Episode 34 - Eye of the Storm, Part 2

Episode 34 September 03, 2021 01:11:52
Episode 34 - Eye of the Storm, Part 2
Compelled Dual
Episode 34 - Eye of the Storm, Part 2

Sep 03 2021 | 01:11:52


Show Notes

PLEASE READ THE CONTENT WARNINGS BEFORE YOU LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE. We encourage this as a practice for all episodes, but this particular episode includes especially sensitive content.
The Valcynes and The Captain sail into a vicious, ancient storm in search of answers. Leoril and Phirora do some quick thinking and teamwork. The Captain really misses when all of this was just philosophy. Phi gains a powerful new gift from Kiva, and pays dearly for it. Leo gains some new perspective on the situation, and makes an impulsive decision. As the ship sails at last for Pearlport, an old mutual acquaintance makes a startling reappearance.
The official playlist for this episode can be found at: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4uOv1vNyCIsLW8pB6xsSmC?si=aac17677472d4813 
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey, Barry, what's a crack and his favorite food fish and ships. It's time for compelled. Joel. Speaker 2 00:00:25 Hello everybody. And welcome back to compel duel. I'm Al and I'm Barry and we are a single-player Cody and Dungeons and dragons. Fifth edition actual play podcast. Previously on compelled tool. We Speaker 3 00:00:40 Took a lot of damage. I don't think we can limp to Pearl port Speaker 0 00:00:42 Like this. Ah, no, we'll have to stop the next island. We hit and hope it's inhabited so we can get some supplies. It is again, just this burnished, black, the leather Bracer. I'm going to push the jam again. Life's gone. I push it again. It's back in your hand. Oh, that's sick as hell. There Speaker 3 00:01:11 Are just these bright white scars in jacket. Lichtenberg figure patterns stretched all the way across the front of your chest and over your shoulders, that scarring has extended down your back on both sides of your spine. Speaker 0 00:01:30 In a pattern that almost looks like wings. Number one, Speaker 3 00:01:36 Your whole ordeal has given you another source or a level. And number two, your subclass has changed. You are no longer a divine soul sorcerer. You are now a storm sorcerer. Speaker 0 00:01:48 We just our look to run up on east cliff when we need supplied the last century or so we've had a hurricane over on the other side of the island. They've had a Speaker 3 00:01:57 Hurricane for the last century Speaker 0 00:02:01 A little bit down. I bet you 50 gold pieces. This is cave. His work. I can tell. I feel good. I was exaggerating yesterday. I'm going back to chance. No, you're not. Who's Kiva. Oh, it's that conversation. Okay. Ms. Rose, you, uh, wouldn't happen to have any kind of vessel that we could borrow to, uh, take a bit of a trip. There's a, we efficient boat. You three could use if you, uh, really feel that you're up to it. Leo goes, oh, we are. And the captain goes, we are, we are, let's go. Speaker 3 00:02:51 Not long after this exchange, the three of you are crammed into this little one, sailed fishing, dinghy headed straight into the gaping mob of a hurricane. Speaker 4 00:03:02 Leo looks Speaker 3 00:03:03 Intensely seasick, but fiercely determined. The captain looks like he very much wishes to be swallowed by the sea. He's wrestling with the sail one hand back on the rudder and trying to keep this little boat going forward and not capsizing and killing all of you. Speaker 4 00:03:28 Well, he would be fine. Speaker 3 00:03:32 I think the stress of the week he's had might make his heart give out if that happened, actually. So I don't think he would be okay. That's very, yeah. As the wind and torrential rain and waves coming up over the side of this little boat are buffeting you back and forth. And Leo is valuably trying not to lose his lunch. The captain yells up to you at the front of the boat, right? Last you got any plans, uh, you pause and he lets out this hysterical laugh. Speaker 5 00:04:09 Well, don't look at me. I'm just driving the boats. That's all I do. Right. I just drive the boat and things happen to Speaker 4 00:04:14 Me. We'll unpack it later. He kind of looks around and looks up at the storm and just kind of makes a frustrated noise in the back of her throat. And I think she starts to cast control winds or something. I don't think she really knows what she's doing. I think Leo would notice this because Leo is familiar with her magic. She just kind of raises both hands. Like she is pooling power for a spell and the rain just stops in a big bubble around the boat. The wind just changes direction as opposed to like a hurricane swirling around. So it's just ushering the boat towards this landmass. So mechanically, what I just did is I have a new feature because I changed subclasses to storm sorcery. And I have a feature called storm guide where I can just do that. Yes, Speaker 3 00:05:15 You can. You can control rain in a 20 foot radius and wind in a a hundred foot radius Speaker 4 00:05:22 Centered on you. So that will absolutely do it. Do you have your orb out for this? Speaker 3 00:05:30 You notice as you pop up this bubble of protection around the boat and the rain is dripping off the sides into the ocean, the wind calms the seas around you, calm in comparison to what's going on outside of this bubble. Your orb looks really weird. There's electricity inside it in a way that you have sort of seen before, kind of that glowing and dimming light, like something inside of it is breathing almost, Speaker 4 00:06:01 But it's a different Speaker 3 00:06:02 Kind of electricity. It's less lightning and more like a plasma ball. You know what I'm talking about? Like the little lamps from the nineties that you can touch your finger to, and it makes the little connection to your skin. Speaker 4 00:06:17 Yes. And then your hand smells like a penny for like hours. Yes. You Speaker 3 00:06:21 Have those little arcs of Tesla generator like electricity coming out into each of your fingers from the middle of this breathing glowing center of this glass orb and your hand tingles in a weird way that you've never really felt casting magic before, but as the boat moves forward and you keep this circle of protection up around it, you see the entire massive towering structure of this hurricane in front of you, part like a door opening and the seas around you, even outside of this protective bubble, instantly calm Speaker 4 00:07:00 Fi blinks, and then very quietly put their hands back in her lap and just holds the orb in both of them and then says, well, I didn't know. I could do that. Speaker 3 00:07:14 The captain's slowly reaches up and just flicks some water that has pooled on his face away and then goes back to trimming the sails muttering municipally under his breath. Speaker 4 00:07:28 So the rock does magic and the Cape is real and the Cape does magic and there's a girl and she does magic. There's a magical key. The cave out in the middle of the ocean. You know, I really fucking Speaker 5 00:07:40 Miss when all of this was just philosophy that I was too dumb to understand Speaker 4 00:07:47 I'm sitting down and he is standing at the sales. Sophia just like reaches out and pats his knee. I'm fine. I'm fine. This is the weirdest Speaker 5 00:07:57 Fucking week of my life. And that's saying something, but I'm Speaker 4 00:07:59 Fine. And you guys continue sailing forward into this part of the storm. Speaker 6 00:08:06 You to land the boat on an island. That looks very much like the one east cliff is on just miniaturized. It is still this expire of rock sticking straight up out of the ocean. Speaker 2 00:08:17 Very tall. The storm Speaker 6 00:08:20 Closed behind you