be in the palace for sure. Also. Wait, how long has it been? Do we still have the room? How long did we get the room for it? He probably had it for a few days. Okay. Thank you. Speaker 1 00:49:45 You got a drink. You get some food. I think Speaker 2 00:49:49 Leo digs in his pockets of his ropes and pulls out a sizeable bag of coins and plunks it on the table in front of Zed. That's your bonus for ensuring that we all didn't get killed. He digs out another pouch and he puts it in front of Sandy. He goes, that's your bonus for having me snot cry into your lap. And he reaches in his pocket and he takes out a third bag of coins and he plunks it on the table in front of his head. And he goes, and that's your bonus for never, ever talking about it again. And you can take like three days off, big guy. You're good. He says much appreciate it. And he smacks down the back hard. It hurts a lot. And he takes the first and third patches coins. And he says, good night, Leah, Hey leaves. Speaker 0 00:50:45 I am not emotionally fragile. I'm gonna finish my drink. Speaker 2 00:50:52 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:50:53 Steadies itself for a minute. And then just goes back to it, drinking. Speaker 2 00:50:58 And then Eleanora Ash, thorn blushing so hard. She looks like she wants to be hit by a cart and immediately walked into the bar and sit down next to you and just puts her head in her hands. You look like a woman in need of a beverage princess. Oh yes. She like downs it again. Had the hatches as I just had to talk to my father about sex for so long. That's rough. Oh, it was not good. Speaker 0 00:51:33 Imagine the conversation that she and I will surely be having, sometimes Speaker 2 00:51:40 I would recommend don't put yourself in a position to have a private conversation with him for a few days. When is that? Not what I'm trying to do. That's fair. Oh, what a fucking week. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:52:04 Well this has all been white. The, to do, I don't really know what happens next. She goes right down. Usually when horrible life altering horrific things happen to me, I just find something to self sabotage so that I have something else on my mind instead of everything falling down around me. But I'm not moving sure. As you're saying that she pulls back and says, you talked to Leo irrevocably, choose a self-sabotage and kisses her back and pulls back when she does and says yeah, well, uh, maybe you should do something about that. <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:53:37 You wake up out of your tracks. Do I soft voice next to your bed? We have talked about this so many times. You know what? I don't even want new spells get out every time with this camera. It looks a little insulted. It says, what else do you show up? When I make it from the society? Eleanora sleepily immediately sits. Bolt upright says, what the fuck? Roll princess. Eleanora, Ash, thorn Eleanora, Kimbrell. The Lord of bones. This is my God. He does this. Sometimes Carol says, just have a blanket, like kind of cluster out of her chest. He'll be gone in a few minutes. I'm so sorry. Yes, Lord roll. Carol says thank you. I try my best. Speaker 0 00:54:58 Thanks for the note. I'll make sure to work that into future machinations. You know, my suggestion box is always open for how I can better do things that you enjoy. There's an awkward pause. The camera says no, I'll take the spells. Eleanora says he just shows up and just spells that's it more or less. Everybody's got their thing. Okay, please, can this please be over? Can I have my spells please? And can you go Kara, like size huffily that says no, we had hasn't, which is why you should start calling ahead and I'm making it. So it's really up to you. What you want to have go on here. Speaker 0 00:56:14 He looks directly at Eleanora for the millions of times a day. Leo just has his head in his hands. Um, how do I understand my new smells? It's not a very nice smell, but, but I think you have like a little book here. Oh, okay. Yeah. So like Tom Myrtle's diary type things. Okay, cool. Cool. Cool. Okay. Yeah. Leo just picks a misspell book and starts leaving back there. All the new stuff you are now at level five, uh, Leo's flipping back through this, uh, pages of this stuff. I mean he goes, Ooh, enemy dead. Hello? I don't like that. I'm going back to sleep. Oh yeah. Hey, Speaker 2 00:57:06 Listen, if you want to talk about everything, I'm good at keeping things low, key and low attachment. I get it. You're probably already the trove. So one of those clowns or I had like laid back down and like their interface and a pillow, she slowly sits back up and she says, be kind rewind. Uh, well we had a nice evening. Yes and no. Um, if you want to keep having nice evenings and have that, just be a thing I'm okay with there being no strings. Like I said, you know where of an age where everybody's probably getting the tropes. You've probably, it doesn't