when you sailed into it. So now you are just in the eye of this hurricane, watching the clouds and the rain and the lightning swirl Speaker 2 00:08:28 Around you. It's very Speaker 6 00:08:31 Dark. All of you are relying on your dark vision to kind of get an accurate picture of what's happening here. But you do see the mouth of a cave up on a little bit of a Ridge, probably 20, 30 feet Speaker 2 00:08:45 Above you. It's going to take like a DC 10 athletics check to get up there. Okay. Um, and I have disadvantage on that yet. Leo is Speaker 6 00:08:55 To give you the help action so you can just roll. So that's a six you slip and fall on your ass. You're going to take one D six fall Speaker 2 00:09:04 Damage. You only take one damage and is going to roll. Ooh, Leo also rolled a six. So Leo takes three damage and the captain is going to roll. Speaker 6 00:09:21 You got a 23. So the captain just effortlessly scrambles up onto this Ridge stops at the mouth of the cave and turns around as though he has forgotten that you are not behind him and then looks down at you and Leo on your asses at the bottom of the Ridge, Speaker 2 00:09:35 He goes, are you too good down there? He just looks up at him. They profound bitch face and says, well, one of us had a wasting disease a few months ago and the other is still extremely injured. So no right. Lowers down Speaker 6 00:09:53 Some rope to you too, and helps pull you up the Ridge so you could get Speaker 2 00:09:56 Up there. Thank you, Darlene. You moved Speaker 6 00:10:00 Move inward through the mouth of this cave. And the walls are shimmering with Aurora like lights of purples and blues and greens and grays perfectly in sync with your, or perfectly in sync with your Cape. If you care to check the captain, doesn't seem to be paying that part much mind though. He is nodding at the edge of a very still pool of water that is coming almost up to the mouth of the cave. There's probably two, three feet of rock in between the mouth of the cave and the beginning of the, Speaker 2 00:10:34 And that's going to be the other issue caves in there. What do you mean the caves in their Subaquatic cave? You swim down Speaker 6 00:10:44 And then you go through a passage and then you come up on the other side and there's air. But well, in terms of a distance, he looks over at you and smirks just a little bit. I swear, I'm asking this as a double entendre, but uh, how Speaker 2 00:10:58 Long can you hold your breath? Class theory raises her eyebrows, smirks at him and starts untying her Cape and says, luckily for both of us quite a while for a half mile swim, not that long. So Speaker 6 00:11:14 Mathematically, here's what this first leg of our dungeon is looking like. You and Leo have to go half a mile underwater, which is 2,640 feet. Exactly. Speaker 2 00:11:27 With your Speaker 6 00:11:28 Movement speed, huh? Because of your exhaustion levels and then have to again, because that's what happens when you do not have a specified swim speed Speaker 2 00:11:39 In D and D. It is going to take Speaker 6 00:11:41 Much, much longer than the three minutes that you are capable of holding your breath, given your constitution to get through this cave. So you and Leo are going to have to figure Speaker 2 00:11:53 Out the cap. Speaker 6 00:11:55 Then meanwhile is a couple feet away from you taking off his boots and unbuttoning his frock coat, taking his shirt off, stuffing it all into this big leather duffel bag that looks like it's been waterproofed. So Speaker 2 00:12:07 He looks back at the two of you and goes, well, I'll be fine. Yes, dear. I'm very happy for you. If he kind of bundles up the Cape and hands it to him and says, could you put that in there please? Certainly he folds it up, sticks it in there, cinches the Speaker 6 00:12:23 Bag, shut. It looks like everything in there is going to stay pretty Speaker 2 00:12:25 Dry. He kind of shrugs over at the two of you. I mean, I've never been and the cave personally, Speaker 6 00:12:32 But from everything I've heard from the people back in east cliff, there's Speaker 2 00:12:36 Nothing on the other side. Anyway, are we sure we want to do this? I'm sure that I have to. Leo says Andy, I'm Speaker 6 00:12:48 Sure that I have to take whatever steps necessary to prevent all of us from dying a horrible death and steps up to the edge of the wall. Speaker 2 00:12:57 He casts control water and uses the part water function of the spell. The wall water in Speaker 6 00:13:04 This pool is less than a hundred feet long. So you can see the floor of this pool up here as he parts the water, but it leads up to a solid wall of water. There's still this Subaquatic cave that you have to get through. He cannot move the space. He just quietly goes shit, but keeps it active. Speaker 2 00:13:26 All right, we've got 10 Speaker 6 00:13:27 Minutes to figure out what we're doing here for you. What can we do? Speaker 2 00:13:31 I could thunder step us about 90 feet of shot, but I can only do that. Give or take seven or eight times. So that's not going to get us the whole way there. Speaker 6 00:13:41 And we can't swim the rest of the way without needing to breathe. I can probably only get us about 200 more feet with the power I've got left. I could cast a couple Speaker 2 00:13:50 More of these. What Speaker 6 00:13:52 If I could give us just enough air to take a breath? And then you thunder step us and we swim until we need to take another breath. And then I do it again. And you thunder. Step us again until we're Speaker 2 00:14:01 Out. Can we do that? I'm holding, I think Speaker 6 00:14:07 Concentration on this right now, and it's really hard, but I've got another spell that lets me create or destroy water. It's about 10 gallons at a time, but that's enough space to get up around our heads and both of us to take break, Speaker 2 00:14:19 Right? Yeah, that would probably be enough. I mean, it wouldn't be a long breadth, but, and it's Speaker 6 00:14:26 Going to, it'd be exceedingly dangerous with water disappearing and then rushing back in around our heads. But I can't think of anything else. I don't have anything that can move us captain. You're going to want to get out way ahead because those thunder steps can be, Speaker 2 00:14:40 Oh yeah. That you don't want to be close to us. When that happens. The captain nods goes by and Speaker 6 00:14:46 Runs down through where Leo has part of the water and just takes a running, dive in and swims off. Speaker 2 00:14:53 Okay. So Speaker 6 00:14:54 We swim as far as we can. I give us a breath. As soon as the water comes back in you thunder, step us. We keep swimming and lather rinse Speaker 2 00:15:02 Repeat, right? Right. Yeah. Here it goes nothing. Okay guys, Speaker 6 00:15:09 Give us a second. We're going to have to do a lot of math. Speaker 2 00:15:25 Okay. So we did the math. What they can do is they can get down through this a hundred feet that Leo has cleared and then they can swim 450 feet before either of them has to take a breath. So that gets them 550 feet in the first three minutes and then fecal thunder step them. And then, because they both have to use their actions. Their movements from there are going to be 430 feet in three minutes. So they are going to need to stop, take a breath. Kassler spells four times before they get to the end. Okay. So let's go ahead and mark all those spell slots off our sheets. You guys give the captain Speaker 6 00:16:03 Several minutes, head start. So he does not get caught in the crossfire of any of these thunder steps that you're about Speaker 2 00:16:08 To drop. And then Speaker 6 00:16:10 You take off as Leo's control, water starts to come down behind you as his concentration erodes and the spell ends. And you dive forward into the subterranean caves. Speaker 3 00:16:26 It is pitch black. You are relying a hundred percent on your dark vision to navigate. As you swim through this water, holding your breath for as long as you can, your lungs are on fire. By the time you close this first stretch and Leo grabs, you pulls you to him under the water and casts a create or destroy water smell. And for a split second, a bubble of air appears around both of your heads. You gasp in a breath. And then as soon as the water closes back and around you, you immediately thunder step further down through this cave that is winding off through the dark water. As your thunder step goes off, there's a flash of light fee and you can see along the walls of this Subaquatic cave are ancient, crumbling, mosaics. You can't even make out what the pictures in them are of anymore, but this place looks extremely, extremely old, like silent city old. You repeat this cycle several more times before your heads break through water. On the other side of this cave, again, it's very dark, but the walls of this cave on the other side have that same soft Aurora like glow that is slightly lighting up the room. Speaker 6 00:17:48 Leo stumbles out of the water. Oh my God. That sucked. Yeah, that was unpleasant. Speaker 2 00:18:00 All right. All right. All right. We did it. The captain Speaker 6 00:18:04 Clear, nearly finished his journey pretty quickly because he's already fully dressed on the other side, waiting for you to ringing about his hair. Speaker 2 00:18:12 If he has just like laid down on the ground for a second, she smirks up at him and says, show off. Well last, what do I have, if not my own pinash he kind of pops the color of it. Frock coat, and then raises Speaker 6 00:18:25 His arms and gestures at this big cave around you. It is towed Speaker 2 00:18:29 Empty. You can tell that Speaker 6 00:18:31 You are standing in the middle of this big stone Spire that is making up this smaller island. He nods as his voice echoes off the dam walls. Like I said, I've never been in here myself, but stories in east cliff go that, Speaker 2 00:18:46 Uh, centuries and centuries ago back when Speaker 6 00:18:49 People were still settling the coast of Tor dune and they'd sail out on raids towns, people would come here and hide the humans and whatnot. Couldn't get through the Subaquatic cave and everyone would be safe. Not sure what you were hoping to find in here for you. But, uh, it looks like some glowy rocks to me, Speaker 2 00:19:07 Does the cave that we're in look like the one from my dream, the glowing walls. Do Speaker 6 00:19:17 You have the feeling that you are probably in the vicinity Speaker 2 00:19:21 Of the right place, but as you are looking around this room, there's no Speaker 6 00:19:26 Stone table that you remember from your dream. There's certainly no sword or sheets. Speaker 2 00:19:32 You don't see Speaker 6 00:19:33 Way out of this cave. That is not back the way you came through. Speaker 2 00:19:38 Can I try to look for anything that looks like it could be part of a mechanism of some kind in the walls? You certainly may. That would be an investigation check. That's a 19 hot diggity. Damn. Okay. You start Speaker 6 00:19:55 Feeling physically feeling your way along the walls with your hands over the Whetstone. Speaker 2 00:20:00 And as you move around, almost completely Speaker 6 00:20:02 Opposite the cave from where this pool of water into Speaker 2 00:20:06 It. You feel a dip in the stone. It's Speaker 6 00:20:12 Like a round half circular hollow. Speaker 2 00:20:17 About how big is it about the size of my orb? Give or take? Yeah. I mean, Speaker 6 00:20:22 If you had to ballpark it, you would say it's exactly the size of your Speaker 2 00:20:25 Orb fee. Kind of tilt their head and goes well, I'll be damned and tastes her orb and tries to fit it into the slot. It slides in. Well, like it was made to the Speaker 6 00:20:38 Walls of this cave. Erupt in light. It hurts your eyes because your eyes are rapidly adjusting to the change of light and your vision whites out for a second. But when you're able to blink things back into focus, there's an Archway in the stone that was not Speaker 2 00:20:58 Fi turns around and smirks at Leo in the captain and says, gentlemen, Leo says nothing, but looks extremely tired. The captain blinks slowly and goes, fuck me running. I'll need you to remember that little trick. The next time I end up in jail last and then just follows you through the Archway. I don't think it would, you know, it doesn't matter. I can get you out of jail. Anyway, the Archway leads into a hallway. Very Speaker 6 00:21:27 Narrow. You guys are going to have to have a marching order to go up because you can not all three walk side by side. It is spiraling up. It looks like it's headed towards the top of this stone. Speaker 2 00:21:38 Spire. There are Speaker 6 00:21:40 No steps. It is a ramp. It's an incline, but it's moving up and around Speaker 2 00:21:46 Marching order wise, given the physical state, that fee is in, I don't think she should be at the front or the back of the pack. I think if he were to stumble or fall and have to take a break, uh, it would be better to have the captain behind her. So I think Leo fee cabin is that we're, we're going in. I'm going to roll a D four. He's fine Speaker 6 00:22:10 Fee. You're next in the marching order. I need you to roll a D Speaker 2 00:22:12 For three. You're fine. And I'm going to roll for the captain. Speaker 6 00:22:22 Okay. Leo treks, on ahead of you headed up this incline, you go behind him and fi from behind you, you hear a Speaker 2 00:22:32 Thunk and the sound of a door opening and the cap. Yeah. Speaker 6 00:22:40 And do you hear that scream Doppler as he just completely falls through the floor? Speaker 2 00:22:45 What you turn Speaker 6 00:22:48 Just in time to see that the captain has stepped on some kind of pressure plate that has opened a trap door beneath him. And before you can turn around to go try to help him. There is a rattling of some kind of mechanism and the trap door shuts itself behind him and locks with a click muffled beneath it. You hear, Speaker 2 00:23:16 He sighs very deeply and says, oh, I'm not having this. And she's going to cash shatter at the door. Okay? Dora, this pit has 20 hit points. That's 14 damage. So I'm going to use empowered spell. Okay. Um, I rolled 19 damage, which is annoying Speaker 6 00:23:37 The door rattles on its hinges. And you hear the captains scream. Speaker 2 00:23:43 Normally the captain will have to roll a concept, but I'm actually going to use my new Mehta magic option to make sure that he does not take any of that. That's fine. Everything Speaker 6 00:23:50 Around him is shaking and crumbling. He's still Speaker 2 00:23:52 Very frightened. I'll apologize. Later. You hear Speaker 6 00:23:57 Just muffled fear. Arius Ocwen cursing under this door. Speaker 2 00:24:03 Thieves tools. I mean, sweetheart hit it hard enough. You could probably break it from inside. Now that's Speaker 6 00:24:10 A strength check. And the captain only has a plus one and it's a DC 20. He's going to try to lock, pick his way out because he has a way better chance of doing that. Speaker 2 00:24:21 He doesn't do it. It's dark in the pit man. Leo goes, I got it. And starts running over the door Speaker 6 00:24:27 Is still hanging on. So it is this thick layer of stone between you guys and the captain underneath you. But Leo pulls this, these tools out of his belt and starts fiddling with the lock gets a plus 13. So that's a 26. The mechanism covering this pit gives way with a click and swings upward. And Leo yells down through Speaker 2 00:24:47 The now open door. Bet. You feel good about those Speaker 6 00:24:50 