have to be serious. You probably already have something serious going on. She kept that idea. People our age. I mean like you're, you're not patrolled. No, I haven't had a serious relationship in years. Obviously. I'm not patrolled. Hang on. Let's walk this back. Sure. Going into this whole encounter, thinking that I was engaged to someone else. Speaker 2 00:58:32 Well, I mean political marriages, you know how those work? I mean, no, I don't because my father respects my right to choose what I'm going to be. God, what's that like pretty nice. I didn't think it was this much of an issue. It hasn't been as much of an issue in Tor dune for decades. My parents didn't even get into a political marriage. What the fuck are you talking about? Well, it's just that, I mean, I got to pick, but I had to fight my father for years. No, I mean, I'm not, I, um, I was, I'm not the trophy that is put the hand up, half it back down. And it says such a clear this up just for the record. Since you are the only person who was confused about this, the state of affairs that I believed was true at the beginning of this evening, we are two consenting adults, neither of which is engaged. Having a nice evening together. That is true. Yes. Speaker 0 00:59:42 Are we on the same page? I don't need an algebraic formula. Elanora I was just telling you that my calendar is open. Speaker 2 00:59:51 I would hope so. She shakes her head. She goes Speaker 0 00:59:55 Going back to bed. Yeah. If you do that, she's like, Oh man, this isn't good. Leo's head is not in a good place right now. Well, I mean like when he said that was the first time in years, he's actually thought about everything that went down with Soren. Cause I mean, like he repressed that shit super hard when he got out of the country. Cause he just couldn't afford to grieve over it. So yeah, I think he sits up in the bed next to Eleanora. After she goes to sleep, it keeps slipping through the back of his spell book, looking at those new smells. And I think he sees that sending smell and the smell information says that I can send it to anyone anywhere in the world, up to 25 words and they'll hear it in their head and be able to respond. Speaker 0 01:00:46 Leo gets back to that and reads through it gets up, gets dressed as quietly as he possibly can and leaves the room. He goes outside. He find somewhere to sit down and puts his hand up to his Holy symbol and it starts to glow and he is going to send a sending smell to Soren. It's Leo. Um, I'm alive in towards noon. I'm sorry for how I left. You deserved better. I'll be home soon wondering where we stand and there is no answer. Leo does that thing where he looks up really hard. So he doesn't start crying and he just presses his lips together and nods to himself and he gets back up and goes back inside the end end for the day. Oh man. So much. Oh, everything is happening all the time. So Leo, his whole life is like pretty much ruined now. Speaker 2 01:02:14 Yeah, Speaker 0 01:02:16 But at what cost. Yeah. Catch you guys next time. <inaudible> Speaker 1 01:02:39 Hey everybody Barry here with the postscript, just clearing up a couple of housekeeping things here at the end of the episode. I know I mentioned this last week, but be prepared for a little bit of a backslide in audio quality with next week's episode. That is because we recorded episode nine and 11 on the same day. And then we actually recorded this episode. After that, after we had gotten some better recording equipment to help improve our sound quality. But after episode 11, the audio quality is going to vastly improve. We are on social media. You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Tech-Talk at compelled duel. And we are also on tech talk at compelled dual audios, where we post audio snippets from the show, we have an official Spotify. We have an official discord. You can find both of those linked on our social media pages as well as our new website, which is a big compendium and directory of all things compelled duel. Speaker 1 01:03:32 If you'd like to support the podcast, please consider pledging to our Patrion. We are on patrion.com/compelled dual. Our patron tier started just $2 a month and you can get some really nice perks with those. And as always, we ask that if you're enjoying the podcast, please tell three friends about it. If they like it, ask them to tell three friends, we really appreciate all of the work you guys put in with this word of mouth advertising. It really helps us a lot. And if you're listening to us on Apple podcasts, go ahead and drop us a rating and a review that will help us get promoted to a wider audience and grow our listener base a little bit more as well. Next episode, we'll be going up on Friday, February 12th, 2021. Or if you are a member of our Patrion, it will be available on Thursday, February 11th. Thank you guys so much for listening and we'll see you next week.

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