Padlocks now? Don't you, you son of a bitch. Speaker 2 00:24:54 Yeah. The last, the captain Speaker 6 00:24:57 Looking extremely shaken crawls out of this pit. Speaker 2 00:25:01 Right? Right. Everything's magic. There's a magical Kiva cave. The magical Kiva cave has trips. Okay. Fie is gonna pat his back and say, darling, if you were waiting for things to get less magical, you've really should not be in a relationship with me. And then just starts going. So Speaker 6 00:25:19 Leo knows to check for traps now. So he's going to perception check to do that. Absolutely. That's a Speaker 2 00:25:27 Dirty 20. He spots another pressure plate on the floor and ushers all of you guys around it. And Speaker 6 00:25:34 Then you come up to a door at the very top of this spiraling, narrow hallway. It's a very wide door. You notice like big swinging double doors. Speaker 2 00:25:45 It takes up the entirety of the hallway. But as you're looking at this door, you notice that it Speaker 6 00:25:50 Locks with a key, not with your orb. Like what got you up here, Speaker 2 00:25:55 Right? As the only person here who can't pick a lock, I'll leave this to the two of you. Hey captain, how Speaker 6 00:26:01 About you? Let the professionals handle this. Leo says just with a shit eating smirk. The captain is cussing him out under his Speaker 2 00:26:09 Breath, but allows it. I think as Leo is doing that, feed's going to like try and subtly lean on the captain. Cause it's been a long walk and she's really tired. He holds you up Speaker 6 00:26:20 Very carefully. Just closes one arm around your shoulder and squeezes. Speaker 2 00:26:26 Leo's feeling a little uncertain. So he's going to take a Speaker 6 00:26:30 Closer look at this lock before he tries to pick it. Speaker 2 00:26:34 Okay. So that was an 18 investigation check. And Speaker 6 00:26:37 Then he's going to go ahead and make a thief's tools check to try to open it. Speaker 2 00:26:41 Oh my God. Speaker 6 00:26:43 That was a 16. Even with his plus 13. Cause he rolled a three Speaker 2 00:26:48 And that was a, not enough to open the lock and be Speaker 6 00:26:54 Enough to trigger the trap that he didn't find. Speaker 2 00:26:57 Oh, damn it. Okay. So Speaker 6 00:26:59 Leah is going to have to roll a constitution, saving throw with disadvantage cause it's against Boyson and he Speaker 2 00:27:03 Is Australian. Let's keep happening to him. Speaker 6 00:27:10 Natural 20 and a natural one. So being Australian Leo is vulnerable to poison damage, Speaker 2 00:27:19 Which means he's going to take 32 poison damage as Speaker 6 00:27:25 A poisoned needle, shoots out from this lock and jabs him in the hand and he's poisoned for the next hour. So you and Leo both now have disadvantage on ability checks. And also Leo has disadvantage on attack rolls for the next hour. Speaker 2 00:27:41 This Speaker 6 00:27:42 Needle jabs out of the lock as he tries to pick it. And he goes, Speaker 2 00:27:45 Oh shit. And then reels back, looks down at his hand and Speaker 6 00:27:50 Just lets out this significantly louder, more worried, yell of Speaker 2 00:27:56 Pain. Fuck. Fuck, fuck out. All right, captain. Your turn shit. He's going to reach out and grab them and go, let me see. Let me see. Yeah, it hurts. The captain Speaker 6 00:28:09 Looks a little afraid, but he pulls out his thieves tools and is going to take a crack at it this time. The trap has already been triggered though. So he's not going to get Speaker 2 00:28:15 Hurt by it. He is just kind of like turning his hand over and goes. I mean, do you not have some kind of clarity thing now that you're using that that would help with this? I was a little Speaker 6 00:28:27 Too worried about controlling the fucking ocean this morning to prepare a greater restoration. Speaker 2 00:28:33 That's fair. I'm sorry. I'll handle it. And we get back to town. Oh son of a bitch that, huh? Okay. Captain's going to roll a thief. Stools check captain gets it. So Speaker 6 00:28:46 The door swings open with a click and you look into this chamber again, same softly, glowing walls lit up by this Aurora like pattern that matches your orb and your Cape. Speaker 2 00:29:01 And in the middle of this chamber behind the door, there is Speaker 6 00:29:06 A big flat stone Speaker 2 00:29:08 Table sitting on top of the stone table are two things, a beautiful, it looks Speaker 6 00:29:17 Like maybe mithral long sword with an ornate leather wrapped grip. And at the pommel of this sword, there are empty tines of metal. It looks like they were made to wrap around something round at the pommel of the sword. Next to the sword is sitting a big also appears to be mithral kite shield inscribed with a jagged bolt of lightning. And in the middle of the shield, there is a divot in the metal, perfectly round half sphere looks like it was meant to hold something round. There are two items before you and from your pocket, you feel the orb buzz with electricity. Speaker 2 00:30:09 I'm going to pull the orb out of my pocket. It Speaker 6 00:30:12 Is still flashing with that weird new kind of electricity, that kind of plasma ball energy that arcs out and into your fingertips as you hold it, Speaker 2 00:30:23 The orb Speaker 6 00:30:23 Has done kind of that Impathics communication with you before, when you had your first sort of conversation with Kiva after meeting the captain and you got that overwhelming sense of peace and assurance. When you asked if you could trust him, it does that again. Now, as you're looking down at these two items on the table, you can tell that the orb is drawn to both of them, Speaker 2 00:30:48 But you have this powerful Speaker 6 00:30:51 Gut feeling that you can pick one. And if you try to pick more than one that some deeply bad shit is going down. Speaker 2 00:31:03 I think she got her Cape back from the captain back in the other cave, she's kind of straightened out on her shoulders and I'm going to try to suss out what these things do. That going Speaker 6 00:31:14 To be an Arcana check. You do have disadvantaged because of your exhaustion. Okay? That's a 10, a 10. Is it exactly what you needed to find out? Anything about what either of these items do you get a very vague, magical sense about both of them? Number one, you can tell that the empty spaces in both of these items are going to fit your orb. So that is going to turn whatever you pick into a spell casting focus in addition to whatever else it does, as far as your arcane sense of what they do outside of that, you have a feeling that the shield will do something to boost your defense, but more importantly, the defense of others and that the sword will do something to increase your damage. Speaker 2 00:32:18 I'm going to pick up the shield, okay. Are you plugging the orb into it? Yep. Speaker 6 00:32:24 Instantly attuned to it. There is no waiting period. Speaker 2 00:32:28 You have acquired the magical item. The Tempest shield. It is a spell casting focus. So that means you pretty much just got a free war, castor feat. You can cast as long as you've got the shield in your hand, it is a plus one shield. And Speaker 6 00:32:44 It also gives you the protection fighting style for free. If you are within five feet of another creature that you are allied with, that is being attacked. You can use the shield to impose disadvantage on a tax against that creature. And as you pick up the shield and slot your orbit into it, and it attunes with you, you warp out of the space that you're in momentarily. The captain Leo fully disappear. You're still in the same room, but Kiva standing on the other side of the table, arms crossed in front of her chest nodding slowly down to where you're holding the shield. Interesting choice. Wasn't the right one. Speaker 0 00:33:39 There aren't road, right? Choices for ARRA. There's only looking at the situation at hand and asking yourself, what are you going to do? Speaker 6 00:33:53 Fi looks down at the shield, nods and says, well, I'm figuring that out as I go as are we home? You see Kivas head tilt down. As they look at the shield and your hand, and one glimmering hand emerges from their cloak to almost touch it, but then she pulls it back away and you see that crackling electric facial expression from within the shadows of the hood. Turn up to look at you, man, serve you well. Speaker 3 00:34:30 And then you are jolted back into the space with Leo Speaker 6 00:34:33 And the captain. They look like you've been standing there the whole time and Hey, fun and sexy thing about what just happened. Speaker 2 00:34:41 Fi you're a level one Paladin now. Hell yes. The captain Speaker 6 00:34:47 Kind of looks around the room, blinks over at you and goes Speaker 2 00:34:51 Right, go. What we came for, then let's get the fuck out of here. Could not agree more. Let's go as Speaker 6 00:34:58 You're going back towards this doorway that you came in through, you notice that on the wall directly next to the now open doors, there's a big metal lever set into the stone. Speaker 2 00:35:10 He looks at it for a second and then says, huh, I wonder what this does. And pause it from under your feet, you feel the stone rattle a little bit and you hear a big echoing clunk. Speaker 3 00:35:29 And then the rushing of water. It sounds like water is pouring out this pool down at the bottom of this Spire of rock that you've been up inside. But then behind you, you feel a rumbling in the stone. The three of you turn in unison to look behind you just in time to see a big trap door open in the ceiling of this chamber and a massive stone sphere drops out of the ceiling. As you look down beneath your feet, you see that the floor underneath you is also slightly tilted and this thing just starts rolling towards you. Oops, Leo lets out a scream of her age and just start sprinting. Speaker 0 00:36:23 I'm also going to do that. Uh, my speed is still halved, but Speaker 3 00:36:27 Before we go any further, everybody roll initiative. Leo rolled a 23. The captain rolled a 21 Speaker 0 00:36:39 At 11 and the sphere rolls with plus eight to initiative Speaker 3 00:36:45 14. So here we go. Leo is up first in the initiative. He's taking a dash action and moving 60 feet down this ramp as fast as he can. The captain is going to use his cunning action to do a double dash and running ahead of Leo shoving past him moving 90 feet down the corridor, the sphere's going before you do. You are still in the doorway. You are going to need to make me a dexterity saving, throw 12 beat. You take 67 bludgeoning damages. You get run over by this rock. Speaker 6 00:37:30 You have to hit points left there. Rock is rolling over you. After your break, the captain, what would you like to do? Speaker 2 00:37:39 I'm going to shake a late because I have to hit points and I've had a very bad couple of days stepped back into the room and I'm going to cast telekinesis on this big rock. Speaker 6 00:37:51 It moved 60 feet. You have got exactly the range for that. Speaker 2 00:37:56 I'm going to grab it and just move it back into the room and try and wedge it behind the table. Okay? Speaker 6 00:38:04 You do that. The floor in this room is still sloped. Speaker 2 00:38:08 It might roll. I would advise you to move your ass. I'm going to get 15 feet out of this room. And then when it's my turn again, I'm going to thunder step. As far down this ramp, as I can on Leo's Speaker 6 00:38:24 Turn, he is stopping his movement. When he sees that you are not right Speaker 2 00:38:28 Behind him, he sees to get Speaker 6 00:38:30 Smushed by the rock and then stagger out into the hallway. After you have it back into Speaker 2 00:38:37 The room, he grimaces Speaker 6 00:38:39 At you sympathetically and goes, Ooh, ouch. He doesn't have a regular here. So he's going to have to do a mass healing word because that's all he can do at this distance. So you get 10 head points back and he is waiting for you to catch up. Captain's too far down to see what's going on up here. He's going to use his second turn to double dash again with this kind of action. He's most of the way down this way. Speaker 2 00:39:05 Uh, when it comes back around to my turn, I've got a thunder step and dry even with Leo and then the stagger. And I think sit down and just say, I don't think I can move any more today. It messages into a bed. Okay. And now I'm going to roll Speaker 6 00:39:21 For the stone. I'm just going to roll a, uh, let's call it a strength check. Speaker 2 00:39:28 Not one. It is still Speaker 6 00:39:30 Behind the table. It is not moving this round. Back up at the top of the order with Leo. Leo is going to hit you with a fourth level cure wounds and you get 17 more hit points back. So you're up to 29. He hauls you back up right by the elbow. And yeah, you're going to need to move a little further and keeps pulling you down behind him. Captain again is way far down ahead of you guys with using all those double dashes. I think he's all the way down at the bottom of the tower by this point and is just going to wait for you to catch up. So I'm going to roll another string. Check for the rock. The rock is now starting to again, but you guys have a good bit of distance on it. Do you want to use the rest Speaker 2 00:40:13 Of your actions? Just dash out of here, I'm going to thunder. Step us down again. All right. So Speaker 6 00:40:19 You and Leo thunder step out of this ramp down at the bottom and the Archway that had opened in the cave. You can hear the grinding of the stone starting to roll again Speaker 2 00:40:30 Up above you. And soon Speaker 6 00:40:33 As you teleport into this open space, outside the Archway, the captain reaches out and grabs both of you by the back of your shirts and pulls you flat up against the wall Speaker 2 00:40:44 Fi hisses, because the massive amount of nerve damage that she's taken to her back has gotten hit with a rock and now throwing against the wall, sorry, sorry. It's just, uh, I think that things, and then Speaker 6 00:40:56 You hear the grinding of stone and this big rock comes launching off. The bottom of Speaker 2 00:41:02 This ramp goes bouncing Speaker 6 00:41:04 Across the floor of this big open chamber and crashes into the wall on the other side. And then for a moment, everything is silent. Speaker 2 00:41:16 I'm thinking now that we maybe should have waited a couple of days to do this. Leo Speaker 6 00:41:21 Looks over at the rock and blinks a couple of times, Speaker 2 00:41:24 I'm thinking maybe we shouldn't have done this at all. Let's get the fuck out of here. The Speaker 6 00:41:30 Pool at the bottom of this cave, totally drained. You guys can walk back through. Speaker 2 00:41:37 I am not walking. I was not kidding. I am making the captain, gives me a piggyback ride the entire way back. He does that very willingly. But Speaker 6 00:41:45 As you move back outside into the open air and you look around to where your little fishing boat is docked Speaker 2 00:41:53 On the beach, the storm Speaker 6 00:41:55 Around this island has totally disappeared. It's not there anymore. Speaker 2 00:42:01 Well that makes this easier. Speaker 6 00:42:04 The captain reaches up to grab one of the hands that you have looped around his neck and just squeezes Speaker 2 00:42:09 It. I think it will be easier with a bottle of rum. Once we get back to the village, I wholeheartedly agree. I am so tired now. And Speaker 6 00:42:19 You guys pile into this fishing, dinghy you with a new religious experience. The experience of being run over by a rock and a new magic item. All under your belt, Speaker 2 00:42:34 You all managed to limp your little fishing boat back to east cliff. I still have Speaker 6 00:42:40 My second level spell slots open. I'm going to burn all of those on cure wounds is, and the fee gets back 52 hit points. Speaker 2 00:42:48 Nice. That gets her back up to full. I think she's kind of dozing and the boat, but she kind of reaches over and pats you on the head. As you funnel all of these cure wounds into her and you get back five hip points from her new lay on hands. Ability boat keeps going. He just fully dozes off. I'm planning Speaker 6 00:43:07 On just sleeping off the rest of my healing. I'm functional. I'm up and about. So I'm just going to help the captain, get us back into port and get fi up the stairs. Speaker 2 00:43:18 You pull into port, the captain looks at faith fondly, and then reaches out and just like tap that or cheek until she wakes up. All right, let's back up. You go and then just scoops her back up onto his back. Looks at you and says I've gone to her. If you need a minute, Speaker 6 00:43:36 Is there anywhere in east cliff that you can get a drink? Speaker 2 00:43:40 No, it's not big enough for a Tavern, but drinking alone on the boat is a noble and storied tradition. Got it. Awesome. Settled in back up there. And if she Speaker 6 00:43:52 Wakes up, just tell her I'll be there soon. Okay. Yeah. I don't know how alone I'll be on the boat, but I'm going to go back on the boat and find a great big bottle Speaker 2 00:44:03 Of rum. Yeah, there are a few people on the boat, but it's the middle of the day. A lot of people are up in town. You find yourself a big bottle of rum and down, probably an advisable amount of it. For what I'm thinking of doing next. I need to be Speaker 6 00:44:19 Somewhere private or the captain's quarters locked. Speaker 2 00:44:24 Yes. It's not a very complicated lock. You could probably pick it. Excellent. I break into the captain's quarters. Let me roll for thieves, stools 28. You handily break this lock, which you're going to have to explain later there, but I'll explain Speaker 6 00:44:42 It with this is for the glue in the padlocks you Speaker 2 00:44:44 Asshole. And that's fair enough. You got into the captain's quarters. Speaker 6 00:44:50 They'd like to go sit down at whatever desk Speaker 2 00:44:54 Is. And I pull out my crystal ball. Speaker 6 00:45:00 The person that I'm trying to describe on is very familiar to me. That's already going to be a minus five. I will leave this up to your discretion as a DM. I think I have a physical component. Speaker 4 00:45:14 Okay. What is the physical component? Speaker 6 00:45:17 Leo still has his signet ring that he left Australia with. It is the signet ring of the grand duke of Australia, which means that it is an heirloom. It has been passed down from grand duke to grand duke. Some point in his life Morlin Val sign owned this ring. I will note that everybody else in the world, other than Leo and Moreland who has ever owned this ring is dead and thus cannot be scribed upon. Can I count it as a physical component, like a possession or a garment to take some more points off, I will allow it going to be negative nine to the wisdom. Save that my father is going to get. As I set up the spell and cast a screenings, fell on him. Speaker 4 00:46:12 Marlon does not have proficiency in west saves, which means as a baseline, he gets a plus four. He gets a negative five to say it against the scrying. That is a 14. My Speaker 6 00:46:27 Spell save DC is a 16. What the fuck is he doing right now? Speaker 4 00:46:32 Your father is in his office. You see him sitting at his desk and across the desk from him is the very familiar figure of one vice Admiral defiance. As she sitting there, your father is saying, maybe you should try a little harder. Defiance says your majesty. I'm doing my best. Marlin makes a noise of just discussed and you watch him stand up from the desk and start pacing. He just very calmly says vice Admiral. I know better than anyone, how stubborn my son is, but I would also think someone of your caliber would be able to puzzle her way out of the situation. Don't you agree? Speaker 4 00:47:25 Defiant says I don't enjoy the thought of being shot full of lightning, your majesty. So all I have is my words. Ron makes a sharp gesture. He says, look stubborn though. He might be the boys. Also very suggestible. If you give him something he thinks he wants, then it will make things exponentially easier for you. Apparently what he wants right now is to think he's doing the noble thing and protecting his sister. So I suggest that you leave her out of the equation. He makes a vague gesture out the window. Let him think he's playing hero froing himself on the sword. I don't care what you say because it doesn't matter. Speaker 2 00:48:16 I'm sure sailors of the caliber that serve under you can grab one little girl Speaker 4 00:48:22 With no magic and delusions of grandeur. Defiance tilts her head a little bit. She says a fair assessment. I'm sure I will. And she airs her teeth for a second. And she says, try again, your majesty Marlin nods to himself, scrubs the hand down over his face. You better. I expect to receive a missive when you land in Pearl port. Now, if you would, and then he gestures her towards the door. And if I stands up, gets a little curtsy and walks out, Speaker 6 00:49:01 I'm keeping the scrying going. I keep watching him. I have two more spell slots left. I have one third level and one fourth level I have sending prepared. I kept sending at third level to my father. I get 25 words. The message says, you've got one thing, right? Old man, your son is protecting his sister someday soon. There won't be anything to protect you from me Speaker 4 00:49:37 Through the scrying you watch as your father sitting at his desk, straightens up and his posture goes very stiff. He tilts his head like he is looking around the room. I'm going to roll a quick Arcana check 23. She doesn't quite lock eyes with your scrying sensor, but he definitely looks toward it. You watch this just little bitter smile across his face. You get a sending and return that says that's a nice party Trek. You could stop. What's about to happen. All you have to do is turn yourself in willingly. Speaker 6 00:50:29 I've got one more spell slot left. I'm still maintaining concentration. I use that last spell slot to fire off another Sunday. Speaker 4 00:50:37 I don't think I will. Kimmerle sends his regards, which one of us is really doing his work. Speaker 6 00:50:46 I know the answer. Do you Speaker 4 00:50:50 Pause, as he continues, looking at where he thinks the scrying sensor is and then his lip curl and you get a sending back that just says, I will see you soon. Remember that you should, as this Speaker 6 00:51:06 I'm watching him, I'm watching him until that 10 minutes are up Speaker 4 00:51:11 Trying to keep eye contact with scrying spell until as soon Speaker 6 00:51:16 As the smell runs out, I put the crystal ball away. I walk off the boat as calmly as I can go down the dock. And then as soon as I am around something that I can destroy, I just chill. Touched sacred. Flame, told the dead everything in a 10 foot radius and scream, and then he needs them. So Leo is going to put himself back together the best he can and take off up the stairs, back towards town, Speaker 2 00:51:53 The room where she's been staying her brand new shiny shield is leaned up against the wall. And her Cape is thrown over a chair. She is out like a light in the bed and the captain's just laying next to her braiding. A little bit of her hair, just smiling fondly. I'd like to double-check to make sure that fee is out. It seems like she was already planning to go into a trance. And also she took a lot of pain medication before she did. You could probably have a parade in here and she wouldn't wake up. Leo is Speaker 6 00:52:26 Very carefully controlling his own body language and his movements. So as to not absolutely Hoke out in the way that he very much wants to right now, he grabs the captain by the shoulder, very tightly and leans down into his ear and whispers. We're going to have company when we get to Pearl port, my father sending defiance. Oh, for Speaker 2 00:52:51 What? But it's not going to be good. The captain goes very, very, still. He nods to himself and then slowly untangled his finger from fee's hair. Right? We'll have two pinches the bridge of his nose. He says to plan for that captain aye, Speaker 6 00:53:14 As carefully and quietly as he can, Leo nods down at fi Speaker 2 00:53:19 He wants her, the rest of us. I think he wants to it. But as the Speaker 6 00:53:24 Only other here, fully apprised of the situation, I think you need to know that Speaker 2 00:53:30 The captain follows your gaze looks at sea for a long moment. And then he nods and he says, well, that just isn't going to be fucking happening it. No, no, it's not. I want to take a walk. And then he just walks out. Fee's still more unconscious than not makes kind of a unhappy noise in her sleep and just curls toward the warm spot in the bed where the captain was. I laid down and I grabbed her hand. It takes a couple of weeks for the ship to be sea worthy. In that time. I think you were all just hanging around east cliff. I think you spent a lot of spells slots making food, unless there's anything else that you would like to do. I would like to, to Speaker 6 00:54:20 Attempt daily, to keep scrying on the old man, actually, Speaker 2 00:54:26 You managed to do that for like a couple of days, and then it starts getting blocked, like magically. Like you are not able to scribe on him anymore. As you leave the village of east cliff behind, what are you doing? Speaker 6 00:54:43 We're on the boat headed for purport. I'm probably just up on deck trying to do rogue practice, like throwing the knife at a target and then using my Bracer to zap it back into my hand repeatedly, Speaker 2 00:54:58 As you're doing that, fi walks up to you and just kind of tilts her head and goes, that's a neat new trick. Yeah. I'm practicing layering. Speaker 6 00:55:09 Well, sine is not a serious man by nature or at least he didn't use to be, but he has been very grim throughout the entire time that the ship has been sailing towards Pearl port. He has been very serious and very quiet Speaker 2 00:55:27 Fi I think after those couple of weeks and said, cliff is mostly back on her feet. If you've asked her, she is still in a significant amount of pain, but she is physically up and going. She gingerly leans against the wall next to your target raises her eyebrows at you and says, so you've had quite the be up your bonnet. You want to talk, Leo Speaker 6 00:55:55 Throws the knife at the target again, and then zaps it back into his hand. Speaker 2 00:56:00 I may have done something stupid feed, tilts her head. And I think smiles a little bit. And she says, is this where I get to talk about how much I don't like fuck around and find out Leo? Well, the thing is that I didn't do either of those actually it Speaker 6 00:56:19 Was the old ban that fucked around. And then unfortunately it was also the old man that found out, Speaker 2 00:56:28 You know, that was a super ominous thing to say. Right. You know, you can't end the sentence there. Yes. Oh, I'm well aware. Just checking. What did you do? Well, when we got back from Speaker 6 00:56:42 The island, I thought that it might be prudent to check in on him and see what was going on there. And it turns out that what was going on was, um, irredeemably viral shit as per usual. Speaker 2 00:56:58 And I've been trying really Speaker 6 00:57:02 Hard to keep the fact that I had magic from him this entire time, because I was really waiting on the surprise. Speaker 2 00:57:08 You know, the, the moment of, yeah, fuck you Speaker 6 00:57:12 Stab, stab magic magic. Speaker 2 00:57:15 Yes, of course. The classic maneuver stab, stab magic magic. It turns out that he Speaker 6 00:57:21 Said a few things that were so vile that I made a bit of an impulsive decision to, um, drop a sending spell and let him to a degree know how much I'm capable Speaker 2 00:57:36 Of, oh, pinches the bridge of her nose, nods to herself a couple of times and says, well, I hope that was worth it. I suppose don't think it was, but I sure hope I scared the living dog shit out of him. Leo throws Speaker 6 00:57:55 The knife again and zaps it back into his hand. Speaker 2 00:57:59 Okay, well, uh, he knows what both of us are capable of now then, uh, w which I suppose will be a problem for when we face him. Uh, Speaker 6 00:58:16 And speaking of things that we need to consider in terms of magical abilities and things that everybody knows, Speaker 4 00:58:24 We're not too far out from Pearl port. I don't want to go into too much detail about what I heard, because it was for the most part, awful and useless, but I want you to make me a promise. Uh, sure. Once we talk, I don't want you going where I can't see you. And if that becomes impossible, then you need to not go beyond where the captain can see you. Can you just promise me that feed bristles a little bit, despite race in defense, I can take care of myself. Speaker 2 00:59:08 I don't need you or the captain looking over my shoulder Speaker 4 00:59:12 Fee. I am well aware of just how informed about the situation you are. So I feel like it is necessary for me to tell you that defiance is likely going to be meeting us in Pearl port. And she has orders. You need to not go anywhere alone for just like a second feet. Looks really afraid. So she'll be going after me. Then can't say, I didn't see that coming. All right, fine. I, I won't go anywhere without backup. Well, if it's any comfort, at least she wants you alive. Everybody else in the situation. I don't know if I can say the same for, and on that note, I don't think you should go anywhere without backup either wasn't planning on it, but it's good to know that we're in agreement that we've got each other's backs. Once we make landfall on port, she gives you kind of a weird look. She says, well, yes, that was never in question. Yes, of course your right face snorts. And she says, nice to hear you recognize it, but who are you? And what have you dealt with my brother? Not quite sure what I've done with them yet, but I'm someone that loves you very much. Is that enough? Yes. You Sapp. Speaker 4 01:00:54 I'm going to reach out and hug her. Speaker 6 01:01:01 I see you're on a several week journey from east cliff, two per report, but there is no need to wait for Pelican to call land ho as you approach the city, it is the dead of night. As you are sailing through the storm tossed waters with thunder and rain pounding down around you Speaker 2 01:01:26 And the city Speaker 6 01:01:27 Of proport appears like a beacon off the prowl of the ship. You immediately think of the walls of the cave, where you found your new shield. That lit up with these stormy shifting lights of grays and blues and purples and greens, the entire island, where the city of Pearl port rests, glows in a very similar way under the Moonlight as you approach it, it is massive. This city is easily twice the size of Kim Tara. It is huge and it looks old, something, this big has to be old. Speaker 2 01:02:17 The Speaker 6 01:02:17 Scuffle of the crew, running back and forth, getting ready to pull the ship into dock has woken you up, brought you up on deck and you are standing in between Leo and the captain on the prowl of the ship. Just watching yourselves sail in. Is there anything you would like to do before you dock the ship? Speaker 2 01:02:42 Thank fie is too busy. Looking at the city to think of something. Speaker 6 01:02:47 I'll give you a choice here. You can roll perception or religion. Speaker 2 01:02:52 Well, my religion modifier is double my perception one. So I'm going to roll that. I'm going to use a reroll 16 Speaker 6 01:03:04 As the ship cuts through the water, rolling into the Harbor of this massive city that is shooting up miles and miles over your head. You remember a certain passage in the book about how Demora this mythological figure had a hammer that could forge sea and stone and wind and light. And you watch as this island glows in the night and you feel something just at the core of you deep and ancient that for a moment. You're not sure that you know what coming home feels like, but you think that this must be something close. You move into the Harbor or the crew sets about Moring the ship down onto the docks. And you hear the door from below decks, crash open underneath you. After a few seconds at Miriam Adler comes storming up the stairs, looking tired. She's in her pajamas, very noticeably, Speaker 2 01:04:15 Oh, well, I hate to ask it like this, but are we there yet? Speaker 6 01:04:20 The captain noticeably flinches and goes, Speaker 2 01:04:24 Hi. You know, every time I hear that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I just keep thinking more and more. That it's bullshit. Roll insight. That was in that 27th of 19. I think with that Nat 20, the captain Speaker 6 01:04:43 Feels so off-kilter that he does reach down and try to grab for your hand and squeezes super hard. You watch him looking at the opalescent glow of the city. Under the Moonlight. He reaches his other hand down and rubs at one of the big horizontal scars across his chest. And then he looks down at the floor beneath you as if he is staring down into the cruise quarters, beneath your feet. The ship finishes moving its way into port and the crew starts doing what they need to do to get you all docked, throwing out ropes, dropping the anchor. Speaker 2 01:05:25 The captains still Speaker 6 01:05:26 Looks at really freaked and Leo looks on the easy but determined. As far as you can tell, your brother looks way more equipped to deal with the current situation than the captain does. And the captain is not trying super hard to hide Speaker 2 01:05:45 It. He's going to squeeze his hand, Miriam Adler out Speaker 6 01:05:50 Of everybody on this deck right now looks the most holy on bothered by everything. She's looking off towards the lights of the city. Arking up across this big mountain ahead of you. Speaker 2 01:06:02 And she goes, oh, okay. This breadth of legislatures Speaker 6 01:06:05 Are going to end. Then she pauses because the captain puts one hand up Speaker 2 01:06:12 Merriam, we're going to have to belay that conversation. Marianne tilts her head to the side. Ah, why? Because my wife is home. Speaker 6 01:06:25 As you are standing there with the captain and Miriam and Leo Speaker 4 01:06:30 On the prowl of the ship. You hear something really weird, Speaker 3 01:06:35 Thud, thud, like metal pounding into wood. And in addition to that, you hear odd metallic jingling in time with this weird percussion, I'm Speaker 0 01:06:57 Gonna walk over, look over the side Speaker 3 01:07:02 With a jingle and a thud and the sound of dripping water you see, and the <inaudible> Elvin woman loop Speaker 6 01:07:17 Leg over the railing of the ship and the Speaker 3 01:07:20 Bored brown skin, dark eyes, slate, gray hair, leather Speaker 6 01:07:28 Bracers Laden down with silver Speaker 3 01:07:30 Bells on her wrists and ankles. Sabine Javares takes two steps over towards you fi immediately and closes to wet, but warm hands on either side of your face. Are you all right? Speaker 4 01:07:53 I'm fine. This is quite an entrance you're making. I would really like to kiss you on the mouth right Speaker 3 01:08:00 Now. She very firmly locks Speaker 6 01:08:03 Two hands on either side of your face and Speaker 3 01:08:05 Pulls you very tightly into a quick and fleeting kiss, because what happens next is that she pulls, snaps her head around to look at the captain, raises one hand and flicks her wrist so that her Bracer jingles and a ball of fire appears on her Palm. Hello, sweetie. The captain had dropped a one hand down to the Cutlass of his side, but then raises both of them slowly over his head. Now last we don't need to get too hasty about all of this. Let's just sit down and have a task and Sabine, fully chucks, a fire bolt at him. Okay. Speaker 0 01:08:54 Let's let's all come down. Speaker 3 01:08:57 Sabine did not hit him with that fire. Bolt it sizzles into the damp wood of the ship behind him. The captain still with two hands up, raises both eyebrows at her and goes, oh, you just tried to shoot fire at me. All right. So we're doing this. He reaches down to his belt, unsheathed his Cutlass and takes one big striding step towards her. Everybody on the deck is going to need to roll initiative Speaker 6 01:09:36 And to that is where we are going to end for this week. Bet. You wish you hadn't chickened out now. Hubud fuck. Speaker 2 01:09:46 I thought she'd be in town. I could explain this and that's Speaker 3 01:09:51 Just not how it turned out. Was it? So we're going to figure out where this goes next time. Speaker 1 01:10:00 <inaudible> Hey, Speaker 6 01:10:15 Everybody Barry here with the postscript, just clearing up a couple of housekeeping things here. At the end of the episode, you can find us on social media on Twitter, Tumblr, and Tech-Talk at compelled duel. You can also find us on Tik TOK at compelled dual audios, or we post audio snippets from the show. We have lots of other cool stuff available, like our official Spotify account, our official website. You can find all of that linked on our various social media Speaker 2 01:10:37 Profiles. We do Speaker 6 01:10:39 A weekly Q and a live stream over on our YouTube channel. So if you want to head over there and subscribe to us, come hang out while we answer some of your questions about the episodes. And generally just have fun. We'd love to see you if you're liking what you're hearing so far, and you'd like to support the podcast we ask that you consider heading over to patrion.com/compelled dual and checking out some of our patron benefits starting at just $2 a month. You can get things like early access to new episodes, access to exclusive playlist, other bonus episodes and bonus content, or even letters from your favorite character every month. If you're interested in supporting the podcast in ways, other than pledging to the Patrion, if you're listening to us on apple podcasts, we'd really appreciate it. If you would consider leaving us a rating and a review, because that helps the show get promoted to a wider audience and helps us grow our listener base. Speaker 2 01:11:27 And as always Speaker 6 01:11:28 Word of mouth advertising is the most powerful tool available to us. So if you like the show, we just ask that you tell a couple of friends about it and if they like it to ask them to tell a couple friends, episode 14 is going to be going live on Friday, September 10th, 2021. Or if you are a member of our Patriot and you'll be getting your early access to that on Thursday, September 9th. Thank you guys so much. And we'll see you next week.

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Episode Cover

Episode 15 - The Stormbringer

Phirora struggles to reconcile an onslaught of new information with her day-to-day life. Relationships are tested. Fen gives an ultimatum. Aravae has an idea....
